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110 Cards in this Set

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The big bang theory states that

All matter int he universe was once confined to a single point

Marine magnets anomalies result from sea-floor spreading in conjunction with

Magnetic polarity reversals

The boundary between the crust and the mantle is marked by seismic-velocity discontinuity

The moho

At convergent plate boundary, two opposite plates

Move towards each other

Shape of earth's magnetic field is approximately that of a


GRAPH: Pushing force driving plate motion

At mid ocean ridges

Point in earth's surface directly above the point where an earthquake occurs


Pumping vast quantities of water locally

Lowers water table, forms a cone-shaped depression

Body of permeable rock or sediments in which the water table resides

Unconfined aquifier

Which earthquake has the highest velocity?

P Wave

Within a meander, sediment is likely to be deposited

On inner banks of meander

Which portion of radioactive isotopes is expected to remain in unaltered state


Lowest elevation to which a stream can downcut

Base level

Material through which water readily flows


Rock or sediment with water filled pores, where upward percolation is blocked by overlying impermeable layer

Confined aquifier

Surface waves..

Cause most destruction to buildings

Body waves include

S & P

New madrid earth quake question

20 KM

Impermeable layer of rock in hydrogeologic ocntext


Body of rock affected by compression stress will undergo


Fold shaped like an arch


Changes in shape induced by stress


Horizontal sediment overlies tilted strata, surface between is

Angular unconformity

Earthquakes that pass through the interior arc

Body waves

The sides of the fold where a curve is at a minimum


Any place where ground water flows out of the surface of the earth


What statement about Contact #3 is correct

it and contact #2 formed continuous unconformity

A fold shaped like an elongated trough


A body of rock affected by tension stress will undergo


If a fault is nearly vertical in orientation and two walls of rock on opp side slide past each other

Strike slip

Which earthquake scale measures effect on humans and man made structures

Mercalli scale

Force per unit area



"Present is the key to the past"

Ephemeral streams

Have flowing water either episodically or during the portion of the year

How many seismic stations are needed to find epicenter


Dissolution of rock produces

Secondary porosity

Base of stream valley can be no lower than

sea level

Ground water always flows from areas

Of high hydraulic head to lesser hydraulic head

Oldest geologic unit int he cross section is the


The deepest part of the channel where the stream flows fastest


Regions of the sea floor with negative magnetic anomalies were formed when earth's magnetic field..

had reversed polarity

Lithosphere of earth is generally thickest at/near

convergent boundaries

Most pulling force driving plate motion is produced

at subduction zones

Waves that are 'blue shifted' are shorter than red wavelengths


Deep oceanic trenches are found in ____of plate boundaries


Strong evidence that the universe is expanding comes from the fact from the light emitted from galaxies is ____ shifted


In agreement with big bang theory, the universe is...


Mid-ocean ridges are elevated above the surrounding sea floor because..

Ridge rocks are hot, low density

Earth's surface is generated by solar winds and radiation by..

Earth's magnetic field

Earth's atmosphere dominated by which two gasses

Nitrogen and oxygen

Estimate age of the universe is

14 billion

San andrea fault zone is an example of

transform boundary

A light year measures


Age of oceanic crust _____ w/ increasing distance from mid ocean ridges


In our current understanding of big bang theory

Universe is considerably older

The _____ refers to the change in wavelength and frequency that happens if source of waves are moving

Doppler effect

Which layer of the earth has greatest density


Magnetic stripes on oceanic crust lay roughly ___ To mid ocean ridges


Marine magnetic anomaly belts are widest when..

Sea floor spreading rates are relatively rapid

Chemically, the moon is similar to the earth's


Lithosphere is mainly composed of

Crust and upper mantle

As compared to the density of the asthenosphere, the lithosphere...

Initially less dense

If one were to take a balloon to the atmosphere, they'd experience the concentration of gasses

becoming less dense

Where earth's dipole interacts with the surface of the planet, it is called the

Magnetic pole

Unlike the lithosphere, the asthenosphere

Is able to flow over a long period of time

Distance between crust and mantle, is primarily on the basis of difference is..

Chemistry, (Physical rigidty)

The metal alloy that makes up the core of the earth is ____ To the rocky mantle

more dense

Earth's magnetic field is governed by the ____

Flow of liquid outer core

Focault's experiment with a pendalum proved that...

Earth rotates about an internal axis

Wadati Benioff Zone is a belt of earthquakes focused..

within downgoing plate at subduction zone

If we were using both a compass and a map marked w/ latitude and longitude, the angle difference between compass and map

Magnetic declination

Summed over the entire surface of the earth...

Rates of lithosphere production and consumption are equal

Lithosphere of earth can be bent and broken, but it will not flow because it is...

too cool

Label crust left to right

Crust--> upper mantle

It isn't the continent that moves relative to a fixed pole, but it is the pole that moves relative to cont...


Large, thick nonvolcanic mountain belts like the himalayas have features with

convergent boundaries

tectonic plates might consist of

oceanicEa or continental lithosphere or a combo of both

Earth's geothermal gradient is the rate of temperature change incurred by..

Traversing down w/in the earth's interior

Volcanoes of the cascade mountains are related to melting of rock associated with..


Whether an eruption will primarily produce lava flows or pyroclastic debris is influenced by..

All of the above

Clevage in minerals refers to

Tendency to break along planes of weakness

Hot water reacting with crust is the basis for what type of metamorphisis


Rhyoltic lavas..

All of the above

Spreading PB on bread is an application of

shear stress

Region of thermally metamorphsed rock surrounding cooled pluton is called


Explosives or voluminous eruptions may cause the volcano to collapse on the floor of the empty magma chamber, providing larger depression


A buried body of shale is subjected to differential stress, causing clay minerals to realign and produce slate..


Basaltic lavas..

Contain more iron and magnesium than rhyoltic lavas

Injecting hot fudge into ice cream is an appropriate analogy for what cause of magma melt?

Melting due to heat transfer from rising magma

The difference between brecca and conglomerate is that..

Cross beds

In silicate materials, tetrahedral may be coordinated to form..

All of the above

Physical precipitation of a gypsum due to evaporation of seawater produces which type of sedimentary rock


Viscosity depends on..

All of the above

Of the 3 primary forms of subaerial volcanoes, which has the most gentle sloping sides due to low viscosity

Shield volcanoes

W/ regards to minerals, hardness refers to

ability to resist being scratchedW

What type of magma has the greatest silica content?


Which of the following process CANNOT occur int he formation of metamorphic rock?

Complete remelting of the rock, followed by solidification to form a new rock

A sill is...

Sheet-like intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock

Minerals in geodes form spectacular euhedral crystals because..

The crystals have abundant room to grow in their hollow surroundingsT

The prolith subjected to metamorphism

May belong to any of the 3 primary rock types

Diamond and graphite are both pure silicon


Nonviolent eruptions characterized by extensive flows of basaltic lava are


Silica tetrahedon that forms backbone of silicate materials is silicon and ___


Lithified detritus (breakdown products of preexisting rocks) form which sed. rock?


If a body of magma is subjected to fractional crystallization, rock that is expected to result is

More mafic than magma

Constant wave action causes beach sand to be..

Well rounded, well sorted, A & C

Pillow lava associated with

Submarine basaltic eruptions

A fast moving flow consisting of a mixture of h20 and volcanisclastic debris is


if body of magma becomes more felsic, viscosity will


foliated metamorphic rock possesses

planar fabric consisting of mineral grains in preferred orientations