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89 Cards in this Set

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A federal governement is one in which power is divided between a ______ government and _____ governments.
central; local
Which theory affirms that the state is a contract between the leader and the people?
Social contract theory
Four characteristics of a state?
population, territory, sovereignty, government
Tennessee lacks which basic of a state?
What is the dominant politicak unit in the world today?
The economy of the United States is best described as a ____?
mixed economy
In a democracy, supreme authority belongs to ____?
the people
A unitary system of government is characterized by ____?
single central power
Where does sovereignty rest in a dictatorship?
the dictator
The government of the United States is ___?
WHich colony was founded mainly as a place for imprisoned prisoners?
Which state constitutions is the oldest and still inforced today?
At the philadelphia convention, the delegates agreed ti draft ____?
the constitution
The first national government for the united states was ____?
the constitiution
The magna carta is an english document that limited ____?
the kings power
The virginia plan called for a government with ___ seperate branches.
Who won the debate over ratifying the constitution?
the concept of representative government means that the government should serve _________________?
will of the people
The government set up by the articles of conferation had NO power to impose or collect ____, NO ______ court system and NO __________ branch.
taxes, national, executive
In the charter colonies, most governmental decisions were handles by ___________?
people/ colonists
the concept of limited government means that the government is __________ in what it may do by the ________________.
restricted, bill of rights
the bill of rights was added to the constitution to meet the demands of the ___________.
when there is a seperation of powers, power is distributed among ____________
3 branches of government
how many amendments does the US constitution have at the present time?
the presidents power to veto an act of congress is an example of ____?
checks and balances
when there is a seperation of powers, power is distributed among ____________
3 branches of government
how many amendments does the us constitution have at teh present time?
the presidents power to veto an act of congress is an example of ____?
checks and balances
the basic constitutional rights of the poeple were firts set out in the _______?
bill fo rights
once ratified, a constitutional amendment may only be changed by _________?
another amendment
which brnach of the federal governmetn is able to propose an amendment?
the us constitution is made up of about ___ words?
what is the "supreme law of the land" according to the supremacy clause?
which powers can teh national govt legally exercise?
expressed, implied, inherit
the reserved powere belong to the __________?
overtime, the ideas first developed by minor parties are often ____ by major parties?
parties that hols a particular set of beliefs and have often supported socialists thinking are known as ______ parties.
the 2 party system developed in the US mainly b/c conflicts over ________ emerged.
the constitution
the functions of the major parties in the US today include ______ candidtes for office, insuring ________ are qualified and performing well, and keeping _____ informed about key issues.
nominate, candidates, public
a 1 party system exists in nearly all _____ today.
In the US a political aprty is a group that trues the control the _________ by winning _______ and holding ___________.
govt, elections, public office
the term political socialization can be defined as the process by which people formulate their _____________.
attitudes and opinions.
voting for candidates of different parties in the same election is called _______ voting
split ticket
today many states require that all voters be ____ of the US and ______ of the state
citizens, residents
these have been used to keep african americans from voting: ____ taxes, _________ tests, and ____ pressures
poll, literacy, social
the provisions of the coting act of 1965 apply to all ____, state, and __ elections
local, national
which amendment lowered the voting age to 18 in 1971?
in general more people vote during __________ elections
the functions of the major parties in the US today include ______ candidtes for office, insuring ________ are qualified and performing well, and keeping _____ informed about key issues.
nominate, candidates, public
a 1 party system exists in nearly all _____ today.
In the US a political party is a group that rules the control the _________ by winning _______ and holding ___________.
govt, elections, public office
the term political socialization can be defined as the process by which people formulate their _____________.
attitudes and opinions.
voting for candidates of different parties in the same electino is called _______ voting
split ticket
these have been used to keep african americans from voting: ____ taxes, _________ tests, and ____ pressures
poll, literacy, social
a 1 party system exists in nearly all _____ today.
the provisions of the coting act of 1965 apply to all ____, state, and __ elections
local, national
today many states require that all voters be ____ of the US and ______ of the state
citizens, residents
which amendment lowered the voting age to 18 in 1971?
in general more people vote during __________ elections
the percentage of eligible voters who cast a bsllot in a election is called ______.
voter turn out
ina closed primary only ______________ may vote
declared party members
national elections are held the _________ after the first monday in _____________ in _______ numbered years
tuesday, november, even
the most widely used nominatung method in teh US today is the __________
direct primary
attitudes held by a significant numbe rof people concerning governmental and political questions are known as ___________.
public opinion
which form of mass media is now the principle source of political info for about 80% of teh population of teh US?
which is the earliest and one of the most significant factors that shape public opinion?
senators are elected to serve ___ years.
how often must members of congress meet?
at least once a year
what are 3 qualifications for house of reps?
1. at least 25 yrs old
2. american citizen for 7 yrs
3. resident of state he/she reps
in congress choosing bills for floor consideration is a major duty of ___________
committee members
what are 3 qualifications for senators?
1. at least 30 yrs
2. citizen for 9 yrs
3. must live in state
how much do members of congress get paid per year?
the number of seats held by each state in the House of reps is based on ________
onyl the _________________ can propose a bill dealing with raising money.
house of reps
in the VP absence the presiding officer of the senate is the ___________.
president pro tempere
what are the 3 qualifications to become president according to the constitution
1. at least 35 yrs old
2. born in US
3. lived in US at least 14 yrs
according to the presidential sucession act of 1947 which officer follows the VP in the line of presidential sucession?
Speaker of House
As of january 20, 2001 the president receives a yearly salary of ___?
a president can serve no morre than ___ yrs in office.
which federal court exercises both original and appellate jurisdiction?
supreme court
the court that first hears a case is said to have ____ jurisdiction
judges of the federal courts are appointed for ____.
which federal court has original jurisdiction over 80% of the cases heard in federal court?
district court
the list of cases to be eard by a court is called a _________.
an example of symbolic speech is wearign ______.
a cross
civil liberties are best defined as protections against _______.
the free exercise clause gives people the right to believe whatever they choose to believe in matters of _____.
which 1st amenment clause prevents the government form establishing a mandated religion and sets up wall separating church and state?
establishment clause