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52 Cards in this Set

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How many bones are there in the foot?

26 but 28 if your count the seasmoid bones in the tendons of the FHB

How many tarsal bones are there?


Name the seven tarsal bones

Talus, Calcaneus, Navicular,

Middle Intermediate and Lateral Cuneiforms


Anterior compartment of the leg contain these muscles

Dorsiflexors: tibilais anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus

Lateral compartment of the leg contains these muscles

Fibularis longus and fibularis brevis (evert the foot)

Which is more lateral? Fibula or tibia?

Fibula is more lateral

Space created by the tibia and fibula

Ankle mortise

Heel bone


Cartilagenous aspect of the talus


Parts of the talus and where they are located

Body, head and neck (head is the distal part); body is what is covered by the trochlea

With what does the head of the talus articulate?

Navicular bone

To what structure in the foot do the tibia and fibula articulate?

Trochlea (on the dorsal side of the foot, sitting on the talus)

Tibia articulates medially and fibula articulates more laterally (toward calcaneus)

Bump on the calcaneous which borders talus

Sustantaculum talus ("to support or maintain the talus")

What runs behind sustantaculum talus?

Good for attachment of hallucis longus

Between the metatarsals and phalanges

metatarsal phalangeal joints

Bone spur of the heel

Inferior protrusion from calcaneous-- origin of fascia

Another name for the calcaneo-navicular ligament

Spring ligament

Cradles the talus and helps support the arch

This runs along the ventral surface of the foot

Plantar aponeurosis

Where most of our dorsi and plantar flexion comes from

Talocrural (ankle) joint

Inversion and eversion of the foot are happening here

Subtalar joint

Why can't you evert your foot?

Bony block from the lateral position of the fibula (extends lower)

Which malleolus should be lower than the other: fibular or tibial?

Fibular-- should be much lower on the lateral aspect of the foot

Where does the axis of the talocrural joint run?

Through the axis of the malleoli

What is an extrinsic muscle?

One that originates outside of the foot and inserts into the foot

What are the intrinsic muscles of the DORSUM of the foot?

Extensor hallucis brevis, extensor digitorum bevis (look like one belly on lateral dorsal side of foot, with branches coming off; typically, you don't see an extensor digitorum brevis going to the little toe.)

Name the extrinsic muscles of the DOSRUM of the foot.

In the dorsal foot:

Extensor digitorum longus, Extensor Hallucis longus, tibialis anterior, Fibularis tertius

What is the name for the anterior tibial artery when it crosses the ankle?

Dorsalis pedis

What is the clinical significance of dorsalis pedis?

Where you can take the pulse of the foot, esp important for diabetics

Fibularis longus and brevis: where do they insert?

Fibularis (peroneus) longus: inserts on the medial cuneiform/base of the first metatarsal

Fibularis brevis: inserts on the fifth metatarsal

Keep tendons around the ankle from bowing out

Inferior (Y-shaped) and superior extensor retinaculum

Course over the tendons of the fibularis longus and fibularis brevis around the area of the heel

Superior and inferior fibular retinaculum

Name the insertions for the extrinsic muscles of the DORSUM of the foot

Tibilais anterior: 1st cuneiform, base of 1st metatarsal

Extensor hallucis longus: Base of distal phalanx (1)

Extensor digitorum longus: Base of middle and distal phalanges (2-5)

Fibularis tertius: Base of 5th metatarsal

What is the strongest dorsiflexor and invertor of the foot?

tibialis anterior (attaching to 1st cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal)

How many layers of intrinsic muscles are there on the plantar aspect of the foot?

4 layers

What are the extrinsic tendons of the plantar aspect of the foot? What layers are they found in?

Layer 2 (with quadratus plantae and lumbricals): flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus

Layer 4 (with plantar interossei and dorsal interossei): fibularis longus, tibialis posterior

Tom, Dick and Harry: What is the significance of this?

Order (anterior to posterior) of tendond passing posterior to the medial malleolus

On the medial part of the ankle, what is covering the tendons of TDH?

Flexor retinaculum

With Tom, Dick and Harry, what artery and nerve course between the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus?

Tibial nerve and posterior tibial artery

The common location of tarsal tunnel

Flexor retinaculum

Covering everything on the bottom of your foot

Plantar fascia (plantar aponeurosis)

Can often be the site of plantar fascitis

Pain in plantar fascitis will be here

On the bottom of the foot near or at the heel (calcaneus)

Extension of great toe will cause (tightening/loosening) of plantar fascia

Tightening-- helps maintain longitudinal arch during "push off" phase of gait

Looking at the foot from the bottom (plantar surface), what are the three muscles you will see most superficially? (lateral to medial)

Abductor digiti minimi

Flexor digitorum brevis

Abductor hallucis

Deep to lateral plantar fascia you will find this muscle

Abductor digiti minimi

Layer 1 of the foot


Abductor hallucis (medially)

Flexor digitorum brevis

Abductor digiti minimi (laterally)

Layer 2 of the foot

Quadratus plantae


Rectangular shaped muscle with origin in calcaneus and insertion into the flexor digitorum longus tendon

Quadratus plantae

In layer two, these arise from the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus and insert on the dorsum of the foot

Lumbricals (meaning "worm")

Muscles of the third layer of the foot (from the plantar surface)

Lateral to medial

Flexor digiti minimi

Adductor Hallucis

Flexor hallucis brevis

Lateral and medial plantar are branches off of the:

Tibial nerve

Branches distal to the lateral and medial plantar branches:

Common plantar digital nerves, proper plantar digital nerves (with proper being the most distal)

Medial plantar nerve innervates these four muscles for motor innervation

First lumbrical

Flexor hallucis brevis

Flexor digitorum brevis

Abductor hallucis