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163 Cards in this Set

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a natural or synthetic substance which is added to food for a specific purpose


When air is trapped in a mixture



Ambient Temperature

normal room temperature (20-25C)


not needing oxygen

Analysis of brief/task

breaking down the design brief/task to identify key points


Adding explanatory notes


A substance that stops fat in food going rancid


A substance that will destroy bacteria


A piece of electrical equipment

Aseptic packaging

preserves food without preservatives or chilling


putting component parts together


particular characteristics of a food


Single-celled organisms that are present in air, soil, animals and the human body

Balanced diet

A diet which provides adequate amounts of nutrients and energy


Broken down totally by bacteria


lack of flavour/taste

Blast Chilling

Quick freezing- small ice crystals form and there is less damage to the food compared to in slow freezing


A mineral element that is essential for for strong bones and teeth


A unit of energy which is used to give (measure) the energy yield of food and the energy expenditure by the body.


Process of changing the colour of sugar from white to brown when heated


the major source of energy for the body


computer aided manufacture: the use of a computers to control all the processes involved in the manufacture of a product


A form of bacterial food poisoning


The change in the structure of protein brought about by heat, mechanical action or acids.

Coeliac disease

Caused by a intolerance of the protein gluten present in the cereals wheat, barley and rye


a method of food preparation in which the food is cooked then rapidly chiled and stored below 5C thus increasing the keeping quality of the product for a short time.

Collodial structure

When two substances are mixed together


formed when when substance is dispersed through another


pass on information, ideas and thoughts


Ensures products are the same


The same quality each time a product is made


A person who buys or uses products and service


To spoil or dirty something


Critical contol point: when a food safety hazard can be prevented/reduced to an acceptable level

Cross contamination

the transfer of food spoilage/poisoning from one to another

Cryogenic freezing

food is immersed or sprayed with liquid nitrogen

Danger zone

the temperature between 5-63C in which bacteria grow

Date marking

of manufactured foods. Either best before or use by

Best before

The date up to until the food will remain in peak condition.

Use by

Up to which the food can be kept if stored appropriately

What type of foods have a use by date?

perishable goods


From largest to smallest


A word describing a sensory characteristic e.g spicy

Design Task

A statement which provides the situation for your designing and making

Design criteria

A list of general points from which a range of different ideas can be made


Starting to decay and lose freshness


Make changes to a food product that will effect its characteristics


When starch converts to sugar


A metabolic disorder caused by the poor absorption of glucose, thus can be due to the failure to produce insulin (in insulin dependent diabetes) or the poor response of tissues to the insulin (in non insulin dependent diabetes)

When do the types of diabetes develop?

Type 1 diabetes millitius develops in childhood.

The onset of type 2 is in middle age

Dietary Fibre

Material, mostly from plants, which is not digested by humans but which absorbs water and binds other residues in the intestine thus aiding the excretion of waste material from the body

Dietary guidelines

Advice from the government on recommended food intake in order to acheive dietary goals


Dietary refernce values: scientifically calculated estimates of the amounts of nutrients needed for good health

Difference test

A method of finding out if there are any differences between prodcuct samples

Diverticular disease

A disease caused by a lack of fibre in the diet

E numbers

The classification system of permitted additives produced by the European Union

Eatwell plate

A healhty eating model, to encourage people to eat the correct proportions of food to acheiver a balanced diet


A substance that stops oil and water from separating

Emulsifying agent

A substance that will allow two immiscible liquids (substnces that do not mix) to be held together


A mixture of two liquids is called an emulsion


coating and surrounding a product with another ingredient

Enzymic browning

Reaction between a food product and oxygen resulting in a brown colour, like sliced potatoes or apples when left in the air


Estimated Average Requirements: The average need for a nutreint. Values calculated for energy requirements of groups of people. They represent the need of most people in a particular group and decisions


summarise information and make conclusions, judgements

Fair testing

to compare like with like using only one variable


When yeast produced CO2


Indigestable parts of food, usually cellulose, which remains in the intestines after digestion


Completing the presentation of a food product to a high standard

Flavour enhancers

tasteless substances used to enhance the taste of savoury foods


A mixture of gas and liquid is called a foam, e.g. air whisked into egg white creates a foam

Food additive

A substance added to a food product to improve its quality

Food spoilage

caused by the natural decay of food or by contamination by micro organisms


Heated starch granules absorb liquid and swell, then burst to thicken liquid


A small amount of solid mixed in a large amount of liquid that then sets


Protein found in flour


Guideline daily amounts: guide to the amounts of calories, sugar, fat, saturated fat and salt that a healthy person should try not to exceed so as to have a healthy balanced diet


food which is selected and prepared according to Islamic dietary law



Higher level making skills

food preparation and cooking skills wich require care, precision and understanding and which can be carried out to a high standard

High-risk food

Food which is an ideal medium for the growth of bacteria or micro organisms


To prepare food in a clean environment to stop food spoilage or poisoning occuring


Things can't pass through


A process used to reduce spoilage in some foods


A mineral present in the blood and stored in the liver. Prolonged lack of iron leads to anaemia


A unit of energy. Used to show the energy content of foods


Food which is selected and prepared in accordance to Jewish dietary laws

Landfill sites

Large holes in the ground where bags of household waste are buried


Saturated animal fat produced from pigs


Present in egg yolk and soya and used as an emulsifier in manufactured foods

Listeria monocytogenes

common food-poisoning bacteria

Making skills

practical skills which show your ability to make food products

Market research

The study of consumer' needs, preferences and lifestyles

Micro organisms

Tiny living things such as bacteria, yeasts and moulds which can cause food spoilage. Can only be seen through a microscope


Vitamins and minerals which are needed in small quantities for health


substances used by the body to control processes; they form an essential part of bodily fluids


Simple changes that have little effect on the structure and composition


Modified atmospheric packaging: used to extend shelf life of food. The packs are gas flashed to reduce the amount of oxygen and replace it with carbon dioxide or nitrogen

Modified starches

starches that have been altered to perform additional functions


Keeping constant watch

Net weight

Not including packaging


Non starch polysaccharide: the part of food that isnt digested by the body


The part of food that performs a particular function in the body

Nutritional analysis

Using resources to find out the nutritional content of a product

Nutritional content

The type and quantity of nutrients which the product supplies

Nutritional labelling

The information relating to nutrients and energy in the food which is stated on packaging


excessive fatness. Measured as a ratio of weight to height

Organic food

plants grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, fungicides or organic fertilizers. They must have been prepared without preservaties


Sensory qualities (texture, flavour, aroma, appearance) of a food product.


Liquid passing throuh the membrane to the stronger solution e.g. strawberries and sugar


The collective name given to a number of wheat flour products which are cooked by boiling. They are made from dough containing durum wheat


The process of prolonging the keeping quality of products such as milk by heating to destroy the harmful bacteria


Dough made from flour, fat and water


causing disease


Bacteria which cause disease


A measure of acidity or alkalinity


A substance that extends the shelf life of food


The protection of perishable foods from deterioration by removing the conditions necessary for the growth of micro organisms


Substances added to some processed foods to prevent spoilage

Prior knowledge

knowledge you already have which does not require research

Product analysis

Examining a food product to find out the ingredients, packaging characteristics and properties

Product Specification

A list of features/characteristics/properties which a food product must meet

Profiling test

sensory evaluation test to identify individual specific characteristics of a product


The relative quantities of ingredients in a recipe, expessed in numbers


The nutrient required for growth and repair


The first version of a product that is being developed


peas, beans and lentils. They provide a good source of protein and B vitamins

Quality Assurance

A guarantee by retailers and manufacturers that products are safe and of a good quality

Quality Control

Steps taken to check a product at various stages of making to ensure a consistent and high quality outcome is acheived


Questions asked to a range of people. Results can be used to inform ideas

Raising agent

increases the volume of doughs, batters and mixtures by promoting gas release (Aeration)

Ranking test

A method of putting in order the intensity of particular characteristics of a product

Rating test

A method of rating a particular attribute or preference for a product on a word or numbered scale based on personal opinion


To make into something else


Refernce nutrient intake: the amount of a nutrient that is enough for most people in a group


A type of bacterial food poisoning


Small amount of the product

Scalling up

multiplying up proportionally. Increasing a recipe for bulk production, keeping ratio and proportions the same

Sensory analysis

Identifying the sensory characteristics of products, i.e. taste, texture, appearance, mouthfeel colour

Sensory evaluation

using the range of senses to assess a food product- appearance, smell, taste

Sensory qualities

The look, smell, taste, feel and sound of food products

Shelf life

The length of time a food product can be kept and be safe to eat


When fat coats the flour particles preventing the absorption of water resulting in a crumbly mixture e.g. shortcrust pastry


When a solid dissolves in a liquid e.g. salt in water


Details which describe the desired characteristics of a product


Substances which absorb water and are often used as thickening agents; many can produce gels and also act as emulsifiers

Standard component

pre-prepared ingredient that is used in the production of another product

Staple food

A food that forms the basis of a traditional diet- wheat, barley, rye, maize or rice, or starchy root vegetables such as potatoes


A method of increasing the keeping quality of products by destroying all microorganisms by heating to a high temperature


A solid held in a liquid


To continue to support


A sign of something


Usually refers to eggs; if overcooked, the proteins shrink as they coagulate and seperate from the watery liquid


To intefer with

Target Group

The specific group of people which you are aiming the product

Test kitchen

The place where a food technologist experiments and develops new products

Textured vegetable protein

Protein produced from soya beans. Its either extruded or formed into chunks. Used as an alternative protein and as a meat extender

Tolerance levels

The amount of difference allowed when making


Ultra heat treatment: The high temperature and short time sterilization of milk known as long life milk

Vacuum packaging

A method of preserving food by removing air


People who eat no products of family origin


Those who for a variety of reasons, chose not to eat meat


The thickness of a liquid or a mixture e.g. a sauce