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17 Cards in this Set

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External Intercostals

O: costal tubercles

I: almost to costal cartilages

A: elevate ribs inspiration: stabilize chest wall

IN: corresponding Intercostal nerves

Internal Intercostals

O: sternum

I: costal angle

A: depress ribs expiration; stabilize chest wall

IN: Corresponding Intercostal nerves

Innermost intercostals

O: middle 2 quarters of lower spaces

I: " "

A: depress ribs expiration; stabilize chest wall

IN: corresponding Intercostal nerves


innermost intercostals that cross 2 or 3 intercostal spaces near costal angle; lower thorax

Levatores costarum

O: transverse processes of C7-T11

I: b/t rib angle and tubercle of rib 1 or 2 below

A: elevate costal cartilages inspiration

IN: ventral rami of corresponding thoracic spinal nerves

Trasversus thoracis

O: lower 1/3 posterior sternum, xiphoid process, costal cartilages of ribs 4 or 5-7

I: costal cartilages of ribs 2-6

A: depress costal cartilages expiration

IN: adjacent intercostal nerves


O: sternal - back of xiphoid process; costal - inner lower 6 costal cartilages and their ribs, lumbar - medial/lateral arcuate ligaments, thickening fascia on superior quadratus lumborum & psoas major, upper 3 lumbar vertebral bodies near LR crura

I: central tendon

A: depress during inspiration, elevate during expiration

IN: C345 phrenic nerve

Muscles for quiet inspiration

diaphragm (but scalenes and intercostals are active)

Muscles for deep inspiration/forced respiration

scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, serratus posterior and anterior, pectoral muscles, trapezius

Muscles for active expiration

abdominal muscles and latissimus dorsi

intercostal nerves

ventral rami of T1-T11 that innervate abdominal and thoracic walls; each nerve ends in an anterior cutaneous branch

subcostal nerve

ventral ramus of T12; emerges beneath rib 12

external obliques

O: outer surfaces and lower borders of ribs 5-12; intertwines with SA & LT

I: linea alba, anterior half of iliac crest

A: trunk flexion, compression & support ab viscera, depress thorax, aids in respiration, posterior pelvic tilt, same side bend, opposite rotation

IN: T7-T12 intercostal nerves

internal obliques

O: ant. 2/3 of iliac crest, lateral 2/3 of inguinal lig, thoracolumbar fascia

I: outer surfaces and lower borders of costal cartilages of ribs 7-9, inferior borders of ribs 9-12, linea alba, pubic crest and pecten pubis

A: trunk flexion, compression and support of ab viscera, depress thorax, Inc. tension of thoracolumbar fascia, same side bend and rotation

IN: T7-T12 intercostal nerves, L1

transversus abdominis

O: ant. 2/3 iliac crest, lateral 1/3 of inguinal lig, thoracolumbar fascia, inner lower 6 costal cartilages

I: linea alba, pubic crest & pecten pubis

A: girdle that flattens ab wall & compress ab viscera, dec infrasternal angle in expiration, Inc. thoracolumbar fascia tension

IN: T7-T12 intercostal nerves, L1

rectus abdominis

O: pubic tubercle, crest & symphysis

I: side of xiphoid process, 5-7 costal cartilages

A: trunk flexion, lateral flexion, posterior pelvic tilt

IN: T6-T12 intercostal nerves

quadratus lumborum

O: iliolumbar lig, adjacent iliac crest

I: lower border rib 12, transverse processes of L1-L4

A: lumbar spine extension, lumbar spine side bend, depress rib 12 in inspiration, hip hike

IN: T12 subcostal & L1-3/4