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29 Cards in this Set

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Base (step) width

Distance between the 2 ft (normal 5-10cm)

Wider base - suspect pathology that results in Poor blance

With increase speed base decreases to 0 and might even cross over

Step length

Distance btwn contact points on opposite fees (~72cm)

Stride length

Linear distance in plan if progress between successive foot to floor contact of same foot (~144cm)

Decreases with age, pain and fatigue


Total number of full cycles taken within given amount of time

Lateral pelvic shift durning gait

Side to side movement of pelvis durning gait

Normal 2-5cm

Increases if feet are further apart

Vertical pelvic shift of gait

Keep COG from moving up and down more than 5cm during gait

High point: mid stance

Low point: inital contact

Stride length

Linear distance between successive foot to floor contact of same foot (144cm)

Pelvic rotation

Lessen angle of femur with the floor and therefore lengthens femur

3 reasons for Abnormal gait

1. Pathology or 8njury of specific join/structure

2. Compensation for injury or pathology in other joint or structure

3. Compensation for 8njury or pathology in opposite limb

Antalgic gait

"normal" limp (painful gait)

Self protection

Arthrogenic gait

Stiff hip or knee

Results from stiffness, laxity or deformity

May be painful may not be

Pelvis must be elevated by exaggerate plantar flexion if opposite ankle and circumduction of stiff leg

Ataxic gait

Poor sensation it lack of muscle coordination

Tendency towards poor balance and broad base

Gait all is irregular, jerky, weaving

E.g. cerebellar ataxia and sensory ataxia

Cerebellar ataxia

Lurch or stagger gait (all movements exaggerated)

Sensory ataxia

Feet slap the ground, patient watches feet while walking

Contracture gait

Occur if immobilization has been prolonged or pathology of joint/structure has not been properly taken care of

Hip flexor, knee flexor or plantar flexion contracture

Hip flexion contracture gait

Increase lordosis, extension of trunk combined with knee flexion to get foot off the ground

Knee flexion contracture

Excessive ankle dorsiflexion from late swing to early stance in uninvolved leg

Early heel raise in terminal stance on involve stide

Plantar flexion contracture gait

Knee hyperextension in mid stance on affected leg, forward bending of trunk in mid stance to terminal stance of affected side

Equinus gait

Toe waking

Weight bearing Primarily on lateral edge of foot.

WB on injuried foot decreased.

Pelvis and femur are laterally rotates to compensate for foot medial rotation

Gluteus maximus gait

Patient thrust posteriorly at heel strike to main hip extension of stance let

Gait invokes backward lurch of trunk

Present when gluteus maximus is weak

Trendelenburg gait

Aka gluteus medius gait (due to weakness)

Excessive lateral pelvic list

"Chorus girl swing"

Positive Trendelenburg sign

Remember the "sound side sags"

Trendelenburg sign

Contralateral pelvis drops due to ispilateral abductors not able able to stabilize or prevent drop

Parkinsonian gait

Neck, trunk and knee flex

CHaracterized by shuffling or short rapid steps

Arms stiff

Durning gait patents leans forward and walks progressively faster

Plantar flexor gait

Plantar flexor unable to function

- lack of LL jt. Stability

- decreased/absent push off

- stance phase decreased

- shorter step length on unaffected side

Psoatic limp

-paitents with hip pathologies

- weak reflex inhibition of psoas major

- difficulty in swing through

- may have exaggerated trunk/pelvic movement


- hip external rotation, flexion and adduction

Quadriceps avoidance gait

- Severe injury to quad (compensate with trunk and LL)

- Forward flexion if trunk and strong ankle plantar flexion cause knee to hypertension

Scissor gait

- Result of spastic paralysis of hip adductors

- Causes knees to draw together to leg swing with great effort

Short leg gait

Result of one leg shorter than the other

-lateral shift to affected side (limp)

- supination of foot on affected side

- joints on unaffected side may demestrate exaggerat d flexion

Steppage gait

Aka Drop foot

- weka or paralyzed dorsiflexion mucles

- knee lifted higher.

- at initial contract foot slaps ground (drop foot)