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25 Cards in this Set

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What do geographers do?
They study places, people who live there, and how they interact.
What is an absolute location?
An exact location on earth's surface.
What are parallels and meridians?
How are they used to find absolute location?
Imaginary lines that run horizontally and vertically. There numbers are used to find the absolute location.
Be able to use latitude and longitude to find the absolute location.
Find latitude first, then longitude.
What are the four hemispheres?
What hemispheres is Asia located in? What about SOuth AMerica?
Asia is located in the North East. SOuth America is located in SOuth West.
What is relative location?
It is using familiar locations or landmarks to find a location.
WHat are projections?
A way of drawing the round earth on a flat surface.
What are the benefits and limitations of map projections?
One benefit is that it is more portable. A limitation is that they can distort the size, shape, distance, and direction.
What is wrong with every projection?
It is distorted.
what are the 4 ways a projection can be distorted?
DIstance, Direction, Size, Shape
What is GPS and when and why is it used?
GPS is a machine that can tell the exact location of an area via satellite.
What is GIS and when and why is it used?
Geographic Information System. It is used when you need more information about a place.
How are GPS and GIS are different?
GPS only gives you where it is. GIS tell you where it is and more about it.
What is TOADSSS?
title, orientation, author, date, scale, symbols, source
What are political maps?
Political maps give you the names, boundaries, and other human-made features.
What are thematic maps?
they focus on a single topic. it could be anything
What are physical maps?
they show natural features, like water and land features
What is an enclave?
A piece of territory that is completely surrounded by the territory of another country.
What is an exclave?
A non-island piece of territory that is part of one country but is separated from the rest of that country by the territory of another one.
What does and Anthropologic border look like?
It is a boundary based on characteristics such as language, religion, races.
What is a physiographic border?
Boundaries that follow landscape features such as mountain ranges.
what is a geometric border?
they have straight lines and dont correspond to physical features.
what are 2 kinds of regions?
physical feature regions and human features
How is a region different from a country?
a region doesnt have definite borders