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20 Cards in this Set

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1) What is organizational behavior?
The study of individuals and groups in organizations.
2) Why is organizational behavior important?
Because of the new workplace with high technology, global competition, demanding customers, and high performance organizations.
4) What is workplace diversity?
Differences based on gender, race, ethnicity, age, able-bodiedness, sexual orientation, religion, and cultures. Working successfully with a broad mix of people is required. The market place has this same mix.
5) What is the glass cieling effect?
A hidden barrior limiting the career advancement of minorities and women.
3) How is the workplace different today than it was in the past?
1) Demise of "command-and-control hierarchical structures that are too unweidly, slow, and too clostly.

2) New expectations from a new generation of workers who are less tolerant of heirachy, less formal, and concerned more for performance merit than status.

3) Commitment to ethical behavior seen as a gowing intolerance for breaches of public faith by organizations and those who run them.

4) Critical role of IT.

5) Belief in empowerment - high-involvement and participation.

6) Emphasis on teamwork because organizations are less vertical and more horizontal.

7) Concern for work-life balance - balancing conflicting demans and priorities of work and personal affairs.
6) What is organizational learning?
The process of acquiring knowledge and utilizing information to adapt successfully to changing circumstances.
7) What is life long learning?
You can and must learn from day-to-day work experiences, converstations with collegues and friends, counseling and advice from mentors, success models, training seminars and workshops, and information in the press and media.
8) Organizational Behavior is a discipline based on what?
Scientific methods and a contingency approach recognizing that management practices must fit the situation.
9) What is the contingengy thinking or the contingency approach?
Contingency thinking or the contingency approach seeks ways to meet the needs of different management situations.
10) Define organization
An organization is a collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose.
11) What is the purpose of mission statement?
To focus the attention of organizational members and external constituents on the core purpose.
14) What are an organization's human resources?
Indespensible people whose knowledge and performance advance the organization's purpose, mission, and strategies.
15) What are an organization's material resources?
Technology, information, raw materials, and money.
13) What is intellectual capital?
The sum total of knowledge, expertise, and energy available from organizational members.
12) What is the core purpose of an organization?
The creation of goods and services for customers.
16) What are open systems?
Organizations can be viewed as open systems that transform human and material resource inputs into finished goods and services.
17) What is the nature of managerial work?
1) Long hours <BR>
2) Busy <BR>
3) Frequent interruptions <BR>
4) Work mostly with other people <BR>
5) Managers are communicators
18) What is an effective manager?
One whose organizational unit, group, or team consistently achieves its goals while members remain capable, committed, and enthusiastic. Their focus is task performance and job satisfaction.
19) An effective managers team consistently does what?
Achieves high performance goals
What is "task performance"?
The quantity and quality of work produced.