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67 Cards in this Set

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Quantitative Interitance

Polygenic inheritance

Qualitative Inheritance

Discreet Variation (one gene)


Centromere is in the middle


Centromere is between middle and end


Centromere is between middle and end but closer to the end


Centromere is at the end of the chromosome


Cell division used either for asexual reproduction or growth and repair of somatic cells


Longest phase of cell cycle

Chromosomes are extended and uncoiled; chromatin forms


First phase of mitosis:

Chromosomes coil up and condense; centrioles divide and move apart; the nuclear membrane breaks down


Second phase of mitosis:

chromosomes are clear double structures; centrioles reach the opposite poles; spindle fibers form


Third phase of mitosis:

chromosomes align individually in the center of the cell; centromeres attach to the spindle fibers


Fourth form of mitosis:

centromeres split and daughter chromosomes begin to migrate to the opposite poles along the spindle fibers


Final phase of mitosis:

daughter chromosomes arrive at opposite poles; cytokinesis begins; spindle fibers break down; nuclear membrane forms


the division of cytoplasm between the daughter cells


the process of gamete formation; involves two stages of division

Meiosis I

Reductional division (2N --> N)

Meiosis II

Equational division (N --> N)


Evidence of crossing over

Crossing over

The reciprocal exchange of chromosomal segments between non-sister chromatids of a homologous pair

Prophase I

Longest stage of Meiosis; broken into 5 stages.


Chromosomes begin to condense; chromosomes appear beaded; homology search begins


Rough pairing of homologous chromosomes; condensation continues; synaptonemal complex begins to form between homologues


condensation continues; synaptonemal complex is complete; homologue pairing referred to a synapsis; tetrads exist; crossing over occurs between non-sister chromatid within pairs


condensation continues; synaptonemal complex breaks down; homologous chromosomes held together by chiasmata between non-sister chromatids


chromosomes are condensed; homologous chromosomes held together by chiasmata; nuclear membrane breaks down; spindle fibers form; centromeres attach to the spindle fibers

Metaphase I

homologues are paired; one homologue of each pair orients itself towards a random pole (random orientation)

Anaphase I

one homologue from each pair moves to opposite poles; centromeres do not divide

Telophase I

homologues are at opposite poles; cell begins to divide; cytokinesis begins


A pause between phases; no change to DNA occurs

Meiosis II

almost identical to mitosis; results in 4 genetically unique haploid gametes


the process by which living organisms produce offspring that resemble their parents

Blending Inheritance

There is an apparent so of variation in every generation

Mendel's Initial Steps

1. Establish true-breeding lines

2. Cross two true-breeding line to produce hybrids

Mendel's Observations

1. Only one version of the trait appeared in F1 hybrid

2. The form not seen in the F1 hybrid is the recessive gene

3. In F2, both versions of the trait appear

4. In F2, the dominant trait appears ~3x the recessive trait

F2 contains 1 true-breeding dominant, 2 hybrids, and 1 true-breeding recessive

Mendel's Hypothesis

1. Each trait is determined by heredity factors

2. Heredity factors are transmitted from parent to child through gametes

3. Each heredity factor has alternate forms

4. An organism has two copies of the heredity trait for each trait, one from each parent

5. The two copies of the heredity factor remain distinct properties

6. The two copies of the heredity factor are distributed singly and in equal proportions into the gametes

7. Gametes unite at random during reproduction

Monohybrid Cross

Examines 1 gene

1:2:1 genotype ratios

3:1 phenotype ratios

Test Cross

Crossing an individual with a dominant phenotype but unknown genotype with an individual who is a true-breeding recessive.

Dihybrid Cross

Crossing 2 genes

9:3:3:1 phenotype ratio

Dihybrid Test Cross

If dominant: all show dominant phenotype

If hybrid: there is a 1:1:1:1 ratio of phenotypes

Independent Assortment

The segregation of the pairs of alleles for one trait occurs independently of the segregation of the alleles for the other trait during gamete formation


The meiotic process by which sperm is created. It results in 4 sperm cells


The meiotic process by which eggs are produced. It results in one ovum, with two polar bodies being formed along the way

Polar Body

A discarded cell that contains one of the nuclei of the division process, but almost no cytoplasm as a result of an unequal cytokinesis


1. The proportion of times that an event is expected to occur in repeated trials

2. Frequency of occurrence in a group

Probability of an event in a single trial


m: number of times that the event of interest occurs in n

n: number of equally likely outcomes

Addition Rule

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)

if A and B are mutually exclusive, then P(A and B) = 0, but this only occurs when looking at one gene

Conditional Probability

The probability that event B occurs, given that A has already occurred

Multiplication Rule:

P(A and B) = P(A) X P(B, given A)

If two or more traits are independent, as in independent assortment, then A has no effect on B so P(A and B) = P(A) X P(B)

Pedigree Analysis

Deduce the qualitative trait by examining the segregation of alleles in several generations of related individuals

Complete Dominance

Phenotypically, the heterozygous individual looks identical to the homozygous dominant individual

Partial (incomplete) Dominance

Phenotypically, the heterozygous individual is between the two homozygous individuals, but looks more like one than the other

No Dominance

(Additive Dominance)

Phenotypically, the heterozygous individual is an exact intermediate of the two homozygotes


Phenotypically, the heterozugous individual is an intermediate, but shows full expression of both alleles

Multiple Alleles

Three or more alleles for a particular gene exist in a population or species, but only two alleles can be present in an individual

Lethal mutant Alleles

The wild type gene product is needed in the correct amount for the survival of the organism

Recessive lethal

Homozygous recessive individuals die

Dominant Lethal:

Homozygous dominant and heterozygous individuals die due to possession of dominant allele

Dominant morphology, but recessive lethal

Homozygous recessive individuals die, but heterozygous individuals who a non-wild type morphology (ie. curly and antennapedia)

Modified Monohybrid phenotype ratio

No Dominance:

1/4 AA, 2/4 Aa, 1/4 aa

Modified Dihybrid phenotype ratio

1st gene shows complete dominance

2nd gene shows no dominance

Do branched out structure


1. The occurrence of novel phenotypes produced by the combined effects of two different genes on one trait

2. The genotype at one gene masks the effect or expression of the genotype at another different gene, where both genes affect the trait

Recessive Epistasis

If the individual is homozygous recessive at one gene, it masks the expression at the second gene

9:7 phenotype ratio

Dominant Epistasis

If the individual has at least one dominant allele at a gene, it masks the expression at the other gene

13:3 phenotype ratio

Sex-Linked Traits (X-linked)

Genes are actually on the X chromosome

Sex-Associated patterns of inheritance

Due to autosomal chromosomes, but linked with the gender of the individual

Sex-Limited inheritance

A trait that is expressed in only one sex even though the trait may not be X-linked

Sex-Influenced Inheritance

Phenotypic expression conditioned by the sex of the individual. A heterozygote may express one phenotype in one sex and an alternate phenotype in the other sex