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260 Cards in this Set

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Subclass protheria
"early beasts"
includes order monotremata
Subclass theria
"true beasts"
includes two infraclasses: metatheria & eutheria
Infraclass metatheria
Includes the order marsupialia
Infraclass eutheria
Bulk of living mammals
What is the unique characteristic of monotreme repro?
Egg-laying mammals
What is one unique characteristic of marsupial repro?
Give birth to live young, but they are very atricial & require further development in pouch attached to a mammary gl
Typically reptiles have what kind of teeth?
What is a characteristic of the ear unique to mammals?
Mammals have 3 ossicles of the middle ear (stapes, malleus, incus), whereas reptiles only had stapes
Name 3 examples of cursorial mammals.
Name two types of bipedal cursors.
Kangaroos (ricochetal cursors)
Name 2 characteristics of the vertebral column that is unique to cursors.
1. Have the capacity to flex & extend vertebral column
2. Thoracic wall is compressed laterally
What is the significance of the clavicle to non-cursors?
When extended from sternum to scapula, it prevents pendular movement of the shoulder joint
What is the principle of summation of independent velocities in relation to cursor joints?
The axns of multiple pivoted joints summate to contribute to length of stride
What is the diff b/w the femur of cursors & noncursors?
Nothing significant - tends to be of a fixed length
What is the diff b/w the tibia / fibula of cursors & noncursors?
Tend to be elongated & fused distally in cursors
What is the diff b/w the radius / ulna of cursors & non-cursors?
In cursors, the radius & ulna can be locked, the shaft is fused distally, and the pivot is at the elbow w/ the carpus moving passively
What is the diff b/w the MCs / MTs of cursors & non-cursors?
They are elongated in cursors
What are the impt features of the cursor pes in contrast to that of noncursors?
Cursors: reduced number of digits, reduced mm (most of bulk is proximal), & some cursors have specialized modifications (e.g. Eq suspensory apparatus)
Give one example of a saltatorial mammal.
Rabbit (hops)
What are the impt characteristics of ricochets?
Hindlimbs are larger & move together; Tail acts as a 3rd limb for balancing; Forelimbs are reduced
Give 3 examples of ricochetal cursors.
Kangaroo rat
(African) spring hare
What is significant in the structure of the limbs of graviportal animals?
Lg, stout columns of support; almost no flexion at shoulder joint; bones have a straight axis (almost in full extension)
How many digits are present in typical graviportal mammals?
Five short digits
What are the main features of the limbs of fossorial mammals?
Well-developed joint flexors & extensors; Well-developed claws; Huge hands
Give 4 examples of fossorial mammals.
N. Am badger
Giant anteater
Pangolin (scaly anteater)
What are some impt features of brachiators?
Flexible limbs w/ capacity for suppination / pronation; Prehensile tail
Give 4 examples of brachiators.
Gibbon monkey
Two-toed sloth
Spider monkey
Name the ONLY true flying mammal.
Order chiroptera (bats)
What are the unique features of bat digits?
Elongated w/ membranous support inbetween
Give 2 examples of gliders.
Flying squirrel
Flying lemur
____ have forelimb & hindlimb flippers, whereas ____ only have forelimb flippers.
Pinnipeds; Cetaceans
What is crypsis?
Protective coloration (rel to defense or signaling)
What is uinque about the hair of echidnas?
Hairs are modified into stout, sharp spines (quills)
Which layer of the skin is esp thickened & hardened in hooves?
Stratum corneum
Name 5 types of horns.
True / hollow horn
Giraffe horn
Keratin fiber (rhino) horn
Members of what family have true / hollow horns?
Fam. Bovidae
What are the features of the horns of members of the fam. bovidae?
True / hollow horns that consist of an outgrowth of bone (cornual process of frontal bone) overlying a hollow space (diverticulum of the frontal sinus) w/ a heavily keratinized stratum corneum forming a horn sheath
What is the ONLY family of mammals w/ a pronghorn?
Fam. Antilocapridae
Is the pronghorn present in females of the fam. antilocapridae?
It is either absent or present as a very small, reduced horn w/out a prong
Describe the annual cycle of horn growth in the fam. antilocapridae.
Outer horn sheath of pronghorn is shed & regrowtn from retained epidermal stratum germinativum
How might you est age of some species of the fam. bovidae?
Annual rings on surface of horn sheath (true / hollow horn)
Name two species that have giraffe horns.
Girrafe & okapi (fam. giraffidae)
What are the characteristics of giraffe horns?
NOT hollow; Consist of haired skin covering a bony protuberance of the skull (each w/ a separate ossification center / ossicone); NO annual cycle of shedding
When might you see a median horn?
Fam. giraffidae rostral to usual pair of giraffe horns
Antlers are characteristic of what fam of mammals?
Fam. cervidae (deer)
Are antlers present in males, females or both?
Only in males w/ the exception of the caribou / reindeer of which females have a smaller set
Explain the annual cycle of growth & shedding of antlers.
Antlers grow outward from pedicles on skull w/ intermembranous bone growing the fastest; Covered w/ fuzzy velvet which is well-vascularized & innervated resulting in sensitivity during growth; Innervation is interrupted at base of antler (burr ring bone just distal to pedicle) as rutting season approaches; Velvet dies & is shed leaving a mature antler consisting of only bone; At the end of rutting season, granulation tiss forms b/w base of antler & pedicle & antlers soon fall off (are cast); Cycle of regrowth begins again in the spring
The burr ring is characteristic of what fam of mammals?
Fam cervidae (antlers)
In what order of mammals do you see a keratin fiber horn?
Order perissodactyla (fam. rhinocerotidae)
In what order of mammals do you see anal sacs w/ gll?
Order carnivora
What species have an infraorbital cutaneous sinus w/ gll?
Some members of the order artiodactyla:
Sheep (fam bovidae)
Some antelopes, deer (fam cervidae)
In what species might you see an interdigital cutaneous sinus w/ gll?
Some members of the order artiodactyla:
Sheep (fam bovidae)
Deer (fam cervidae)
In what spp do you see a glandula cornual (horn gl)?
Capra spp (fam bovidae)
In what species do you see a facial gl? Where is it located?
On the upper & lower lip regions
In what species do you see a chin (mental) gl?
Swine (order artiodactyla)
Rabbits (order lagomorpha)
In what species might you see carpal gll?
Swine (order artiodactyla)
In what species do you see a caudal (tail) gl?
What are some examples of species that are herbivorous grazers?
Many members of the fam bovidae
Fam equidae
Some kangaroos (fam macropodidae)
What are some examples of herbivorous browsers?
Many members of the fam bovidae
Fam giraffidae
Fam cervidae
Some kangaroos (fam macropodidae)
What are folivores?
Leaf eaters (e.g., koala)
What are gramivores?
Grain eaters
What are frugivores?
Fruit-eaters (e.g., some bats & primates)
What features of the mm are specific to herbivorous animals?
Enlarged masseter m & medial pterygoid m
Some sp also have enlarged lateral pterygoid for cross-jawed movement
Describe the stomach of herbivores.
Name 3 species w/ multi-chambered stomachs.
Ruminants (cows, sm ru)
What are some specializations of the mm of carnivorous animals?
Enlarged temporal m
Give some examples of insectivorous mammals.
Order monotremata
Some marsupials
Order insectivora (moles, shrews)
Some members of the order xenartha (anteaters, armadillos)
What species are sanguivorous?
Vampire bats
Bears, opposums & swine have what in common?
All omnivorous animals
Tooth sockets (alveoli)
What type of dentition is characteristic of mammals?
Give an example of a mammal w/ homodont dentition.
Toothed whales (odontocetes)
Multiple generations of teeth
(e.g., mammals typically have 2 generations: deciduous & permanent)
Crown, neck & root of tooth present
Complete growth early
Give 5 examples of species w/ brachydont teeth.
Bo (incisors)
NO neck constriction
Teeth grow continuously thru much of life
What are some examples of species w/ hypsodont teeth?
Eq (incisors & cheek)
Bo (cheek)
Sw (tusks)
Rodent & rabbit (incisors)
What is a unique feature of swine in regards to dentition?
Boars have enlarged hypsodont canines that are used as fighting tusks
Elephant tusks are what kind of teeth?
Modified incisors
What are some specializations rel to food acquisition? Species?
Specialized digits (Aye-Aye)
Height (giraffe)
Ability to stand on hindlimbs (antelope)
Elongated rostrum, long tongue & copious sticky saliva (anteater)
Body temp regulation by behaviorally gaining heat from env
Most vertebrates
Body temp is regulated by combo of metabolic heat & physio regul'n of heat exchange w/ env
(Birds & mammals)
Smaller animals have a (higher / lower) metabolic rate than large animals.
Higher (less SA per body mass)
Give 2 examples of behavioral thermoregul'n.
1. Being more active during the cool part of day
2. Seeking shade during heat of day
Most mammals (maintainence of temp w/in a very narrow range)
Greater fluctuation of temp (part-time temp is rel fixed, other part of time, temp fluctuates greatly)
Two types: seasonal & regional
Large body size is impt in the (inc / dec) of heat conservation.
Give 3 examples of thermal conductance (insulation).
1. Hair
2. Blubber / fat
3. Vascular specializations (vascular shunts / countercurrent exchangers)
What are two features of polar bears that are advantageous to heat conservation?
Hollow hair (inc SA for insulation)
Blk skin (inc heat absorption)
What is an adaptation of muskoxen to cold temp?
Long guard hairs w/ very dense, fine undercoat (quiviut)
How does countercurrent exchange fxn in thermal conductance?
Inc SA of cap bld flow b/w aa & vv
What is regional heterothermy?
Allowing a part of body to drop below ideal temp while maintaining core body temp (sled dog paws)
What is seasonal heterothermy?
Allowing temp fluctuation dep on season (animals that go into torpor / hibernation states) (e.g., bats in cave)
Involves corresponding dro pin respiration & HR
What is endogenous thermogenesis?
Generation of heat via shivering or oxidation of brown fat
How are dromedaries adapted to heat tolerance?
Allow body temp to go rel high (am: 34-35C body temp, afternoon: 40C; sweating when over 40.7C)
How might grey kangaroos induce evaporative cooling?
Licking forearms which stimulates capillary bld flow beneath skin
How is the brain protected from the high body temp tolerated by species such as the camels & arabian oryx?
Warm carotid rete bld is cooled by cooler cavernous sinus venous bld returning from the nasal cavity (turbinates provide inc SA for evaporative cooling)
Describe the repro sys of female monotremes.
Repro tubes open separately into a common cloaca
How does repro occur in the monotreme female?
Ovaries rel eggs which pass into infundibulum of the UTs where fertilization occurs; Albumen is added to the fertilized ovum & shell gll presnet in the tract add a flexible, leathery shell; Shell & contents enlarge before passage of egg
A temp abdominal skin pouch for hatching of eggs & development is present in what species?
Echidnas (NOT platypus)
Incubation for montremes is typ how long?
Brooding & suckling last how long in echidnas? In platypus?
What are unique features of the monotreme male repro sys?
Penis body is on floor of cloaca (becomes engorged & protrudes for copulation); Testes are in abdomen
T/F: All marsupials have a marsupium.
F (about half)
Describe the repro tract of marsupial females.
Double thru vagina (third median vagina develops for passage of young); Median vagina closes off from urogenital conn to cloaca after the 1st birth & reopens for each subsequent birth (except in kangaroos in which median vagina remains patent)
What is the type of placentation in marsupials? In placentals?
Choriovitelline (yolk sac w/ little contribution from maternal side);
Chorioallantoic (intimate assoc b/w maternal & fetal contrib w/ bld vessels on fetal side)
What is responsible for embryonic nourishment in monotremes?
Uterine secretions
The gestation pd of marsupials is (short/long)?
What are some features of the marsupial male repro sys?
Testes in scrotum
Penis often bifid
Penis is often bifid in what group of animals?
Marsupial males
Gestation in placental animals is (longer / shorter) than that of marsupials.
Placental mammals are born more altricial in (predator / prey) animals.
Placental males carry testes where?
At least seasonally in scrotum
Males of placental type species typical have what feature of the penis?
Os penis (baculum)
A reptilian repro tract w/ each tract emptying into a cloaca is present in what mammals?
A duplex uterus & vagina w/ a tripartite vaginal tract is characteristic of what group of mammals?
A duplex uterus (w/ 2 openings into a single vaginal tract) is characteristic of what group of mammals?
Rabbits, rodents
A bicornuate repro tract w/ a single cervical os on both uterine & vaginal side is characteristic of what mammals?
A simplex repro tract without uterine horns is present in what mammals?
Many primates
What is one species w/ inguinal mammae? One species w/ pectoral mammae?
What are some species that exhibit a flehman response?
Bucks (antelopes)
Name 3 families in the order perissodactyla.
Fam equidae (horses, asses, zebras)
Fam tapiridae
Fam rhinocerotidae
What are the 3 suborders of the order artiodactyla?
Suborder ruminantia
Suborder tylopoda
Suborder suiformes
Name 6 families in the suborder ruminantia (of the order artiodactyla).
1. Fam bovidae
2. Fam antilocapridae
3. Fam giraffidae
4. Fam tragulidae
5. Fam moschidae
6. Fam cervidae
What family is in the suborder tylopoda (of the order artiodactyla)?
Fam camelidae
Name 3 families in the suborder suiformes (of the order artiodactyla).
1. Fam suidae
2. Fam tayassuidae
3. Fam hippopotamidae
Canines grow straight up & down in what group of pigs? In what group do they grow outwards?
Fam tayassuidae (peccaries / new world)
Fam suidae (true / old world pigs)
How does the branching of antlers differ in wht tailed deer & muledeer?
Dichotomous branching in muledeer v. one main branch w/ smaller divisions in wht-tailed deer
What group of mammals lack lacrimal & frontal bones as well as an auditory bulla?
The middle ear has a partial oval tympanic ring w/ a curved (but not coiled cochlea) in what species?
What are the 3 living species of the order monotremata (subclass protheria)?
1. Ornithorhynchus (duckbill platypus)
2. Tachyglossus (short-nosed echidna)
3. Zaglossus (long-nosed echidna)
In what species do you see a reptilian pectoral & pelvic girdle w/ epipubic bones?
Ornithorhynchus (platypus)
What is an adaptation of the platypus that is useful for nocturnal underwater hunting?
Specialized electroreceptors present in bill that are sensitive to weak electric currents
Describe features of the jaw of the platypus.
NO teeth
Heavily keratinized w/ ridges instead of cheek teeth
What is a unique feature of the platypus that is used in defense?
Tarsal spur w/ venom gl
How many mammary gll are present in the platypus? How many teats?
2 mamm gll; NO teats
When do eyes open in platypus young?
9wks post-hatching
How can you distinguish the two types of echidnas?
Short-nosed echidnas have more robust spines on dorsum & eat ants / termites (have a long tongue), whereas long-nosed echidnas have less robust spines & eat earthworms / soil arthropods
What is unique about male echidnas?
Bifid penis w/ 4 orifices
T/F: Marsupials have mammary teats
Choriovitelline placentation? What group?
Yolk sac up against chorion (lacks villous placenta)
Where are marsupials located?
Only in N & S Am & Australia
Opossums are members of what family of marsupials?
Fam didelphidae
(e.g., N. Am opossum = Didelphis virginianis)
Marsupial "mice" are members of what family?
Fam Dasyuridae
Bandicoots are members of what fam of marsupials?
Fam Peramelidae
Cuscuses, phalangers are members of what fam of marsupials?
Fam Phalangeridae
Gliders are members of what fam of marsupial?
Fam Petauridae
Kangaroos & wallabies are members of what fam of marsupial?
Fam macropodidae
Koalas are members of what fam of marsupial?
Fam phascolarctidae
Opposums are located where? Possums?
N & S Am
How many species of marsupials are present in the US?
1: Didelphis virginianis (n. am opossum)
What are two types of S Am marsupials in the fam didelphidae?
Mouse opossum (Marmosa spp)
Wooly opossum
What are the general characteristics of members of the fam didelphidae?
Nocturnal, terrestrial, arboreal, omnivorous w/ prehensile tail, well-developed teeth cusps, a lg number of incisors, sm braincase w/ lg area of attachment for temporal m
Rat or shrew opossums are members of what fam / order of marsupials?
Fam Caenolestidae (order paucituberculata)
The monito del monte is a representative of what family of marsupials?
Fam microbiotheria
What marsupial families are found in N & S Am?
Fam didelphidae
Fam Caenolestidae
Fam microbiotheriidae
What marsupial families are found in Australia?
Fam thylacinidae
Fam dasyuridae
Fam peramelidae
Fam peroryctidae
Fam notoryctidae
Fam phascolarctidae
Fam petauridae
Fam thylacinidae?
Order dasyuromorpha
Tasmanian tiger / wolf
Canid-like carnivorous marsupial that lacks upper & lower carnaissal teeth
The tasmanian devil is a rep of what fam of marsupial?
Fam dasyuridae (marsupial mice or carnivores)
What is the largest living marsupial carnivore?
Tasmanian devil
What is a quoll?
Cat-sized marsupial of Australia in the fam dasyuridae
What are some general characteristics of members of the fam permelidae?
Bandicoots: long slender noses; chorioallantoic placenta
What are some characteristics of marsupial moles?
Fam notoryctidae of australia
Burrowing insectivores w/ fossorial specializations, sm eyes & a heavily keratinized nasal shield
What is a general characteristic of the order diprotodontia (macropods, etc.)?
Two front-end or forward teeth (lower incisors)
What are some general characteristics of the fam phascolarctidae?
Koals: specialized folivores w/ schizodactylous manus for grasping (digits 1-2 oppose digits 3-5) & syndactylous digits 2 & 3 of pes
Also have cheek teeth w/ cusps, a simple stomach w/ lg cecum
What mammal has the longest (proportionately) cecum?
Koala (fam phascolarctidae)
What are some general features of wombats (fam vombatidae)?
Burrowing herbivores; bear-like body
Name 3 reps of the fam phalangeridae.
1. Phalangers
2. Cuscuses
3. Possums
What are some general characteristics of the fam phalangeridae?
Prehensile tail; arboreal; omnivorous or herbivorous, med sz, short snout, lg eyes, dense soft fur
What are some general characteristics of ring-tailed possums?
Long furred prehensile tail, slow moving, arboreal, nocturnal, folivorous (selenodont molars), skin folds on gliders
Where are you likely to find gliders (fam petauridae)?
Forested areas of Australia / NG
Musky rat kangaroos, bettongs (rat kang), & potoroos are members of what fam of marsupial?
Fam potoroidae
What is the smallest & most primitave kangaroo?
musky rat kangaroo (saltators, nude tail)
Name 6 reps of the fam macropodidae.
1. Pademelons
2. Wallabies
3. Rock wallabies
4. Wallaroos
5. Lg kangaroos (grey & red)
6. Tree kangaroos
What are general characteristics of the fam macropodidae?
Long pes adapted for hopping & bipedal richochetal locomotion (plantigrade w/ absent digit 1); Syndactylous digits 2 & 3; Small 5-digit forelimbs; Long & robust tail; Herbivorous or omnivorous
What australian species is considered the eco equivalent of ungulates in n. am?
Kangaroos (grey & red)
What is unique about the stomach of macropods?
Elongated w/ microbial fermentation
What are general features of members of the order perissodactyla?
Odd-toed ungulates w/ mesaxonic limb/digits (axis of symmetry passes thru metapodial / digit 3)
What are some general features of the fam tapiridae?
Most generalist herbivore of the order perissodactyla; Typically eat grass, shoots, fruits etc (browsers / frugivores); Tropical forest & riverine habitat; Good swimmers; Short nasal bones due to proboscis; Spotted & striped pattern of newborns goes away w/ age; Brachydont teeth; 4 front digits; 3 hind digits
Name 3 latin american sp of the fam tapiridae? 1 SE Asian sp?
1. Lowland / baird's
2. Mtn / wooly
3. Brazilian

1. Malayan
Name 3 asian species of the fam rhinocerotidae. 2 african sp?
1. Indian / Great asian rhino
2. Javan rhino
3. Sumatran (hairy) rhino

1. Blk rhino
2. Wht rhino
What is the largest of the asian rhino sp?
Indian or great asian rhino
What are some unique features of the indian or great asian rhino?
Pronounced skin folds suggestive of armor
Javan rhino?
Smaller version of the indian rhino w/ some hint of skin folds; most endagered mammal
Sumatran (hairy) rhino?
TWO horns; smallest of the asian rhinos; very endangered
How might you distinguish b/w the two african sp of rhinos?
Blk rhinos are browsers w/ an upper pointed / peaked prehensile lip & has 2 horns

Wht rhinos are larger (2nd largest land mammal) grazers w/ an upper squared lip
General features of the fam equidae.
Lg grazing ungulates w/ cursorial locomotor specializations; Arid to semiarid plains; Wild found in Africa & Asia; Domesticated worldwide
Name 2 species of asses.
African wild ass (Equus assinus)
Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus)
General characteristics of the african wild ass (E. assinus)?
Ancestor of domesticated ass, donkey & burro; May exhibit dorsal stripe along midline, transverse stripe over withers & mult transverse stripes on lower limbs; erect mane; territorial males (mark w/ dung piles)
Gen features of the asiatic wild ass (E. hemionus)?
Four subspecies (onager of MEast & kiang of E asia); Territorial males
List the 3 living species of zebra from largest to smallest.
1. Largest: Grevy's zebra (E. grevyi)
2. Plains zebra (E. burchelli)
3. Mtn zebra (E. zebra)
Which sp of zebra has the most numbers?
Plains zebra (E. burchelli)
Describe the coloration of the 3 sp of zebra.
1. Grevy's: Many stripes over flank & rump / thigh
2. Plain's: 5-7 black stripes on flank b/w point of elbow & stifle & a few wide stripes over rump / thigh
3. Mtn: 7-12 black stripes on flank & a few side stripes over rump / thigh
What habitat is preferred by each of the 3 sp of zebra?
1. Grevy's: ?
2. Plains: Migrates over African savannahs w/ wildebeest herds
3. Mtn: Hilly or mtn
Which of the 3 sp of zebras IS territorial?
Grevy's zebras (E. grevyi) only
The quagga was a separate sp or a subspecies of what living sp of zebra? Features?
Reduced striping; extinct
Name the 2 living species of horses.
1. Wild / Przwalski horse (E. przwalski)
2. Domesticated horse (E. caballus)
Przwalski horse?
Wild; Native to Mongolian steppes; light reddish brown w/ darker mane & tail; May have dark stripe markings of ass, erect mane; No forelock
Feral horses are mostly derived from what breed of domesticated horse?
(Chincoteague ponies, ocracoke & outer banks ponies & western US mustangs)
What is the foremost reference text on mammals? Who edited it?
Walker's Mammals of the World
R. Nowak
What are some general features of the order artiodactyla?
Odd-toed ungulates w/ axis of symmetry in limbs b/w digits 3 & 4 (paraxonic); Most cursorial herbivores (some omnivores); "cloven hooved mammals"
Traits of the suborder ruminantia stomach?
3-compartment forestomach for microbial fermentation & distal stomach compartment for glandular fxn
Dentition of suborder rumanantia?
Typ no incisors above (dental pad instead); 3 mandibular incisors are brachydont; Incisiform canines are brachydont; Cheek teeth brachydont or hypsodont & typ selenodont (crescent-shaped ridges or cusps on occlusal surface)
Musculoskeletal features of suborder ruminantia?
Reduction of metapodials w/ 3rd & 4th digits fused into lg cannon bone; Paraxonic (axis b/w 3 & 4); Digits 2 & 5 may or may not be present; Digit 1 absent; Unguligrade ground contact
Name 5 classes of the fam bovidae (suborder ruminantia).
1. Cattle forms (bos)
2. Buffaloes
3. Bison
4. Antelopes of Afr & Asia
5. Goat, sheep, etc.
What is one of the most dangerous sp in Africa of the fam bovidae?
African buffalo (cape buffalo)
Asiatic water buffalo?
Many domesticated breeds developed from wild
The european bison (wisant) has a sm remnant pop'n where?
In a preserve in W Russia near Polish border
Which bison is closest to the prehistoric form?
European bison (wisant)
Name at least 5 species of antelopes of africa & asia.
Kudu (greater & lesser)
Roan & sable antelopes
Saiga antelope
What is a unique attribute of springboks (antelope)?
Stotting: stiff-legged leap
What is the smallest antelope of Africa?
What is the largest Afr antelope?
What is a unique attribute of the gerenuk (antelope)?
Long neck & limbs & can stand on hindlimbs in order to browse
What gll are / are not present in Capra sp?
Present: horn gll
Absent: infraorbital cutaneous sinuses, inguinal cutaneous sinuses, interdigital gll
Gll of Ovis spp?
NO horn gll

Do have infraorbital cutaneous sinuses, inguinal cutaneous sinuses & interdigital gll
Name 3 spp of the suborder ruminantia in the fam bovidae that have some traits shared b/w true sheep &/or goats.
1. Barbary sheep (aoudad)
2. Takin (China)
3. Muskox (Arctic
What is a characteristic of horns of muskoxen?
Lg, broad horns that meet on midline
What is the fastest distance running mammal?
Antilocapra americana (fam antilocapridae)
What scent gll are present in the fam antilocapridae?
Subauricular, hip, ischiatic, interdigital
What is a feature of the antelope impt for signaling danger?
White rump hair that erects on alarm
How many teats are present on the giraffe udder?
Locomotive gaits of giraffe?
Pace: when walking - hind & front limbs on one side carried forward in unison

Running gallop: Carrying both hind limbs forward together
What is necking?
Sparring behavior of male giraffes
What are camouflaging features of the okapi coat?
Dark brown w/ contrasting wht stripes (blends w/ shadows of forest)
Name the 3 fam of deer forms in the suborder ruminantia of the order artiodactyla.
1. Fam tragulidae (mouse deer or chevrotain)
2. Fam moschidae (musk deer)
3. Fam cervidae (true deer)
Fam tragulidae?
mouse deer or chevrotains
Tropical forests of Afr & Asia; No antlers; Elongated upper canines that are tusk-like; MC 3 & 4 NOT fused or partially fused
Fam moschidae?
Musk deer
No antlers; Very dramatic stabbing upper canines; Scent gl in abdomen which rel "musk"
What sp of the fam cervidae may have antlers present on females?
Describe antlers of the muntjac (barking deer).
Antlers on long pedicles w/ main upward beam & forward tine (stabbing antler)

*Distinct b/ elongated pedicles
What sp of the fam cervidae has long stabbing upper canines?
Muntjac (barking deer)
What sp of deer has palmate antlers?
Fallow deer
In what sp of deer are spots retained w/ age?
Axis deer (chital)
Blacktail deer are subspecies of what cervidae sp?
Mule deer (west US)
Name 3 sp of deer of S Am.
Pampas deer
Brocket deer
What sp of deer is cold-adapted?
Huemel (Chile)
What is the smallest sp of the fam cervidae?
Pudu (Peru & Chile)
Elk are a member of what genus of deer?
Cervus spp?
Lg deer
Where are elk (wapiti) found?
W. US & Canada
Name the Cervus sp that is similar to the elk in antlers.
Red deer
Which sp of deer has distinctly tree-like antlers?
Pere David's deer of China (no longer existing in wild)
What is the largest sp of the fam cervidae?
What is the diff b/w reindeer & caribou?
Reindeer are domesticated caribou
Seasonal migration is characteristic of what sp of the fam cervidae?
Caribou / reindeer
What is an adaptation of caribou / reindeer that helps them walk on snow & ice?
Lg, wide feet
What is the mjr food source of caribou / reindeer?
What are some unique features of the suborder typlopoda?
(Fam camelidae)
Only digits 3 & 4 expressed; Digits have a distal hoof & foot pad w/ heavily keratinized epidermis; Digitigrade rather than unguligrade; Stomach fermentors (3 compartment rather than 4 compartment of true Ru)
Name 2 types of old world camels.
Dromedary / Arabian / One-humped camel

Bactrian / 2 humped camel
Name 2 domesticated forms & 2 wild forms of new world camelids.
1. Llama
2. Alpaca

1. Vicuna (smaller)
2. Guanaco
What is the diff b/w llamas & alpacas?
Alpacas are smaller & were developed from llamas for their fine fiber
Cheek teeth of members of the suborder suiformes?
Bunodont (mound-shaped elevations)
Which digits are present as dewclaws in the suborder suiformes?
2 & 5
Name several sp of the fam suidae (old world).
Wild boar

Red river hog
Forest hog

Which of the old world pigs is the ancestor of domesticated sw?
wild boar
What is unique to the Babirusa in terms of dentition?
Lg upper & lower tusks w/ the upper pair growing out thru the tiss of the upper jaw (curve caudally & ventrally & may even grow back into tiss of caudal head)
Fam Tayassuidae?
New world pigs (3 sp of peccary / javelina)

What are the 2 living sp of the fam hippopotamidae?
pygmy hippo
Hippos are prob more closely related to _________ than to pig forms.
In what sp do the upper & lower canines come together in a sharpening mechanism?