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9 Cards in this Set

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When is a FX brake examination conducted?

Prior to the departure of any train that has been attached to vehicles or when an arrival train reports that the air brake is not functioning satisfactorily.

There are three types of full train examinations (full mechanical and air brake test):

- FX1 - conducted by the train examiner

- FX2 - conducted by the driver

- PTX - conducted by the train examiner or driver

How is a FX1 brake examination conducted?

Train examiner to inform the driver that the train is to be examined and request the driver to apply the brakes. The driver will lock the reverser into the receptacle.

Examiner will pass along the train conducting an FX1 brake examination.

On reaching the rear of the train, the train examiner will request the driver to release the brake.

After the brakes are released the train examiner uses the air brake test device at the rear of the last vehicle complying with the requirements of a semi complete (SC) type continuity test. Min 425kPa in brake pipe.

Once the train examination is complete the train examiner will issue a train examination certificate to the driver.

The train examiner will then request the driver to make a break pipe leakage test (Max 35 kPa allowed) and upon completion of this remove the safety key.

After the brake test is completed the officer in charge must be notified by either the train examiner or driver.

When is a FX2 brake examination conducted?

It’s the drivers duty to conduct a train examination when a train examiner is not available. This is titled an FX2 examination.

The driver must ensure the loco is properly coupled to the train and the brake system charged to 500 KPA.

The driver is to take a local radio, airbrake test device, hammer and shifter.


- ensure brake pipe fully charged to 500 KPA

- Make a 100 KPA brake pipe reduction

- Carry out cab unattended procedure

- Driver to examine the vehicles while proceeding to the rear of the train

- Driver returns to loco examining the opposite side of the train

- Release the train brake and ensure the brake pipe is fully recharged to 500 KPA

- The driver will then return to the rear of the train ensuring the brakes have released on all vehicles

- on arrival at the rear of the train the driver will conduct a semi complete (SC) continually test. Using the air brake test device, check brake pipe pressure minimum 425KPA and test handbrake applies and releases

- leakage test Max 70kPa allowed.

- The driver must complete a brake test certificate

- The driver will then return to the loco and inform all concerned that the brake test has been completed

When is a PTX brake examination conducted?

A PTX brake examination is an FX1 or FX2 examination performed on one side of the passenger train.

The brake test certificate must ensure that the A side or B side box has been ticked.

This is necessary as both sides must be examined within 3 days of the previous train examination of that side.

How is brake pipe leakage test conducted?

A brake pipe leakage test is conducted after the train examination has been completed.

It is conducted in the following manner:

- when fully charged make a reduction in brake pipe pressure of 100 KPA

- with 26L brake equipment, the driver will, after the brake pipe pressure has settled, place the brake valve cut off the valve in the OUT position

- allow the brake pipe pressure to settle for one minute, then monitor the brake pipe pressure for one minute

- The brake pipe leakage as measured by the change in brake pipe pressure must not exceed:

- 35KPA or

- 70 KPA if a train examiner is not present

- The leakage rate must then be noted on the train examination certificate

If the brake pipe leakage test fails, complete SC again and try to hear/find leak. The defect must be rectified prior to departure.

What are the minimum brake operating percentages?

On every vehicle the air and handbrakes must be operable on:

- leading locomotive

- rear vehicle of a passenger train

The air brake should be capable of applying on every vehicle of a train but where this is not possible the air brake must still operate as follows:

Passenger trains 9 for every 10 bogies including locomotive bogies.

Note: when it is necessary to isolate the brake of a carriage or bogie the locomotive is to be counted as a vehicle or two bogies for braking calculation.

When more than 10% of the brakes are cut out the train must run at reduced speed.

All Trains

If the failure of air brake percentages is greater than 9/10 but is still above 50% the following procedures apply:

- The driver must advise the train control of the circumstances

- The train controller will advise the driver to proceed to the next location where the defective vehicles must be repaired or removed

- The driver will operate at reduced speed

- The driver must apply the last handbrake and sufficient other hand brakes to stop the rear portion in case of a break away

- The driver will regulate the speed in accordance to the braking power available

If less than 50% of braking is available the driver must not move the train until it at least complies with the above.

Above 90% - ok to travel at normal speed

50%-90% - travel at reduced speed with permission


What are train examination safety precautions?

A receptacle for the reverser is provided on locos to allow the train examiner to lock the reverser using the train examiners safety key.

During train examinations the loco brake must remain fully applied, the generator field switched off and the cab active switch key removed.

The train must not be moved and must not be left unattended.

NOTE: if it is necessary to close any brake pipe cocks to conduct repairs, an MC continuity test must be conducted before departure.

How to apply the automatic brake?

Prior to applying the automatic brake for a train examination the brake pipe must be fully charged to 500 KPA.

When it is necessary to apply the automatic brake the driver must make a full service application of the brake, reducing brake pipe pressure by 100 KPA.

On 26L brake equipment after obtaining a 100 KPA brake pipe reduction the brake valve cut off valve must be placed to the OUT position to isolate the brake pipe maintaining feature.

Checks During Examinations

Slack adjusters - min adjustment capacity 35mm

Piston travels - min 50mm max 150mm