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44 Cards in this Set

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plants make their own food through a process called photosynthesis.


All plants need water, nutrients especially nitrogen from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air, and sunlight in order to live. The relationship between plants and animals is a mutually supportive one. Plants manufacture sugar and oxygen through this; animals take in oxygen and through respiration give off carbon dioxide which plants use during photosynthesis and respiration, a general description of plants and their life cycle is helpful.

Angiosperms have two classes

Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons


which include grasses, lilies, irises, orchids, corn, and palms, have flowers that occur in trees, parallel veins in the leaves, little if any woody growth, seeds that have one seed leaf, and flower parts that occur in trees.


which include most of the flowering trees, shrubs, and many non-woody plants have flowers that occur in four or fives, seeds that have two seed leaves, net-like leaf veins, woody growth, and ring shaped vascular bundles in their stems.


conducts water throughout the plant.


are specialized cells that grow rapidly and undergo continuous cell division.


is the transfer of pollen(male gamete) from anther to stigma. Once in the stigma, the pollen forms a tube, which allows it to transfer the male gamete to the egg for fertilization. Some flowers like salvias and viola can self pollinate, but most rely on wind, water, insects, birds, bats, and other pollination. These mediums also carry seeds.


contain the sporophyte embryo, food for the embryo, and a protective coat. An embryo in a seed is dormant and can survive without additional food or water until conditions are right for growth.


is a plant that completes its entire life cycle in one full year.

examples of annuals

marigolds, geraniums, petunias and zinnias.


two full years for it to complete its life cycle.

examples of biennials

carrots, sweet William, cabbage, swiss chard, and celery.


lives more than three years.

examples of perennials

hydrangeas, lilacs, forsythia, forsynthia, and Rose of Sharon. Examples of woody perennials shrubs, conifers, and fruit trees.


is the process of converting light energy to chemical energy, which is stored in marcomolecules. Photosynthesis occurs in plants, blue green algae, and algae. Photosynthesis occurs in plants in chloroplasts. contain holes with stomata which let out carbon dioxide and oxygen out.

two major reactions from photosynthesis

light reaction and dark reaction

light reaction

the light energy is converted to chemical energy in a specific membrane of the chloroplast, where chlorophyll and other pigments are clustered. These pigments absorb light and move it energy to a central chorophyll molecule in whch photosynthesis occurs. Obviously because light energy is essential to this reaction, the reaction occurs in light.

dark reaction

occurs in the stroma within the chloroplast, and coverts co2 and water absorbed through plant roots in sugar, which is stored in starch This reaction uses the products of light reaction ATP(adenosine triphosphate) and NADPH(Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) water H2O and CO2 during the cavin cycle to form suger.

chemical reaction for photosynthesis

6CO2 and 6H20(plus light energy)-C6H1206 plus 602


is the physiological and chemical process that enables animals to use oxygen to release carbon dioxide into the environment, which is then used by plants during photosynthesis.

two types of respiration

aerobic and anaerobic

Aerobic respiration

is the main means by which both plants and animals utilize energy in the form of organic compounds that was previously created through photosynthesis.

anerobic respiration

The cell breaks down sugar (glycolysis) n the cytoplasm into a special chemical pyruvate. The pyruvate permits the products to break down to enter the mitochondria of the cell. If oxygen is present the pyruvate may be fully oxidized (aerobic respiration). This produces the form of ATP and another important compound acetyl-coA which leads to the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle). If oxygen is not present pyruvate will ferment to form acetyl-cA, which then enters the mitochondria where xygen is present, and becomes oxidized during the Krebs cycle to form ATP and waste products of C02 and H20.

chemical reaction of H20

c6H1206(aq) and 602(g) then 6C02(g) and 6H20


is an organism that consumes food from other

organisms in the form of fat, carbohrydrate, and protein. Get food from external or dead matter.


occurs when two or more dissimilar organisms interact.

there are four types of symbiosis

mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, and amensalism.


each organism benefits, like a plant and an animal.


one living organism benefits, while the other is unharmed. example a barnacle or remora on shark.


one partner the parasite benefits, at the expense of the host. examples tapeworms, flukes, malaria, and fleas.


is a type where one partner is created is inhibited or destroyed and the other is unaffected. example competition


is one form of amensalism in which a larger or stronger organism excludes a smaller or weaker one from living space or deprives them of food.


in which one organism is unaffected but the other is damaged or killed by a chemical secretion. example is penicillan


is a large geographical area that contains distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment. Geography and climate determine the type of biome that can exist. Major biomes include deserts, forests, grasslands, tundra and marine and fresh water environments.


is a living community that is composed of complex relationships between each member and its surrounding environment. An ecosystem may consist of many habitats.


which are areas or environments where an organism or ecological community normally lives or occurs.

Food web or food chain

plants are producers and they are at the beginning of the food chain. Next are consumers and they eat plants and other organisms. carnivores only eat other animals. herbivores eat plants and omnivores eat both plants and animals.

life cycle

A living thing changes, grows reproduces and dies in a cycle.

simple life cycle

birth, infancy or young, and adult.


is a biological process during which an animal, after birth, progresses through several distinctive changes in its body structure through cell growth and differentiation. Many insects, amphibians, mollusks, crustaceans, cnidarians, echinoderms, and tunicates.

stages of butterfly metamorphosis

stage one eggs, stage two eggs hatch into larvae or caterpillar. Stage three the caterpillar becomes a chrysalis. during stage four the butterfly emerges.

incomplete metamorphosis

egg, nymph, and adult. examples grasshopers, cockroaches, dragonflies, and termites.


shed all or part of their outer covering, such a shell, skin, feathers, exoskeleton, and cuticle which is replaced by new growth.