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38 Cards in this Set

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Footloose Industry
not tied to a location by its need for raw material.
Greenfield Sites
rural land, outside cities, cleared for industry.
where the company will sell its product.
Industrial System
inputs, throughputs/processes, outputs and feedback.
Primary Industries
produce raw material.
Secondary Industries
Tertiary Industries
provide services.
Quaternary Industries
research and development
Physical Factors influencing the location of industry
accessibility, climate, land, power and raw materials.
Socio-economic factors influencing the location of industry
capital, communications, government, policy, labour supply and markets
What are the four main economic activities
Primary, Secondary,Tertiary & Quaternary
What does manufacturing industry do?
Make products that have added value by refining raw materials, processing materials or assembling components
What are the factors influencing the loaction of industry
Physical and Socio-economic
What are TNC's
Transnational corporations; a company with branches throughout the world
Industrial Inertia
a term used to describe the fact that some industries remain at their origignal sites even though the initial reason or advantages of that site are no longer relevant
Greenfield site
a site that has not been used for industry before
Brownfiled site
a new indusrial enterprise built on the site of an old plant or factory that has been demolished
What is an LEDC
Less Economically Developed Country
What is a "smokestack indusrty"
The iron,steel, ship building industries as they are based on the use of coal as the main source of energy. Coal produces pollution which is released in to the atmosphere.
What is EZ
Enterprise Zone: special tax concessions and simplifies planning procedures operate to attract investment
What is NIC
Newley Industralised Country: countries that are changing their economies rapidly
Whay is a MEDC
More economically developed country
The concentration of differetn parts of the same industry in one area, which has many advantages including lowering costs & easing access to each part
The money invested in companies to allow them to start production
An all-encompassing word for all transport methods as well as phone, fax & e-mail
Multi-national companies
Large corporations, with their headquarters in a developed country, who have factories all over the world.This gives them access to cheap labour, land and the world market
Systems model for industry
Inputs: natural or human Processes or Throughputs Outputs: negative or positive Feedback
Newly industrialised country
Examples of NIC
South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore
How many stages are there in the development of a NIC
Three; Traditional Society, Import Substitution Industries & Export Orientated Industry
What is the time frame for the development of a NIC
As little as 30 years
What are the characteristics of a NIC
An increasing exporter to the world market, usually by copying existing products and reproducing them at a cheaper price. Rapid growth in the manufacturing sector which results in more exports and a rapidly rising GDP.
Characteristics of a Traditional Society
Industry is labout intensive concentrating on small cottage style industries using loacl raw materials. The majority of people are still in the primary sector. Little technology. Little money. Most products are imported from abroad.
Characteristics of Import Substition Industries
The country decides to promote its own industries. New companies copy products and make them for a cheaper price. The coutntry operates a regime of trade tariffs and taxes for similar imported products thus protecting their own industries
Characteristics of Export Orientated Industries
Once the new companies are established in their own country they start to export to the world market. Now capital intensive, use high technology & aimed at making a big profit. GDP of the country starts to rocket.
Advantages to host countries of multi national or TNC's
Added investment to the country. Development of the country by bringing in technology and knowledge. Improve transport links. Create jobs. Act as growth poles for other similar companies. Supply expertise and technology to reduce pollution and bring safe working environments
Disadvantages to host countries of Multi-natioanls or TNC's
Wages paid are often low. Exploitation of the workforce. Profits taken out of the country. Existing industry does not really benefit unles the multi national actively participates. /transport only serve the needs of the company. The company often brings in it's own staff who are highly skilled. Poor record of worker safety, exploitation and pollution. Few companies will move to a Developing World location unless there is a benefit to the company.