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90 Cards in this Set

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The radius of the core is 3471 km. The radius of the whole Earth is 6371 km. The core occupies what percent of the volume of the earth?


Assuming an average rate of spreading along the Mid-Atlantic ridge of 5 cm/yr and knowing that the average distance across the Atlantic Ocean is about 5,000 km. How many years did it take for the Atlantic to open to its present position? (1 km=100,000 cm)

100 million years

An example of a result of an ocean-ocean convergent plate boundary is?

The Aleutian Islands.

The difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere is that?

The lithosphere lies above the asthenosphere and is brittle whereas the asthenosphere lies below the lithosphere and is ductile.

The solar system and universe formed how many years ago?

4.5 and 13.7 billion

The difference between the continental and oceanic crust is?

The continental crust is thicker, older and less dense.

In the terminology of plate tectonics, an active continental margin is?

A continental coastline that coincides with a plate boundary.

An example of a result of continent-continent collision is?

The Alps

Figure question

figure question

Which of the following minerals is formed by two-dimensional sheets of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra?


Which of the following is formed by 3-D framework silicate structure?


Which of the following is a mineral?


What are polymorphs?

Minerals that have the same chemical composition but different structure.

Which of the common minerals is a sulfide?

Pyrite (FeS2)

Which of the following minerals is used as a source of lead?


A piece of sea floor representing the polarity reversal is found 65 km from a mid-ocean ridge. The sea floor spreading rate is 1 cm/yr. The age of a sea floor is how many years old?

6.5 million years old

What are subduction zones associated with?

Convergent plate boundaries

What is an example of a divergent plate boundary?

The Mid-Pacific rise.



Volcanic island arcs are associated with what?

Ocean-ocean convergence

It has been determined that the oldest rocks retrieved from the moon by Apollo astronauts were formed 4.44 billion years old. This difference is most likely because why?

Earth's oldest rocks have been recycled by plate tectonics and erosion.

Which of the following provides evidence for plate tectonics?

Seafloor Topography

A rift valley of evidence of what?

Divergent Plate Boundary

Which of the following pairs does not include a characteristic of the specified mineral?

Quartz/single-chain silicate structure

On Moh's hardness scale, calcite has a hardness of what?


Which of the following mineral is used to decrease the acidity in gardens?




Which of the following statements about gold and fool's gold is correct?

Gold is denser and softer than fool's gold.

Which of the following minerals is a polymorph of diamond?


Which of the following statements is false?

The inner core generates the Earth's magnetic pull.

Formation of the Earth's layered structure resulted from what?

The attraction of progressively denser materials by Earth's growing gravitational field.

The boundary between the crust and the mantle is marked by a seismic-velocity discontinuity called what?

The Moho

The asthenosphere is actually a part of what part of the Earth?


The island of Hawaii and the volcanoes of Yellowstone are probably caused by what?

A rising mantle plume from a hot spot.



Linear, magnetic patterns associated with mid-ocean ridges are configured as what?

Normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly parallel to the ridge.



Which of the following features develops where plates converge and one descends into the mantle?

A trench

Which common nonsilicate mineral is used in drywall?


Which of the following best characterizes ferromagnesian silicates?

They are black to dark-green silicate minerals containing iron and magnesium.

The mountains of the European Alps and the South American Andes are related to what?

A Convergent plate boundary.

Which mineral reacts readily with hydrochloric acid to produce visible bubbles of carbon dioxide gas?

Calcite (CaCO3)

Which of the following minerals is an oxide?

Hematite (Fe2O3)

Which of the following is not associated with ocean to continent convergence?

Mountain Building.

The Icelandic Volcanoes are related to plate tectonics because why?

They lie on a spreading center where two plates are moving apart.



What is a mix of gas, dust and rock fragments emitted by a volcano that is so dense that it hugs the ground?

Pyroclastic flow

Mount Fuji is an excellent example of what?

Composite volcano

What are the three factors that influence the viscosity of magma/ lava?

Silica content, temperature adn dissolved gases

what kind of magmas are most viscous that they are associated with the most violent eruptions?


What describes a type of lava flow that produces the surface of rough jagged blocks with sharp edges and spiny projections?

Aa Flow



Graphite is identified in a particular schist. Which one of the following conclusions is justified?

The pre-metamorphic rock was a shale or mudstone containing organic matter.

Which of the following textures is not present in extrusive igneous rocks?


What contains large crystals embedded in a matrix of small crystals?




You are watching TV with your friends and you see a documentary film showing fiery red streams of lava flowing gently down the slopes of a volcano. You correctly inform your friends that the lava is what type?

Mafic with a low silica content.

Which of the following igneous rocks exhibit aphanitic texture?

Andesite, rhyolite

Which of the following is a felsic intrusive igneous rock?


The correct sequence of rocks that are formed when shale undergoes prograde metamorphism is what?

Slate, Phyllite, schist and gneiss.


Which type of rocks would form in an alluvial fan?





What is a volcanic depression with a diameter bigger than 1km, formed when the volcano collapses into a vacated magma chamber?


What type of metamorphism occure=s when a body of magma intrudes a relatively cool country rock?


Which of the following rocks is a sedimentary rock?

Bituminous coal

What is a coarse-grained sedimentary rock formed by the cementation of angular gravel?


What are commonly left after complete chemical weathering?

Quartz and Clay Minerals

What two factors speed up rates of chemical reaction and weathering in rocks and soils?

High temperatures and very moist

Compared with minerals that include the positively charged ions of aluminum, iron, magnesium, and calcium quartz is what amount vulnerable to chemical weathering by acidic solutions?




Which is chemical sedimentary rock?

Rock Salt

In order of decreasing size, sedimentary grain sizes include what?

gravel, sand, silt and clay

which of the following depositional environment is likely associated with the formation of chert?

Deep Sea

What volcanic events formed Crater Lake, Oregon?

Caldera collapse followed major ash and pyroclastic flow eruptions.

What is the most abundant sedimentary rock?


Which of the following is a metamorphic rock?

Anthracite Coal

What is responsible for generating magma along divergent plate boundaries?

Decompression melting

What type of pressure is applied equally to all surfaces of a substance as a result of burial or submergence?

Confining pressure

Flint and Chert are microcrystalline forms of what?

Quartz (SiO2)

Metamorphism may involve all of the following except what?

Complete melting of the rock

Because of the ease with which it can be split into thin flat pieces, what metamorphic rock is used for making chalkboard, pool tables and roofs?


Why are the icelandic volcanoes are related to plate tectonics?

They lie on a spreading center where two plates are moving apart.

Coal beds originate where?

Freshwater coastal swamps and bogs.

The two most common non-foliated metamorphic rocks are what and marble?


What forms when a limestone recrystallizes during metamorphism?


which of the following sedimentary features can be used to determine paleocurrent directions?

Ripple Marks

Which one of the following shows the correct order of decreasing magma viscosity?

Rhyolite, Andesite, basalt

Under what conditions is sediment considered to be well sorted?

When the grains are all nearly the same size.



