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40 Cards in this Set

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what happens to the placenta in preeclampsia?

what is preeclampsia
toxemia of pregnancy usually occurs in the third tirmester of pregnancy (
CLINICAL FINDINGS: diastolic HTN, proteinuria, and pitting edema

KEY: placental hypOferfusion results
Patient has preeclampsia and seizures, DX?
Monochorionc twin placenta has to BE?
idental twins (monozygotic), only on egg fertalized,
This hormone directly correlates w/ placenta mass and insulin activity
human placental lactogen
Patient has HTN, proteinuria and pitting edema and they are in their fist trimester of pregnancy?
Preeclampsia caused by a complete mole
malignancy of trophoblastic tissue, DX?
increased AFP during pregnancy means
neural tube defect
L:S ration>2 means
suficient surfactant
Where is estriol derived from during pregnancy?
fetal adrenal


maternal liver
which cancer arises from nipple
pagets disease
what is the most common cause of bloody nipple discharge in a womnen under 50?

where does it arise from
intraductal papilloma

arises from the lacteriferous duct
most common breast mass in women under 50 is?

where does it arise from
FIbrocystic change-arises from the major duct
on breast examination it feels lumpy and bumpy, DX?
FIbrocsytic change...cysts and fibrosis (no malignant potential)
what is the most common breast tumor in womne under 35?

where does it arise from

which cancer arises from the terminal duct?
tubular carcinoma
On histology the glands look squished, DX?
what are the two main risk factors for developing breast cancer?
prolonged estrogen use and genetically susceptible background
this cancer is bilateral***and arises in teh lobules
Lobular carcinoma
lobular carcinoma is analgous to what cancer in the ovary
serous cystadenoma/carcinoma
most common cancer in the breast in women over 50
infiltrating ductal carcinoma
most cancers arise from what area of the breast?
Major duct
Mass in a women that is
35, movable, and gets bigger during period?
fibrocystic change
glands lining the ducts of the breast are sensitive to what hormone
estrogen-just like the glands of the endometrium are sensitive to it
IF you see cysts on the histolgy, DX?
fibroCYSTIC change - call like it is
what is the first step in evaluation of a breast mass
most likley a mass in the breast that is movable is ?
Fibroadenoma - arises in the stroma
Fibroelastic tissue response occurs in?
breast cancer - it ind
painful and under 50
inflammatory lesion
painless and under 50
Upper outer quadrant is the most common location for cancer, why?
where most breast tissue is, thats why it is most common
fine niddle aspiration just like a cold nodule on the thyroid
HERB2 is seen in what type of cacner?
indian file
infiltratting ductal cancer
older women has a rash on the nipple diagnosis?
pagets - cancer of the duct underneath that has spread up the skin
patient has dippled skined, why does it look like that?
INflamatoryh carcinoma, CANCER OF THE LYMPHATICS, lymphatics are plugged w/ cancer and fluid has leaked out, but the CT is still their (pe de orange)
most common caner of the terminal lobules, famous for
lobular carcinoma

what is taken out in a modified breast masectomy
breast and nipple, leave behind pec major but not pec. minor and do an axillary resection.

get winged s
what is taken out in a lumpectomy
removes underlying tumor, w/ a good border of normal tissue and a few nodes of low axilla (For staging) and radiation
How does tamoxifen work?
blocks estrogen from getting into the receptor (its a weak estrogen)

risk of endometrial cancer...does prevent osteoporosis
women who are YOUNG VS OLD and their Estrogen and progesterone receptor essays
younger women have a low number of receptors (they have high estrogen levels so the body down regulates)

older women have a higher number)