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20 Cards in this Set

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Title of procedure 7 (general senses)

Appreciation of passive movements

T/F: Let the subject’s left upper extremity duplicate the position. Avoid auditory cues


Title of Procedure 6 (general senses)

Position sense

Result in procedure 3-6 (general senses)

The subject felt severe pain upon inflation

Result in procedures 7-8 (general senses)

The subject felt numbness on the affected arm

In procedure 3-8, When the cuff is deflated (general senses)

Numbness & pain will disappear

Result in procedures 11-14 (general senses)

Subject felt more pain in the previously affected arm

Result in procedures 15-16 (general senses)

The left arm which is working twice as the right pain first

Increase in sensitivity of pain receptors


When blood flow is blocked, tissue becomes painful

Tissue ischemia

Indirect effect of muscle spasm causing compression of blood vessels can also trigger the response


Common cause pain; basis of many clinical pain syndromes

Muscle spasm

Also known as sharp pain, pricking pain, acute pain and electric pain

Fast pain

Seconds of fast pain after stimulation

0.1 second

Fast pain is transmitted via

Type A delta fibers

Skin temperature sensation: beaker of warm water, how many centigrade?

40 degrees celcius

Placement of dorsal aspect of the hand in procedure 9 (general senses)

2 (two) inches away from your mouth

Title of procedure 9 (general senses)

Temperature sensation

Receptor that detects heat

Ruffini’s corpuscle

Receptors that detects cold

Krause end bulb