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16 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between implant and endo success?

No significant difference. 98.4% for implants at 36 months, 99.3% for RCT at 22 month follow up.

Hannahan J, Eleazer P. Comparison of success of implants versus endodontically treated teeth. J Endod 2008;34:1302-5

Short term success with Resilon/Epiphany vs. Gutta percha/Kerr sealer

No significant difference at 25 months. Short term outcome is similar.

Cotton T, Schindler W, Hargreaves K. A retrospective study comparing clinical outcomes after obturation with Resilon/Epiphany or gutta-percha/kerr sealer. J Endod 2008;34:789-97.

1 vs 2 visit for necrotic cases that are asymptomatic with apical periodontitis. What do you do?

Apparently no significant difference as published. But there was a 65% success with 1 visit, and 75% with 2 visit group with uncertain healing in 27% of 1 visit and 13% of 2 visit. The biggest factor in healing seemed to be if cultures were positive or negative prior to obturation, canals with negative cultures healed at 80%, positive cultures healed at 44%. Molander A, Warfying J, Reit C, Kvist T. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of one and two-visit endodontic treatment of asymptomatic necrotic teeth with apical periodontitis: a randomized clinical trial. J Endod 2007;33:1145-8

Do you use ultrasonic activation? How?

Yes! 40k hertz at 3 min cleans significantly cleans the isthmuses better than mechanically cleaning alone (about 92% vs 37% at WL-3mm) Goodman A and Reader A 1985

Weller et al 1980 said ultrasonic activation is most effective after completion of shaping of the canal.

Archer also showed superior cleanliness with ultrasonic activation at 1 and 3mm from WL.

What is your irrigation protocol?

Full strength NaOCl (5.25%) followed by 17% EDTA, then final rinse of NaOCl gives the cleanest canal walls (Yamada 1983)

Who said 2 visit endo with CaOH2 Is good?

Bystrom and Sundqvist 1985. CaOH2 left in the canals for 1 month killed all bugs. More effective than phenol based medicaments. The CaOH2 teeth were irrigated with 5% rather than 0.5%

Who talked about cleaning with ultrasonics after prep for cleaner canals?

Goodman and Reader 1985- significant cleaner canals at 1mm, better at cleaning isthmuses and fins compared to step back alone.

Archer and Reader-1992

Nusstein and Reader-2005

All studies show canals cleaner with ultrasonics following final instrumentation.

The smear layer.... Who, what, why?

McComb & Smith 1975 first discussed it.

Mader & Baumgartner 1984-1-2 microns thick

also observed 40micro thick buildup in tubules.

Irrigation protocol?

Yamada 1983 said cleanest canals with full strength NaOCl followed by EDTA then NaOCl again.


Basrani 2007.

What are coronal sinus tracts associated with?

Vertical root fracture. 35% of vertical rt fx have this.

Tamse 1999

What benefit do you get from removing the restoration prior to RCT?

Better at locating caries, cracks and marginal breakdown, almost 2x better. Abbott Australian Dental Journal 2004

Do you do one visit or two visit RCT?

Typically 1 visit.

Peters & Wesslink 2005: necrotic with lesions obturated in 1 vs 2 visits. NSD in healing (actually 1 visit did better) regardless of cultivable bact in canal at time of obturation. 4.5yr follow-up, 2% hypo, apical prep at least 35.

Silver cones....

Corrosion products: silver sulfates, silver sulfides, silver carbonates, silver amines, silver amine hydrates (all toxic).-Seltzer 1972



Needle irrigation

Segley-deeper the needle more bact killed. 3x more effective at 1mm than 5mm

About Ross- more debris cleared the deeper needle.

Kahn- max I probe best needle.