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77 Cards in this Set

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what layer is the Meissner plexus located?
what layer is the auerbach's plexus in
muscularis externa
histo of esophagus?
nonkeratinized strat squam epithelium
brunner's gland in what layer and what organ?
in duodenal submucosa
crypts of lieberkuhn found where?
throughout SI
Peyer's patches where?
this part has the largest number of goblet cells in the SI?
myenteric nerve plexus (Auerbachs) for what?
submucosal nerve plexus (Meissner) for what?
secretion regulation
around the stomach where are strong anastomoses at?
between left and right gastrics
between left and right gastroepiploics
artery found just superior to the antrum of stomach?
artery that runs along inferior margin of stomach?
from the left = L gastroepiploic (splenic origination)
from the right = right gastroepiploic (gastroduodenal origination)
caput medusae - from what?
anastomoses of paraumbilical w/ superficial and inferior epigastric
internal hemorrhoids from waht?
anastomoses of superior rectal and middle/inferior rectal
cancer above pectinate
blood supply above pectinate line
superior rectal artery from IMA
blood supply below pectinate line
inferior rectal artery from internal pudendal
ultimate destination of venous drainage above pectinate line
Inf. Mesneteric V = portal circulation
ultimate destination of venous drainage below pectinate line
IVC = systemic
urachus becomes
mediaN umbilical fold
umbilical artery becomes
mediaL umbilical foldS
covers the epigastrics
lateral umbilical fold
coverings of the spermatic cord
internal spermatic fascia from trnasversalis fascia
cremasteric muscle and fascia from the internal obliques
external spertaic fascia from the external oblique
direct hernia by definition is where?
medial to epigastrics
indirect hernia by definition is where?
lateral to epigastrics (through the inguinal canal)
femoral hernia where?
below inguinal ligament through femoral canal
borders of hasselbach's triangle?
who cares?
inferior epigastric artery
lateral rectus abdominus
inguinal ligament

I do, b/c this is where direct hernias protrude.
brunner's glands for what?
to alkalinize the mucus and neutralize acid contents entering the duodenum from stomach
hypertrophy of _________ seen in PUD.

Hint: in duodenum
brunners glands in duodenal submucosa
activates trypsinogen --> trypsin
enterokinase/enteropeptidase and trypsin
glucose adn galactose taken up into enterocytes by what?
SGLT1 (Na dependent)
enterocyte receptors for fructose uptake?
basolateral monosaccharide transporter in enterocytes?
immunglobulin from peyer's patches?
-idine MOA? (i.e. Famotidine)
reversible block H2 receptors so decreases H+ secretion by parietal cells
clinical use of Nizatidine?
Peptic ulcer
mild esophageal reflux
Toxicities associated with Cimetidine?
p450 Inhibitor
crosses BBB and placenta
decreased renal excretion (ranitidine also)
omeprazole MOA and use?
irreversibly inhibit H/K ATPase in stomach parietal cells
Peptic ulcer, gastritis, esophageal reflux, Zollinger Ellison Syndrome
binds to ulcer base and provides physical protection allowing HCO3 to reestablish pH gradient
bismuth and sucralfate
clinical use of bismuth and sucralfate
speed ulcer healing and for traveler's diarrhea
H pylori therapy?
metronidazole, amoxicillin or tetracycline, bismuth
Misoprostol MOA?
PGE1 analog that increases production and secretion of gastric mucous barrier, decreased acid production
used for NSAID induced ulcers, PDA maintenance, labor induction
abortifacient in women of childbearing potential
infliximab MOA?
monoclonal antibody to TNF, proinflammatory cytokine
clinical use of Infliximab?
rheumatoid arthritis
respiratry infection, fever, hypotension from a Crohn's treatment: drug?
Sulfasalazine MOA
antibacterial and ASA combo that is activated by colonic bacteria
sulfasalazine use?
ulcerative colitis and crohn's
sulfasalazine toxicity?
malaise, nausea, sulfonamide toxicity, reversible oligospermia
ondansetron MOA
serotonin antagonist used as a central-acting antiemetic - powerful for it
use of ondansetron
central acting antiemetic used for postoperative vomit control and cancer chemo vomit control
toxicity of ondansetron?
HA, constipation
Metoclopramide MOA?
D2 receptor antagonist that increases resting tone, contractility, LES tone and motility
what does motcloporamide not influence (many things, but what is important?)
doesn't influence colon transport time
use of metocloporamide
diabetic and post surgery gastroparesis
toxicity of metoclopramide
increased parkinsonian effects
interacts w/ digoxin and diabetic agents
drug is contraindicated in patients w/ small bowel obstruction?
chronic diarrhea, intermittent facial flushing, tricuspid stenosis murmur
carcinoid syndrome
fibrates contraindicated when? why?
history of gallstones becasuse they can precipitate gall stones themselves
cytokine found in high concentrations of Crohn's patients stool?
TNF alpha
bloody mucoid diarrhea, foreign country, hepatic abscess?
amebiasis probably entamoeba histolytica. treat w/ metronidazole
pegylated IFN use and possible side effects?
treatment of hep B and C
episodic fever and chills, profound depression
loperamide in a child with diarrhea. good or bad?
bad because it increases risk of toxic megacolon
DM drugs that can cause a disulfiram like reaction with alcohol?
sulfonylureas - first generation
aortic valve replacement cholelithiasis etiology?
hemolysis - pigment stones of unconjugated bilirubin
post prandial non bilious vomiting in 4 week old boy
congenital pyloric stenosis
corkscrew on upper GI series
midgut volvulus
narrowed rectum on barium enema
double bubble on abdominal film
air in duodenum and stomach - duodenal atresia
identified diseases associated with Crohn's?
anterior uveitis
iron deficiency anemia
primary sclerosing chloangitis
GI cancer
intermittent abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever w/o infectious cause?
crohn's or ulcerative colitis
perianal fistula, ileum only, transmural inflammation = crohn's
how to diagnose c diff
toxin assay
acetaminophen OD causes what type of liver damage?
centrilobular necrosis
icteric sclera, palpebral xanthomas, pruritus....w/ elevated alk phos?
primary biliary cirrhosis
primary biliary cirrhosis characteristic liver injury?
chronic, progressive and often fatal.
destruction of medium sized intrahepatic bile ducts --> eventual failure.
tx: transplant
chronic schistosomiasis infection can lead to what serious outcomes?
portal hypertension and hepatosplenomegaly --> ascites --> cirrhosis
b/c the worm penetrates the skin, invades vasculature and settles in the portal or pelvic venous vasculature.
RUQ pain, fever, jaundice?
ascending cholangitis - infected biliary tract