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7 Cards in this Set

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What did you think of the research results on what little boys would do if they were girls and vice versa?
Girls felt that as boys they would command better respect, feel more secure, and be less fearful of being judged.
One boy said that he would stab himself 50 times with a dull butter knife and if that didn't work he would run in front of a huge eighteenth gear and have his brain mashed like jell-o.
What is the "social constructionism" point of view on why men and women are different?
Women are assumed to be more emotionally fragile in the workplace, also.
Feelings are considered more delicate and co-worker expects to react emotionally to negative information.
Consequently, critical feedback is often softened to protect the woman manager’s feeling.
What are some of the ways in which parents influence their child's gender identity?
Through childhood, boys' and girls' bedrooms send distinct gendered signals. Boys rooms are often painted in dark colors and have decorations related to action and adventure. Girls' bedrooms are typically decorated in pink, or other soft colors.
How do boys and girls play differently with their peers?
Play inside, in private, have best friends
Play in pairs or triplets, take turns and play cooperatively
Complain to adults when boys invade space
Play for shorter periods of time, taking breaks if there is a conflict between friends
Play outside, in public, have buddies
Play in large groups
Engage in competitive, physical, rough-and-tumble games
Play games for longer periods of time than girls Control more playground space than girls
How does the textbook say that this peer plays later manifest itself in the workplace?
From their play, boys learn to participate successfully in competitive situations, develop societally valued organizational and networking skills, feel comfortable in public spaces, and gain independence. Girls do not learn these skills and lessons. Instead, they learn to care for others, build relationships, and share through their play.

Girls organize themselves into small cliques and their alliances to friends shift regularly. In girls' groups, the leader is chosen based on subjective criteria like clothes, looks, and popularity. In boys' groups, leadership is based on athletic or other well-defined skills and measurable successes.
What does research tend to show about teacher's interactions with girls and with boys?
Repeatedly they found that teachers took time to offer boys detailed instructions that ultimately enabled the boys to complete the assignment or task on their own, whereas female students were less likely to receive explanations, and instead, teachers completed the tasks for the girls.
What are ways in which the media influence a child's view of gender roles?
a. The marketers would like her to believe that she is not complete, not mature, and not feminine enough without makeup. Through the ad, she is encouraged to spend her money on a certain brand of makeup and to believe this product and the practice of makeup application is essential in her growth process as a woman.