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129 Cards in this Set

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Define Geography
The scientific study of population characteristics
Name the five largest population clusters in the world, in order.
1) East Asia
pop: 1.5 billion
2) South Asia
pop: 1.2 billion
3) South East Asia
pop: uh
4) Europe
pop: 550 million
5) East America
pop: 332 million
What percentage of the worlds population live in these five centers combined?
75% or 4 billion
Name the secondary clusters of the worlds population distribution.
- Central Russia
- The Nile Valley
- Nigeria
- Eastern African Lake Region
- Northwestern Africa
- Eastern Mediteranian
- Central Europe
- California
- Southeast Brazil
- Central Mexico
- Columbia
Define Cartogram
A map showing a countries size proportional to its population
Define Histogram
Shows regions and population ratios
What are the four types of scarcely populated regions
- dry land
- wetland
- cold land
- high land
What percentage of the worlds surface is dry land?
Define wetlands
Rainforest's, poor soil conditions
Define cold lands
Tundra & forest & icecaps & boral forest
Define Highland
Mountain alpine environment
What is an exception to the unpopulated areas of the highlands and why?
This is because they have volcanic ash
Where and when did the first humans exist?
Central East Africa, till 1 million years ago.
When did homosapians first emerge, and where?
100 000 years ago, and the Rift Valley in East Africa
Define Homo Erectus
First human ancestors to spread beyond East Africa
What are some characteristics of hunters & gatherers.
- wild food
- plants
- hunting
- strong territorial attachment
When was the first agricultural revolution and where?
7 000 - 10 000 years ago, and in the Middle East
What caused the first agricultural revolution?
A quantitative leap in food production because of the domesticization of animals for food and work
What limits population growth?
- primitive economic conditions
- frequent famines
- natural disasters
- social upheavels
When did population growth begin to speed up?
The 1600s
When was the second agricultural revolution?
When was the Industrial revolution and what did it cause?
1700's in England, and it caused an acceleration in the growth of the population of Europe
Is population growth a recent phenonina?
What did Thomas Malthus say about population growth and the growth of food supply?
Population Growth: geometric
Food Supply: arithmetic
When will the population of the world have leveled off?
The middle of the century.
Define Crude Birth Rate
The number of live births per 1000
Define Crude Death Rate
The number of deaths per 1000
How is the natural increase rate calculated?
Crude Birth Rate - Crude Death Rate
What is natural increase?
Annual % increase
What is doubling time?
The time it takes a population to double
What is the total fertility rate?
The average number of kids a women has in her child bearing years, 15 - 49
What are the best long term solutions to rapid population growth?
Economic growth
Social progress
What area of the world does the worst in all categories for quality of life?
Sub-saharian Africa
Where are almost all of the 3rd world countries?
In the Southern Hemisphere
Where are almost all the 1st world counties?
In the Northern Hemisphere
Where are almost all the 2nd world counties?
They are almost all extinct, because the gap in wealth is growing, and must 2nd world counties are communist.
What year (about) do population predictions start to get sketchy?
What are the population predictions for Europe?
The European population is expected to decrease by 70 000 000
What are the population predictions for Africa?
Keep growing
How is Arithmetic population density calculated?
(total # of ppl) / (total area)
Define Physiological Density
The number of people supported by a unit of arable land.
Define Agricultural Density?
The ratio of farmers to the amount of arable land
The more economically advanced a region is, the (more or less) dense it is?
define demographic transition
a process of change in a societies population
different rates of change = socioeconomic diversity
what are the four stages of economic growth?
1. low growth rate
2. high growth rate
3. moderate growth
4. low/no growth
what are the characteristics of a low growth rate?
- preindustrial societies
- the entire world pre 1700s
- high birth/death rates
what are the characteristics of a high growth rate?
- began in the industrial & agricultural revolution
- presently: africa, parts of asia, and latin america
- a decrease in death rates
what are the characteristics of a moderate growth rate?
- late industrialization
- decrease in birth rates
- europe and north american till the mid 1990s
what are the characteristics of a low/non-existent growth rate?
- sometimes negative growth rate
- advanced countries
- death/birth rates stable or decreasing
Define Migration
relocation diffusion
what is emigration?
migration from a location
what is immigration?
migration to a location
what is net migration?
the difference between emigration and immigration
what are some reasons (push and pull factors) for migration?
- economic conditions
- cultural reasons
- environmental
what is the most common distance of migration?
short, within a countries borders
where do most people who migrate long distances migrate to?
urban centers
why do most people migrate?
economic reasons
international migration is most common for what age group and type of people?
young single males
how many slaves were deported from south african to latin america and why?
10 - 12 million, to work on the plantations
how many europeans have migrated to american since the 1500s?
30 million
how many europeans migrated to american prior to independence?
1 million
where did the most europeans come from when they migrated to america?
germany - 7.1 million
italy - 5.4 million
england - 5.2 million
ireland - 2.8 million
when was the frist wave of immigration to america and where did the masses come from?
1840s - 1850s
northern and western europe, about 7 million
when was the second wave of immigration to america, and where did the masses come from?
western europe, about 5 million
when was the third wave of immigration to america, aand where did the masses come from?
early 1900s, southern and eastern europe.
what are reasons for immigration from europe to america?
- europes demograpic transition
- impact diffusion of europeans and christianity
- negative impact on the natives
what is the new trend of immigration?
immigration from less economically developed regions.
since the 1980s where have the highest levels of immigration been from?
latin america, mexico, the dominican, jamacia.
how many illegal immigrants reside in the usa and in what states?
20 million
california - 25 %
newyork/ newjersey - 25 %
flordia/ texas/ illinois - 25 %
other - 25 %
Define religion
a part of the core values and essential element of belief systems and the definition of a culture
what is the Muslim capital of the world?
Indonesia, then pakistan and bangdalesh
what are the three main religions of the world in order of popularity
1) Christianity
2) Islam
3) Budism
what are all religions are divided into?
branches, and then denominations, and the sets
what is a branch?
a large fundamental division within a region
what is denomination?
a division of a branch that unites a number of congregations under one administrative and legal body
what is a sect?
a relatively small group that has detached itself
how many people practice christianity?
2 billion
what percentage of people in north american practice christianty?
84 %
what percentage of people in europe practice christianity?
90 %
what percentage of people in Australia and latin american practice christianity?
australia - 80 %
latin america - 96 %
what branch inside of christiantiy do 50 % of them practice?
roman catholic
what percentage of the Christians are protestant?
24 %
where and when and with whom did the protestant religion evolve?
germany, 1517, and martin luther
what percentage of the worlds christians pracitce eastern orthodox?
11 %
how many adherents follow Islam world wide?
1 billion
what area is dominated by the islamic faith?
north africa to central asia
what are the two main branches of the islamic faith?
sunni & shiite
which is the more popular branch, sunni or shiite?
sunni - 83 %
where is shiite most popular?
iran, iraq, azerbaijan, lebanon
when and where did Islam originate?
7th century AD in Arabia with Muhammad.
how many adherents follow budism?
300 million
does budism allow simultaneous adherence to other faiths?
YA it does
what are the main areas were budism is popular?
china, east asia, japan and south east asia
what are the two main branches of budism?
Theravada & Mahayana
where is Theravada popular?
south east asia
where is Mahayana popular?
china, japan, korea, mongolia, tibet
where and when did budism originate?
NE india in the 6the century BC with Budda.
when was the diffusion of budism essentially complete?
200 AD
how many adherents does Hinduism have?
800 million
what is the largest ethnic faith?
what percentage of india is hindu, and what percentage of nepal is hindu?
india - 83 %
nepal - 90 %
when did hinduism come about?
1500 BC
how many people practice Judaism?
14 million
how many people in the usa practice judaism?
6 million
how many people in israel practice judaism?
4 million
what was the worlds first monotheistic faith?
what are the origins of judaism?
2000 BC, Abraham
What percentage of jews lived in europe before the 1930s?
90 %
how many jews died in the holocaust?
6 million
when did Confucianism originate?
the 6th century BC
what is Confucianism?
a series of principles by which to conduct daily life
by who and when was Taoism founded?
6th century BC, by Lao Tse
what religion coexist with budism?
Shintoism regards the forces of nature as what
10% of all Africans adhere to what?
a variety of ethnic african religions
what are some characteristics of african religions?
- monotheistic
- hierarchy of divinations
- declining in favor of christiantiy
what has been the greatest challenge to organized religion of the 20th century?
what are the three largest religious conflicts?
- the irish problem:
catholic vs protestant
- the middle east:
jews vs christians vs
- the Arab-Israeli conflict ( since 1948 )
Define Language
- a system of communication used through speech
- a system of written communication: numbers and symbols
Define a Language Family
a collection of languages related through a common ancestor
what is the biggest language family?
indo-European ( 50% )
what percentage of the world speaks sino-tibetan?
20 %
what is a language branch?
a collection of languages through common ancestry within a larger framework of a family of languages
what is a language group?
a collection of languages within a branch
what is dialect?
regional variations distinguished by vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation
what are some example of dialect?
british, english, american english.
what are some examples of a language branch?
germanic, romance, baltic-slavic
how many people speak indo-european languages?
more than 3 billion