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104 Cards in this Set

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What contemporary political scientists call an interest group, James Madison called a...


The Teamsters and the AFL-CIO are examples of what kind of interest group?

Labor groups

Interest groups are concerned with the __________ of government, while political parties are concerned with the __________ of government.


The Christian Coalition is best described as an __________ group.


The National League of Cities is a good example of

Public Sector Interest Group

Successful interest groups quickly become


Approximately how many members does AARP have?

38 million

The increased number and importance of interest groups is a...

response to an increase in the size and activity of government

Since the 1930s, the number and scale of interest groups at the national level has

Increased dramatically

The first organized interest groups arose in response to the

Economic interventions of the 1890’s

Lobbying is...

An attempt by an individual or group to influence the passage of legislation by exerting direct pressure on a member of congress or a slate legislator.

What is the most important and beneficial resource that lobbyists provide government officials?


The practice of lobbying is protected by

By the 1st amendment

Another name for lobbying is


An iron triangle is made up of an alliance between

A legislative committee, an interest group, and an executive agency

Interest groups can use the courts to influence public policy by

1.bringing a suit directly on behalf of the group.

2. financing suits brought by individuals.

3. filing a companion brief as amicus curiae to an existing court case.

What is the primary function of a political action committee?

A fundraising arm, it organizes for the party,

A political action committee (PAC) can contribute __________ to any candidate for federal office, provided it contributes to at least five different federal candidates each year.


By 2007, there were approximately __________ PACs in the United States.


Which of the following has been more heavily regulated as a result of 2002 campaign-finance reforms?

soft money

When are national elections held in the United States?

Always the 1st Tuesday of November

When a congressional election is held that does not coincide with a presidential election, it is called a

midterm election

When a voter must be registered with a party prior to voting in that party’s election, it is called a...

closed primary

Recall elections are an electoral device first used by the


Primary elections were introduced by the __________ in order to weaken the power of party leaders.


Which of the following politicians has been recalled from office?

California Governer, Grey Davis

Most European nations employ what system of elections?

Proportional representation

Smaller and weaker parties are most likely to have electoral success under...

proportional representation systems

A majority electoral system, which is used on a limited basis in the United States, requires that a candidate must acquire __________ to win an election.


The boundaries of legislative districts in the United States are to be redrawn every __________ years.


When the Supreme Court announced the principle of “one person, one vote,” what did it mean?

Within a state, electoral districts must have roughly equal populations.

The practice of __________ means that district boundaries have been purposefully drawn to unfairly advantage one group or party.


If you voted for a Republican for president and a Democrat for senator, you engaged in

Split ticket voting

The result that is produced when voters cast a ballot for the president and then automatically vote for the remainder of that party’s candidates is called...

The coat-tail effect

The __________ is the last example of indirect voting in national elections.

The electoral college process

Who is the incumbent?

A current office holder running for re-election

What year marked the first time a major political party held a convention?


The majority of PACs represent

Business and professional groups

Money contributed directly to a political party, to be used for voter registration or party building, is called

Soft money

PACs came to prominence during


The newest federal cabinet department is

Department of Homeland Security

According to a 2007 poll, __________ percent of the U.S. population knew that Harry Reid was the Senate majority leader, while approximately __________ percent knew that Arnold Schwarzenegger was the governor of California.

30% might know who harry reed is

Survey data shows that the level of Americans’ political knowledge is

Low and spotty

What aspect of citizenship was most important for the ancient Greeks?

Talking and debating

In order to be a good citizen, it is most critical to possess

Knowledge – namely political knowledge

Studies show that an increasing number of young Americans receive their political knowledge from

Late night comedy shows

Of the nearly 200 governments in the world, what is the estimate of the number of actual constitutional democracies?


Government can best be defined as

The institution by which a territory and its people are ruled

A government that accepts no legal limits on its power but may accept the restraint of other social institutions, such as churches, is known as


If the government were controlled by a small group of wealthy landowners and corporate leaders, this would be best described as


Who said that the best government was the one that “governed least”?

Thomas Jefferson

The willingness to be restrained by the power of social institutions, but not political or legal institutions, is a hallmark of a(n) __________ regime.


A government that is formally limited by laws and rules is called

Constitutional government

The key group in Europe that pushed for limited government was

The bourgeoisie

John Locke and John Stuart Mill are important philosophers for which of the following ideologies?

Libery and political rights

Why did the Progressives support women’s suffrage in the early twentieth century?

Progressives supported women suffrage because they believed women would support their reform movement

Who described politics as “who gets what, when, and how”?

Harold lasswell

Direct democracy is best defined as

A system that allows citizens to vote directy on all laws, policies, and statutes.

Throughout American history, the concept of liberty has been linked to

Limited government

The Bill of Rights was designed to protect


In American political culture, economic freedom means

Laissez-faire capitalism

The term laissez-faire means

Leave alone

The Constitution’s Preamble, beginning with the words “We the People . . .,” is an illustration of what principle?

The principle of popular sovereignty

The separate but equal doctrine was introduced in what Supreme Court case?

Ples v. ferguson

In __________ women were granted the constitutional right to vote.


What was the primary goal of the Constitution’s framers?

To create an efficient and effective government

What led the British to raise taxes on the American colonists during the 1760s?

The french and indian war

Who defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre?

John Adams

The Stamp Act was a

tax on commerce

The events that led to the Revolutionary War were triggered by which of the following?

The british increasing taxes on the colonies,

Who orchestrated the Boston Tea Party?

Sam Adams

The first written constitution for the United States was called

The Articles of the Confederation

How was power in Congress divided under the Articles of Confederation?

Each state had one vote

Under the Articles of Confederation, it was left to the __________ to execute the laws passed by Congress.


The Articles of Confederation were adopted in


What was the purpose of the Annapolis Convention?

To discuss the weakness of the articles of the confederation

A conference held to analyze perceived flaws in the Articles of Confederation was called the

Annapolis convention

The 1787 convention to draft a new constitution was held in


Shays’s Rebellion was significant because it

It demonstrates that, under the articles, the government is inefficient and ineffective.

The Virginia Plan of the Constitutional Convention proposed a system of representation in the national legislature that was based upon

Representation is based on the size of each state and their contribution of state revenue

At the Constitutional Convention, the plan to create a Congress where representation was distributed according to population was called the

Virginia plan

What did the New Jersey Plan propose for Congress?

Representation is equal for each state

During the Philadelphia Convention, the New Jersey Plan was supported by

The less populous states

The Great Compromise led to the

The creation of a bicameral congress

Bicameralism is a constitutional principle that means the

Division of congress into two chambers

James Madison believed that in the Constitutional Convention the greatest conflict of interests was between

Northern and southern states

What is the Three-fifths Compromise?

3 out of every 5 slaves would be counted for the purpose of representation and taxation

The ability of the president to veto a bill passed by Congress is a good example of what principle of limited government?

Checks and balances

The system of shared powers, divided between a central government and the states, is called


What is the term length of a member of the House of Representatives?

2 years

The three branches of government created by the Constitution are

Legislative, executive, judicial

Procedures outlining how to amend the Constitution are found in Article

Article 5

Only one-third of the Senate is up for re-election during any single election year, because the framers believed that

This is only way to protect the senate from radical changes

Judicial review is the power of

The courts get to decide on the constitutionality of the actions taking by the other branches of the goverment

What is the term length of a federal judge?

Life, barring impeachment

To amend the Constitution requires a __________ vote by Congress, and approval by __________ of the states.

2/3 vote in congress and ¾ of the states

The supremacy clause

States that the constitution and all laws under it, are superior to any state laws

The Federalists believed that the most apparent source of tyranny was

The popular majority

The essential dilemma of a limited government raised by the ratification debates is that

Government that is too weak to do harm cannot do good.

The most important political value for the framers of the Constitution was...

Individual Liberty

How many times did Huxley marry?


1984, one word description


BNW, one word description


BNW and 1984 are examples of what genre?
