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65 Cards in this Set

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Erving Goff's Face-negotiation

-we strategically present a social "front" or impression "which regularly functions in a general and fixed fashion to define the situation for those who observe the performance"

-human interactions are a "performance" and believes we seek to when we interact with others

Face concerns are both public & private. Explain.

-our private face can be described best by how we act wen we are alone.

-this private self typically contrasts with the public self we present to others, even when we are among our closest friends

Do we maintain multiple faces in out interactions?

-Yes. There multiple faces serve as a way to maintain an identity with others ad with ourselves given the various social roles we choose to assume.

Why does maintenance or establishment of social identities (faces) across cultures mark our communication competencies?

-our facework in establishing an identity is mutually influenced by each participant to the interaction. each exchange is shaped by the preceding episode, & our ability to maintain or establish social identities marks our communication competence.

Latin Americans tend to be highly relationship oriented. What important cultural aspects of Latin American culture reflect this?






define simpatiá

-kindness toward others even in circumstances of conflict

define confianza

-trust and mutual reciprocity between one another

define enchufado

-"a man who makes things happen" because of his connectedness

define mañana

-things will get done when they get done

define simpático

-a comfort with Latin ways (outsiders must display comfort with Latin ways before Latin's will feel comfortable with them)

Avoidance conflict management style

-a style characterized by denying the conflict, or being noncommittal, and withdrawing from the situation

-useful in trivial conflicts, or when others can manage without direct involvement

-frequently permits conflict to simmer & heat up unnecessarily

Competition conflict management style

-a style characterized by assertive or aggressive behavior and overt disagreement. (competitive people generally view conflicts as win-lose & want to be the winners)

- can be useful when those involved recognize competition as a sign of strength & treat is as a natural response (sports or litigation)

-in other cases, such domineering style can damage relationships, lock participants in destructive sequences & prevent seeking cooperative solutions to problem

Compromising conflict style

-a style preferred by those who seek to balance people concerns with task issues and often approach conflict with a give & take attitude.

-useful for restoring harmony when conflicting participants are willing to make some concessions to achieve a mutually satisfying agreement

-in other cases, parties can feel they are conceding on important values and and the conflict will likely surface again

Accommodating conflict management style

-a style characterized by the sacrifice of personal goals in order to resolve conflict & maintain relationships.

-may be useful when dispute issues seem personally unimportant or trivial, accommodating such situations may indebt you to them

-however, can be problematic if consistently employed or used when issues, goals, or tasks are regarded as personally significant

Collaborating conflict management style

-a style that recognizes the productive potential of conflict and encourages people to engage in dialogue and thoughtfully work toward accomplishing common goals or objectives.

-it is an active affirmation of the importance of relationship and content goals

-however, it can be difficult, emotionally intense, and time-consuming

-can only work when everyone is willing to work collaboratively

The five conflict management styles are:

1. avoidance


3. compromising

4. accommodating

5. collaborating

The 5 steps of intercultural conflict:

1. assessment

2. acknowledgement

3. attitude

4. action

5. analysis

assessment step of intercultural conflict

-important initial step in managing differences & requires that we carefully consider the following 5 aspects of the communication environment:

1. the ind. traits of the participants & the nature of the relationship

2. the nature & the cause of the conflict

3. the clarification of each party's personal agenda, goals & objectives

4. an examination of the prevailing communication climate

5. a preliminary determination of an appropriate conflict-handling style

acknowledgment step of intercultural conflict

-dealing with the perceptual differences are fundamental to effective conflict management

-incumbent on the participants to appreciate the diversity that may exist and non-judgementally recognize the cultural, ideological, value, gender, experiential, & communicative differences

attitude step of intercultural conflict

-a positive attitude generates trust & cooperation is mandatory for productive conflict management.

-demonstrating conciliation, compassion, concern, & a willingness to assume responsibility for one's actions is crucial for satisfactorily managing differences

action step of intercultural conflict

-direct, deliberate, positive action must be taken toward managing conflict

-integrating the information gathered from the previous steps should be useful in selecting & applying productive communication techniques that will actively move the participants towards a mutually satisfying solution

-actions should be conducive to, and not inhibitive of, interpersonal change

analysis step of intercultural conflict

-the final essential step in the conflict management model

-decisions should be reviewed & evaluated with and eye to the future impact on the participants -- their goals & relationship

-it is important to consider if:

1. the concerns of all parties have been met as adequately as possible

2. the decisions can be implemented swiftly/effectively

3. the short- or long-term effects of the solution are viable

4. the relationship b/w the conflicting parties has been modified productively

3 group processes for working with multiple cultures on a team according to Maznevski & DiStefano are:

1. mapping

2. bridging

3. integrating

mapping process (Maznevski & DiStefano)

-having an understanding of the team's "cosmopositional differences and the corresponding implications for bringing to the team different knowledge perspectives & approaches to the relationship management"

-suspending the idea that "others think like i do"

bridging process (Maznevski & DiStefano)

-process of communicating across those differences to ensure that each member understands the others

-involves re-centering, where team members find common perspectives & explore them to identify important definitions & goals

-teams manage their norms so everyone is involved & has an equal opportunity to be heard

integrating process (Maznevski & DiStefano)

-bringing the different perspectives and preferences together, resolving any differences among them, & building on these differences to generate innovation & quality in the team's work.

-skills include managing participation, resolving disagreements, & constructively building new processes for the future

According to Odenwald, what qualities an effective cosmopolitan of global team member?


-strong interpersonal skills

-linguistic skills

-listening skills

What are the 3 stages of Lewin's Change Model?

1. Unfreezing or creating the motivation to change

2. Changing or developing new responses based on new information

3. Refreezing or stabilizing and incorporating the changes

What does Lewin's Change Model say about change?

-If change is to occur it must be preceded by an alteration of the present stable equilibrium that supports the organizational system

-once that equilibrium has been upset, the system will seek out, process , & use information to achieve new perceptions, attitudes & behaviors

-last, the adopted changes must be integrated & stabilized if they are to endure

What are the 5 top-down communication approaches?

1. withhold & uphold

2. spray & pray

3. tell & sell

4. identify & reply

5. underscore & explore

wihhold & uphold top-down comm. approach

-managers withhold as much information as possible until confronted with questions & rumors

(least effective)

spray & pray approach top-down comm. approach

-provides employee with enormous amounts of info. but often without context or opportunities to respond

-management hopes employees will sort it out for themseelves

tell & sell top-down comm. approach

-management chooses to persuade employees to support a limited number of specific changes rather than sharing with them all of the changes planned.

-focuses only on changes that most directly affect employees, assuming they don't understand/care about changes affecting big picture

identify & reply top-down comm. appraoch

-where employees identify key issues of the change plan & management listen & responds to their concerns

Underscore & explore top-down comm. approach

-focuses on fundamental issues related to change & offers employees an opportunity to discuss various possibilities for implementation & adoption

-most effective.

What are the areas in the western Pacific Rim we studied?


-East Asia

What are the developing countries of East Asia and the Pacific Rim?





What are the transitional economies of East Asia and the Pacific Rim?



What are the newly industrialized economies of East Asia and the Pacific Rim?

-South Korea



What are the maturely developed economies of Wast Asia & the Pacific Rim?



-New Zealand

What is the most ethnically diverse nation of the western Pacific Rim?


What is the Confucian family ideal?

-a hierarchical pattern in families that favors the elders over the young, and men over the women

-can be seen in a larger picture as well though, no person under 50 has led an Asian country, and no woman of any age has either.

-large corporations are similar, being dominated by middle- to late-age men.

What is a common and important concept in Asian society in regards to business?


What is the Euro?

-Europe's largest currency

-used in 12 European union member countries & several non-EU countries

-England does not use the Euro, they still use the British pound

What is the most traditionally widespread religion in Europe?


What is the predominant religion in North Africa & the Middle East?


How are business decision in Africa made and why?


-Though it is time consuming, Africans are a communal people who who want to discuss a problem until everyone agrees

-if pressured or hurried into a decision an African suspects cheating

Define guanxi

-a university graduate's first job often comes by virtue of parental activation of social connections

Business conduct in Asian cultures

-Professional attire

-Greetings in the native language (even if using a translator) are greatly appreciated

-Business cards in native language

-slight handshake & bow are common (no hugging, Asians pride themselves on not showing emotions)

-Ask proper way to say name

-Dining & entertaining are major parts of business culture

-gift exchange signifies the establishment of a relationship (gifts of reasonable value are considered normal)

Because dining & entertaining are important parts of business culture in Asia what should one plan when initiating business dealings?

-for a series of meetings, dinners, & conversations to build trust & reinforce good feelings.

What can we learn from the Swahili proverb "When the drumbeat changes, so must the dance"?

-in order for mutual international business ventures to succeed, all parties much be creative inn finding ways to build on their similarities while accommodating their differences

What is the attitude towards time in Africa?

-time is flexible, not rigid and segmented

-people come first, they want to sit & get to know a person before discussing business

-being late often or always in not considered offensive

What factors make Europe diverse (& not homogeneous, like they are generally mistaken as)



-political ideology


-cultural norms regarding work hours & business attire


What topics are acceptable to discuss in the Caribbean?





What topics are taboo to discuss in the Caribbean?

-local politics



Latin Americans attitude towards business & time?

-they feel comfortable building relationships slowly, focusing at first more on establishing personal relationships and are less concerned about punctuality (unlike US business)

What are emerging trends of the Latin Americas?

1. the effects of e-commerce: Latin based e-commerce has increased 30 times since its $6.8 billion in 2002, and will continue to grow

2. The continued emergence of free trade in the Western Hemisphere & beyond: as the FTAA are reached, greater opportunities for im/export will exist

3. The melding of culture & language across borders: as LA's continue to learn English, US businesses continue to learn Spanish in larger rates

What are some high-context cultures we have learned about?


-Latin (south) American


-Middle Eastern

What are some low-context cultures we learned about?

-United States

-Western European Countries

In what countries are relationships paramount in business?


-Middle East


High context culture

-commitment to people is very strong & responsibility to others takes precedent over responsibility to oneself

Low context cultuires

-the emphasis is placed on the individual, with the bonds between people being more tenuous & the extent of involvement & commitment to long-term relationships being lower

What is considered a good global team strategy for increasing effectiveness?

-meeting in person

-developing a "team time culture"

-understanding differences

-pre-established communication plan (w/ "a rythm of coordination -- reg. scheduled meeting, etc.)

-creating more clear team protocols for communication

Which of Talcott Parsons's six pattern vriables are specifically & explicitly addressed in the article "John Higgins: An American Goes Native in Japan"?

-universalism-particularism orientation

-ascription-achievement orientation

-diffuseness-specificity orientation

-instrumental-expressive orientation

In "Red, White and Blue -- & Golden? McDonalds Responds to International Pressures" we learned that McDonald's responded to protests by trying to stress that its golden arches were grounded in what?


-it has allowed locations to close for prayer, some have gone kosher, & try to be community based in what they do.