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37 Cards in this Set

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Checks and balances

System that stops one branch of government gaining to much power

Due process

Doing things the correct way in a trail

Electoral college

Each state gets a number of eletroal votes

Enumerated powers

Tells each branch what they can and cant do


Fair trial


State government shares power with national government

Limited government

Government is restricted by law

Natural rights

Rights that every citizen has cannot be taken away

Popular sovereignty

Government is based on consent of people

Property rights

Right to own your property

Religious liberty

Freedom of religious opinion and worship

Representative government

The people get to decide who represents them in government

reserved powers

Power not granted to the government but to the people

Rule of law

All people are apilable to the law that is fairly applied and enforced

Sepration of powers

An act vesting the legislative, executive, and judical powers of government in separate powers

Social compact

Agreement among memebers of a society to come together for a government

John locke

People had ability to govern themselves and government would protect it also natural rights

Thomas hobes

Humans are selfish, not trusted to make over descisions all people are equal

Magna carta

Limited kings power, forced king to follow rules, promised to not raise taxes, people had right to war if king broke rules

English bill of rights

Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly prohibited creul and unusual punishment parliament controled taxing not the king

Mayflower compact

Pilgrams drew up an agreement that the passengers would stay in a civil body politic just equal laws under god

Comon sense

People had right to institute a new government and revolt., clean language written for thr people


House of representatives based on population senate is two for every state


For every 5 slaves it would count as 3 population


Government taxes imports not exports

Powers of election of president

Eletroal college


Bill of rights

Amendment 1

Freedom of religion, speech, and the press

Amendment 2

The right to bear arms

Amendment 3

The housing of soldiers

Amendment 4

Protection froms unreasonable seraches and seizures

Amendment 5

Protection of natural rights

Amendment 6

Rights of accused persons in a criminal case

Amendment 7

Rights in civil cases

Amendment 8

Excessive bail fine and cruel punishment

Amendment 9

Other rights kept by the people

Amendment 10

Undelagated powers kept by the untied states and the people