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39 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 major deserts in Africa?
Sahara, Namib and Kalahari
Most of Africas river are not navigable for long distances. (True/False)
What fly spreads sleeping disease among humans and makes raising livestock impossible in some areas in Africa?
Tsetse Fly
Where did a locust swarm occur in 1988?
Mauritania, Africa
What is the world's tallest land animal?
What is the world's fastest land mammal?
From 1850 to 1914 who controlled much of Western Africa? Eastern Africa?
French-Western, British-Eastern
What disease is changing the face of Africa? How many orphans could there be in 10 years?
AIDS, 40 million orphans
The Great Pyramids of Egypt are one of the great world wonders. (True/False)
What is the world's longest river?
Nile River in Africa
Where is the world's driest inhabited place?
Aswan, Nile River, Egypt
Beautiful bird that was once an ugly duckling. Put an a in front of it.
The Sahara desert is now encroaching upon the country, which is now how much desert?
In the 1970's what percentage of animals died due to a drought in Niger?
What commodity is abundant in Asente?
What is Ghana's major export?
The Asente tribe is famous for displaying what in its ceremonies?
Gold ornaments
What is Africa's highest populated country?
Nigeria, 138 million people
What is cameroon known as?
Africa in miniature
What erupted from Lake Nyos in Cameroon in 1986, quickly and silently suffocating 1,700 people?
CO2 (Carbon Monoxide)
Style of Music and Dance that began in Cameroon.
What type of tourism does Kenya support?
Wildlife tourism
Where is the Serengeti Plain located?
Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania
What is the largest country in area in Africa?
In 2003, a conflict broke out in which country, displacing nearly 2 million people and caused an estimated 200,000-400,000 deaths?
Western Region of Darfur
What country in Africa is subject to devastating droughts and famines?
These girls scar their bodies to make themselves attractive to the opposite sex.
Karo girls
Brand of corn syrup
What are the world's poorest countries?
Malawi and Somalia
In December 1992, the U.S. And U.N. entered which country to protect food shipments to those who were starving?
All U.S. and U.N. forces withdrew from Somalia in what month and year?
March 1995
Since 2005, dozens of ships have been hijacked by what group of people from what country?
Pirates from Somalia
What is Zimbabwe's most spectacular feature?
Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River
In 2000, what leader of ZImbabwe placed people in control of the country’s agriculture that had no experience in farming?
Robert Mugabe
What is the world's largest diamond and where was it taken from?
The Golden Jubilee, South Africa 1986
Nearly 47% of all the world's gold comes from which country?
South Africa
Who was elected as South Africa's first black president in 1994?
Nelson Mandela
What's another name for racial segregation that was abolished in 1991?
In Madagascar, most people are of what descent?
Madagascar has how many miles of tropical beaches and plant life?
3,000 miles
What is the multi-island democratic country that takes good care of it's 81,000 citizens?