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58 Cards in this Set

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What is formula for the diameter of a circle
What is the formula for the circumference of a circle (perimeter)
What is the formula for the area of a circle
What is the formula to find out the length of an arc?
X/360 times 2(pie)(r)
What do factors do?
Divide a number evenly, without leaving a remainder
x^a times x^b =
x^a / x^b =
(x^a)^b =
x^-a =
x^0 =
x^1 =
sq root of a*b =
sq root A times sq root B
Sq root of a/b =
sq root of a / sq root of b
To multiply fractions,
Multiply the numerators and denominators
n/n =
1 (n cannot be 0)
0/n =
0 (n cannot be 0)
n/0 =
How would you set up,

x% of y is z?
x/100 (y) = z
What is the formula for % increase/decrease?
Change in values/ original value
What is the fraction ratio of 75 miles per hour?
75 miles/ 1 hour
What is the fraction ratio of "four pounds every nine days?"
4lbs/9 days
What is the fraction ratio of "six books in a month"?
6 books/ 1 month
What is a "unit rate"?
A rate in which the denominator is a single unit.

400 sq. feet/ 1 gal
Congruent angles are,
What is the formula for an area of a triangle?
1/2 b*h
The angles in a triangle must add up to how many degrees?
An isosceles triangle has,
2 equal sides and two equal angles
An equilateral triangle has,
three equal sides and 3 equal angles
On a right and isosceles triangle, (45, 45, 90)
The two sides are equal and the hypotenuse is the side times the square root of 2.
For a 30-60-90 triangle,
One side is s, the hypotenuse is 2s, and the remaining side is s(sq root 3)
The area of a rectangle is,
Length times width
The perimeter of a rectangle is,
2l + 2w
A parallelogram has,
2 sets of parallel sides
The area of a parallelogram is
A trapezoid has,
one set of parallel sides
The area of a trapezoid is
[1/2(top length + bottom length)] *h
What is the formula for the area of a sector in a circle?
x/360 *[pie(r2)]
What is the formula for slope?
Two coordinates (x1,y1), (x2,y2)

(y2-y1)/ (x2-x1)

Rise over run
The slope of a vertical line is,
the slope of a horizontal line is
To find the distance between points, use
The pythagorean theorm
The formula to find out average is,
Sum of values / # of values
What is the median?
The middle value when arranged from least to greatest. Or the average of the middle two values when there is an even amount of numbers in a set
What is the mode?
The most frequently occurring value (can be more than one)
What is the range?
Greatest value - least value
What is the probability of one or some number of equally likely outcomes occurring? (formula)
# of desired outcomes / Total # of possible outcomes
The probability of a OR b happening is,
The probability of a AND b happening is
If you have two side lengths of a triangle, how can you find a range for the third length?
The side must be greater than the difference of the two numbers, but less than the sum.
What is the formula for the volume of a cylinder?
V = pie(radius)^2 *height
(odd)(even) will always =?
(odd)(odd) will always = ?
(even)(even) will always = ?
What is the formula for a combination?
C = n! / ((n-k!) k!) !
What is the formula for a permutation?
P = n! / (n-k)!
The sum of the interior angle measures in a polygon with n sides is equal to,
the volume of a cylinder is equal to
The surface area of a right circular cylinder is equal to
2(pie*r^2) + 2(pie)(r)(h)