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34 Cards in this Set

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gvt should be involved in trying to regulate economy. When recession slow down ppl have less money so they buy less. gvt should borrow money and put ppl to work so econ jump starts.
named after british economist john maynard Keynes state economic policy used to regulate econ for econ growth
cold war
ended after collapse fo berlin wall. hostile relations that prevailed between us and soviet union from 1940-end of ussr
World Trade Organization
global international organization that oversees "rules of trade" among member states. main function to serve a forum for its members to negotiate new agreements and resolve trade disputes. fundamental purpose to lower/remove barriers to free trade
third world
coined by french believed just as important as powerful nations. French social classes ex: Africa, asia, latin America. mostly dictatorships. countries with low level of economic development measured by Gdp per capita. hard to classify because always changing
criteria for democracy
free and fair elections with competition.
parties can compete and criticize gvt
public policy is transparent and officials accountable
citizens have political rights and civil liberties
equality "rule of law" judiciary independent of exec and leg
no private groups have power. civilian control of military
conflicts resolved peacefully.
global life expectancy at birth
includes infant deaths. females live longer
top: japan, france, Germany, Britain, us
mid: mexico brazil china Russia
low: iran india s Africa Nigeria
constitutional basis of EC
we wanted indirect election. hard to count, states have more power, north has advantage to overturn slavery. didn't trust public, smaller states have more power
how EC works
51 separate state elections. EC vote = # of house +# of senate. candidate with plurality of vote in state wins all EC votes for that state. to win presidency must have majority of EC votes --270
arguments against
popular vote winner can lose. campaigns focus on swing states-distorts. discourages minor parties. small states love because have more influence (Senate)
why difficult to get rid of EC
difficult to amend constitution political parties favor because known. small states like and 13 could block
national popular vote interstate compact
individual states say EC votes go to national popular vote winner. will take effect when enough states join. mostly democratic constitution gives states right to give EC votes how they want
manifest destiny
public philosophy in 19th century that us was not only entitled but destined to occupy territory from atlantic to pacific. native americans pushed aside and Hawaii, guam, marianas, Puerto rico annexed
divided gvt
national gvt divided btwn 2 parties with dominance of each branch of gvt shifting often. increases inefficiency and increase popular distrust of gvt. since Nixon, a single party has controlled senate and house and president only 5 times. slows gvt response
Marbury vs madison
gives judiciary central place in checks and baances. 1803 supreme court ruling that federal courts inherently had authority to review constitutionality of laws passed by congress and signed by president. the ruling, initially used sparingly, placed courts centrally in checks and balances
figure 7.5
democratic party: whites (49-43) blacks highest increase (89-96) Hispanics decreased (70-68) Asians increase (36-63)
try to influence outcome to public policy by influencing policy makers. try to influence a single issue rely on money. narrow form of interest group that seeks to influence policy by making contributions to candidates and parties in us politics. evade restrictions. elite
group of islands including England, Scotland, and wales
southern part of island
whole country including northern ireland
table 2.1
parliamentary democracy-chief executive answerable to legislature. no set constitution- tradition unitary state. no subnational gvt. fusion of powers-opp of separation fo powers. merges branches of gvt. uk parliament has leg, exec, and judiciary power.
constitutional monarchy
head of state- royalty-limited power
prime minister
majority leader in house of commons. responsible to cabinet.
bicameral legislature
house of commons- single member plurality and house of lords.
is independent but has no judicial reviw. supreme court- court of appeals. 2 party-labour and conservative, lib dems
cabinet gvt
pm chooses 2 dozen members for cabinet. requires cabinet member to be from parliament. cabinet only true check on pm. pm and cabinet form gvt laws always pass
hung parliament
2010 vote- coalition gvt. situation after election when no single party comprises a majority in the commons
social class
weakening bonds in labor. new labour. said social class was an impediment to competitiveness. tough on unions. class still matters but isn't dominating
national identity
multiethnic because of decolonization. identity is complicated. fragmental sovereignty creates doubts
table 3.1
unitary republic- semipresidential-pres popularly elected then chooses pm. fifth republic. pres (5yrs) pm leader of majority in national assembly. bicameral leg- senate and national assembly. judiciary-9 member constitutional council judicial review. multiparty-ump, socialist
French rev
political and national revolution. installed a republic to replace French monarchy. international liberal-- secularism. democratic. liberty. equality, fraternity. went overboard got rid of ancient regime. napoleon established state institutions that still exist.
2002 election
le pen bombshell. have 2 ballot system. if first time no majority vote for plurality btwn 2. lionel jospin- socialist didn't make cut so btwn chirac and le pen
france in the EU
charter member preferred isolation but after war realized necessary. EU helped modernize. helps with econ and trade. EU popular when econ good but blamed as liability when econ bad referendum caused france to reject constitusion. crisis in greece
bureaucracy and civil service
large bureaucracy -shapes social and econ life. lifetime employment. 1/5 French jobholders is a civil servant. top slots extremely prestigious have to got to grande ecole- school top of class go to grand corps- membership is a stepping stone to parliament/ cabinet 1/2 pm and 2 pres were in corps