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41 Cards in this Set

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what is an adhesion?
internal scar tissue from previous surgeries or disease processes.
what is an adhesion?
internal scar tissue from previous surgeries or disease processes.
what is appendicitis?
inflammation of the veriform appendix
what is ascites?
abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
what is a calculus?
Concentration of mineral salts in the body leading to the formation of stone.
what is cholecystitis?
inflammation of the gallbladder
what is cholelithiasis?
presence of gallstones or calculi in the gallbladder
what is chyme?
acidid, semi-fluid paste found in the gastrointestinal tract
what is cirrhosis?
chronic degenerative changes in the liver cells and thickening of surrounding tissue
what is a colostomy?
surgically created opening from the colon through the abdominal wall
what is constipation?
condition charactorized by hard, infrequent stools that are difficult or painful to pass
what is digestion?
mechanical and chemical processes that convert nutruiets into a physically absorbable state
what is diverticula?
sac-like protrusion of the intestinal wall that results when the mucosa herniates through the bowel wall
what is effluent?
liquid out-put from an ileostomy
what is a gastric ulcer?
erosion in the stomach
what is gastritis?
inflammation of the stomach mucosa
what is glycogenesis?
conversion of glucose into glycogen
what is glycogenolysis?
conversion of glycogen into glucose
what is haustra?
Sac-like pouches of the colon
what is hematemesis?
vomiting of blood
what is a hemorrhoid?
swollen vascular tissue in the rectal area
what is hepatitis?
chronic or acute inflammation of the liver
what is an ileostomy?
opening created in the small intestine at the ileum specific signs and symptoms of an infectious agent
what is intussusception?
telescoping of one part of the intestine into another
what is jaundice?
yellow discoloration of the skin, sclera, mucoous membranes and body fluids that occurs when the liver is unable to fully remove bilirubin from the blood
what is ligation?
application of a band or tie around a structure
what is melena?
stool containing partially broken down blood; usually black, sticky and tar-like
what is an occult blood test? guiac?
test for microscopic blood done on the stool
what is pancreatitis?
acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas
what is a peptic ulcer?
erosion formed in the esophagus, stomach or duodenum resulting from acid/pepsin imbalance
what is peristalsis?
coordinated rhythmic, serial contraction of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
what is peritonitis?
inflammation of the peritoneum, the membranous covering of the abdomen
what is a polyp?
abnormal growth of tissue
what is postprandial?
after eating
what is steatorrhea?
fatty stool
what is a stoma?
surgical opening between a cavity and the surface of the body
what is stomatitis?
inflammation of the oral mucosa
what is a volvulus?
twisting of a bowel on itself
what is an adhesion?
internal scar tissue from previous surgeries or disease processes
what is appendicitis?
inflammation of the veriform appendix
what is ascites?
abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity