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37 Cards in this Set

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4 species of Candida most common in human disease

Candida Albicans

Candida parapsilosas

Candida Glabrata

Candida Kruusei

Predisposing factors of candida overgrowth






one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped

Virulence factors of Candida





*phenotypic switching

Pityriasis Versicolor

-multiple pale brown, hyperpigmented patches on chest and shoulders

-cosmetic complaint

- looks like spachetti and meatballs under KOH

- coral red flourescence forms as bi product of organism metabolism (woods lamp)

- superficial

-scaly lesions

- found in sweaty regions

Tinea nigra

-brown/black macular lesions usually on hands or feet

- may resemble melanoma

-treat with salicylic acid

- benzoic acid (whitfields ointment)

- superficial

Black Peidra, white piedra

-Infection of external hair shaft forming black nodules concretion (Piedraia hortae) or white nodules (Trichosporon beigelli) white will break off but black will not

Found in tropical climates

-treatment: antifungal shampoo

Dermatophytoses, tineas, ringworms


-inflammatory response

- metabolize keratin

Main types of fungi causing fungal infections




Tinea corporis

ringworm of trunk and legs

Tinea imbricata

concentric rings of scales over trunk, legs, forearms

Tinea pedis

athletes foot

scaling between toes, lateral side of the foot

Mocassin pattern

Tinea cruris

-rash, scaling, inner thigh

- jock itch

Tinea capitis

-Microsporum canis

-often associated with dogs

-scalp ringworm


conidia outside of hair shaft


conidia inside hair shaft, hair loss scaling and inflammation of scalp. confused with dandruff

Tinea barbera

infection of hair and skin around bearded areas of face and neck

Tinea unguium

fungal infection of the nails

causes thickening, fissuring, colorization


-wart like ccauliflower, pigmented lesions of the foot

- traumatic inoculation in bare foot workers

- tropical disease

- soil organisms may take years to develope


- rose thorn disease

- ulcerative papule, spreads via draining lymph channels, nodular granulomas, chronic

Sporothrix schenckii (most common group in US)


madura foot

- infection via thorns and splinters

- small painless papules and nodules

- sinus tract formation leads to spread

- bone destruction

Adherence in Candida

mucosal colonization

species and strains are different

stronger cell adherence stronger virulence

adhere to medical devices and contact lenses


formation of pseudohyphae

true hyphae are invasive factors


allow bacteria to bind to enzyme substrate rxn


candida loves fatty acids

breeak down phospholipids into ketones and aldehydes and produces smell

Phenotype switching

evasion of neutrophil killing

antifungal resisitance

Summarize the role of candida in normal GI flora

keep other bacteria in check

found in 1000% of people

found in 75% of skin

What is important about vaginal candiasis

-caused by change in vaginal bacterial flora, Ph

Differentiate between bacteria and protozoan

Gardnerella vagininalis

Trichomonas vaginalis

Describe the 5 most common clinical manifestations of cutaneous candiasis

Folliculitis- inflammation of hair follice

Balanitis- swelling of head of penis typically in uncircumsized people

Intertrigo- in skin folds where there is sweat and moisture

Paronchyia/ onchomycosis- nail bed or nail infection

general cutaneous candida- unable to penetrate intact skin; diaper rash, pruritic rash, vesicular or pustular


changing form with changing temperature

reproduce by budding

multicellular filaments called hyphae

form dense mats of pseudohyphae


dense mats of hyphae


bacteria that have not fully broken off to form new fungi

Describe KOH test

--> take skin scraping

--> put on slide

--> 10-30 percent KOH

-->cover slip and gently warm

--> digest eukaryotic material leaving yeast cells intact

--> put on background stain

--> white clear smears

Selective toxicity

-ability of chemical or drug to kill a microorganism without harming its host

- since candida are native to body selective toxicity decreases

--> treatment toxicity increase- increases harm to patient

Predisposing factors to dermatophyte infection



exposure to infected people, animals, soil

hats, combs, hairbrushes, upholstery

recurrent trauma to skin

Germ tube test

after you have performed KOH

put candida in calf serum 37 degrees

-positive will look like long elongation (not segmented- dimorphism that occurs in yeast when cell comes in contact with appropriate nutrition and temp

Oral thrush

INfant- 1st exposure because of underdeveloped immune system

-often aquired while breast feeding, infected nipple

Adolescent- cottage cheese patches, pseudomembraneous

Geriatric- dentures, gums palate