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109 Cards in this Set

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the state of equilibrium in the internal environment of the body, naturally maintained by adaptive responses that promote healthy survival
intracellular fluid
2/3 of the body water is located within cells

appox 40% of body weight
extracellular fluid
20% of total weight

consists of interstitial fluid and lymph; and a small amout of fluid contained within specialized cavities: gi tract, pleural, synovial, peritoneal, csf
interstitial fluid
composed of the fluid in the interstitium (space between cells)
fluid in blood plasma
transcellular fluid
in the specialized cavities
Functions of body water
transporting nutrients, electrolytes, and oxygen to cells and carrying waste away from cells

regulation of body temperature
lubricates joints and membranes
medium for digestion
substances whose molecules dissociated, or split, into ions, when placed in water
positively charged ions

sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium
negatively charged ions

bicarbonate HCO3-
chloride cl-
phosphate po4 3-
Most prevalent cation in the ICF
potassium, with small amounts of magnesium and sodium
the prevalent ICF anion
phosphate, with some protein and a small amount of bicarbonae
in the ECF, the main cation
sodium, with small amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium
the primary ECF anion
Chloride, with small amounts of bicarbonate, sulfate and phosphate
movement of molecules from area of high concentration to low concentration

movement stops when the concentrations are equal in both areas
facilitated diffusion
moves molecules from are of high concentration to low concentration

passive and requires no energy

Glucose transport into the cell is an example

carrier molecule on most cells that increases or facilitates the rate of diffusion of glucose
active transport
molecules move against the concentration gradient

external energy required

sodium moves out of the cell and potassium moves in (sodium-potassium pump) requires ATP
movement of water between two compartments separated by a semipermeable membrane (a membrane permeable to water but not to a solute)

requires no outside energy sources and stops when the concetration difference disappears or when hydrostatic pressure builds
osmotic pressure
the amount of pressure required to stop the osmotic flow of water

determined by the concetration of solutes in solution
fluids with the same osmolality as the cell interior

ECF and ICF are normally isotonic to each other
solutions in which the solutes are less concentrated than the cells
solutions in which the solutes are more concentrated than the cells
If a cell is surrounded by a hypotonic fluid...
water moves into the cell, causing it to swell and possibly burst
if a cell is surrounded by a hypertonic fluid...
water leaves the cell to dilute the ECF; the cell shrinks and eventually might die
hydrostatic pressure
the force within a fluid compartment

the blood vessels, its the blood pressure generated by the contraction of the heart
Oncotic Pressure
colloidal osmotic pressure -

osmotic pressure exerted by colloids in solution
the major colloid in the vascular system
protein - it contributes to the total osmotic pressure

protein molecules attract water, pulling fluid from the tissue space to the vascular place
normal movement of fluid between capillary and interstitium...
the amound and direction of movement determined by

1) capillary hydrostatic pressure
2) plasma oncotic pressure
3) interstitial hydrostatic pressure
4) interstitial oncotic pressure
what causes water out of the capillaries?
capillary hydrostatic pressure and interstitial oncotic pressure
what causes movement of fluid into the capillary?
plasma oncotic pressure and interstitial hydrostatic pressure
accumulation of fluid in the interstitium (edema)occurs when...
hydrostatic pressure rises

plasma oncotic pressure decreases

interstitial oncotic pressure rises
elevation of venous hydrostatic pressure
increasing pressure at the venous end of the capillary inhibits fluid movement back into the capillary

caused by: fluid overload, heart failure, liver failure, obstructinof venous return to the heart, venous insufficiency
decrease in plasma oncotic pressure
fluid remains in the interstitium if the plasma oncotic pressure is too low to draw fluid back into the capillary

seen when plasma protein content is too low

caused by: excessive protein loss (renal disorders), deficient protein synthesis (liver disorders), deficient protein intake (malnutrition)
elevation of interstitial oncotic pressure
trauma, burns, and inflammation can damage capillary walls and allow plasma proteins to accumulate in the interstitium
fluid is drawn into the plasma space whenever...
there is an increase in the plasma osmotic or oncotic pressure

can happen with admin of colloids, dextran, mannitol, or hypertonic solutions
increased ECF osmolality
(water deficit)

pulls water out of the cells until the two compartments are similar

assoc with symptoms that result in cell shrinkage
decreased ECF osmolality
(water excess)

develops as a s result of gain or retention of water excess so cells swell

Primary symptoms are neurologic as a result of brain cell swelling as water shifts into the cells
water balance is maintained by...
the balance of water intake and excretion
regulation of water balance
hypothalamic regulation
pituitary regulation
adrenal cortical regulation
renal regulation
cardiac regulation
GI regulation
insensible water loss
a body fluid deficit, or increase in plasma osmolality is sensed by...
osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus, which stimulates thirst and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) release.
pituitary regulation
under hypothalamic control, the posterior pituitary releases ADH, which regulates water retention by the kidneys
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
causes include abnormal ADH production in the CNS and certain malignancies (brain tumors, brain injury, small cell lung cancer)
diabetes insipidus
produced by reduction in the release or action of ADH

exhibits extreme polyuria and polydipsia.

dehydration and hypernatremia develop if water losses aren't replaced
Adrenal cortex regulation
glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoids secreted by the adrenal cortex help regulate water and electrolytes
have an antiinflammatory effect and increase serum glucose levels
(aldosterone) enhance sodium retention and potassium excretion
Most abundant glucocorticoid

has both glucocortoid (glucose-elevating and antiinflammatory) and mineralcorticoid (sodium retention) effects
mineralocorticoid with potent sodium-retaining and potassium-excreting capability
Primary organs for regulating fluid and electrolyte balance
Kidneys -- through adjustments in urine volume
severely impaired kidneys
cannot maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

results in edema
potassium and phosphorus retention
cardiac regulation
cardiomyocytes produce hormones (ANP and BNP) in response to increased arterial pressure (increased volume) and high serum sodium
Natriuretic peptides
including Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and b-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)

natural antagonists to the RAAS

suppress secretion of aldosterone, renin, and ADH and the action of angiotensin II
insensible water loss
invisible vaporization from the lungs, skin, assists in regulating body temp

600-900ml/day is lost
insensible perspiration
only water is lost
sensible perspiration
excessive sweating
caused by fever or high environmental temperatures
may lead to large losses of water and electrolytes
gerontologic considerations
structural changes to the kidney and decrease in renal blood flow cause decrease in glomerular filtration rate, decreased creatinine clearance, the loss of the ability to concentrate urine and conserve water

not as much renin and aldosterone

increase in ADH and ANP
patient with prolonged nasogastric suction will..
lose sodium, potassium, hydrogen and chloride

may result in deficiency of sodium and potassium, fluid volume deficit and metabolic alkalosis
causes of fluid volume deficit
increase insensible water loss or perspiration

diabetes insipidus
osmotic diuresis
GI losses - vomiting, NG suction, diarrhea, fistula drainage
overuse of diuretics
inadequate fluid intake
thrid space fluids - burns, obstruction
causes of fluid volume excess
excessive isotinic or hyptonic IV fluids

heart failure
renal failure
primary polydipsia
cushing syndrome
long term use of corticosteroids
ECF volume deficit - clinical manifestations
restlessness, drowsiness, lethary, confusion

thirst, dry mouth
decreased skin turger
reduced capillary refill
postural hypotension
increased pulse
reduced CVP
reduced urine output
concentrated urine
weakness, dizziness
weight loss
seizures, coma
ECF volume excess - clinical manifestations
headache, confusion, lethargy
peripheral edema
distended neck veins
bounding pulse
increased BP
increased CVP
polyuria (w/normal renal func)
muscle spasms
weight gain
seizures, coma
Fluid volume excess - treatment
goal is removal of fluid without upsetting electrolyte balance or osmolaity in ECF

diuretics, fluid restriction, Na restriction
fluid volume deficit - treatment
correct underlying cause

balanced IV solutions (lactated ringers)

isotonic sodium chloride
blood admin if due to blood loss
na < 135 mEq/L

excessive sodium loss
inadequate sodium intake
hyponatremia with decreased ecf volume - signs
irritability, apprehension, confusion, dizziness, personality changes, tremors, seizures,coma, dry mucous membranes, postural hypotension, refuced CVP, decreased jugular venous filling, tachycardia, thready pulse, cold and clammy skin
hyponatremia with normal/increased ecf volume - signs
headache, apathy, confusion, muscle spasms, seizures, coma, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, ab cramps, weight gain, increased bp, increased CVP
Na >145

excessive sodium intake
inadequate water intake
excessive water loss
diabetes insipidus
hypernatremia with decreased ecf volume - signs
restlessness, agitation, twitching, seizures, coma, intense thirst, dry and swollen tongue, sticky mucous membranes, postural hypotension, decreased CVP, wweight loss, weakness, lethargy
hypernatremia with noraml,increased ecf volume - signs
restlessness, agitation, twitching, seizures, coma, intense thirst, flushed skin,weight gain, edema, increased BP, incrased CVPO
hypernatremia - treatment
oral fluid replacement
IV soln of 5% dextrose in water or hypotonic saline

dilute sodium excess with sodium-free iv fluids like 5% dextrose in water, and diuretics
hyponatremia - treatment
fluid restriction
small amts of iv hypertonis saline solution (3% nacl) if severe
hypernatremia nursing implementation
give hypotonic or isotonic
restrict sodium
encourage water
monior LOC
maintain client safety
provide oral hygiene
monitor I&Os
daily weights
seizure precautions
Hypokalemia - causes
diarrhea, vomiting, fistulas, ng suction, diuretics, hyperaldosteronism, mg depletion, dialysis

increased insulin, alkalosis, tissure repair, stress

starvation, low K diet
hypokalemia - manifestation
muscle weakness, leg cramps
nausa, vomiting, decreased reflexes
soft, flabby muscles
weak, irregular pulse
hypokalemia - ecg changes
st segment depression
flattened T wave
Presence of U wave
Ventricular dysrhythmisa
enhanced digitalis effect
hyperkalemia - causes
excessive/rapid parenteral admin
potassium containing drugs
salt substitutes
tissue catabolism (fever, sepsis)
crush injury
tumor lysis syndrome
renal disease
potassium sparing diuretics
adrenal insufficiency
ace inhibitors
hyperkalemia - manifestations
abdominal cramping, diarrhea
weakenss lower extremities
irregular pulse
cardiac arrest if sudden or severe
hyperkalemia - ECG
Tall, peaked T wave
prolonged PR interval
ST segment depression
loss of P wave
Widening of QRS
ventricular fibrillation
ventricular standstill
hyperkalemia - interventions
eliminat oral and parenteral K intake
increase elimination of K via diuretics, dialysis, increased fluid intake
force potassium from ECF to ICF with insulin
admin calcium gluconate IV
hypokalemia - interventions
give potassium chloride supplements
increase K in diet
except in severe deficiencies, KCL is never given unless there is a urine ouput of at least 0.5ml/kg of body weight per hour

KCL supplements added to IV should never exceed 60meq/L preferred is 40

rate of KCL iv admin should not exceed 10-20 meg/hour to prevent hyperkalemia and cardiac arrest
hypocalcemia - causes
chronic renal failure
elevated phosporus
primary hypoparathyroidism
vitamin D deficiency
mg deficiency
acute pancreatitis
loop diuretics
chronic alcoholism
decreased serum albumin
hypocalcemia - manifestations
easily fatigabliltiy
depression, anxiety, confusion
numbness, tingling extremities
muscle cramps
chvostek's sign
trousseau's sign
laryngeal spasm
tetany, seizures
hypocalcemia - ECG
elongation of ST segment
prolongation of QT inteval
ventricular tachycardia
hypercalcemia - causes
multiple myeloma
malignancies with bone metastsis
prolonged immobilization
vitamin d overdose
thiazie diuretics
milk alkali syndrome
hypercalcemia - manifestions
lethary, weakness
depressed reflexes
decreased memory
anorexia, nausea, vomiting
bone pain, fractures
polyuria, dehydration
stupor, coma
hypercalcemia - ECG
shortened ST segment
shortened QT interval
ventricular dysrhythmia
increased digitalis effect
hypercalcemia - interventions
loop diuretic
isotonic solution
hypocalcemia - interventions
oral or iv calcium supplements
not given IM because it may cause severe local reactions, burning, necrosis and tissue sloughing

calcium gluconate IV if severe
hypophosphatemia - causes
glucose admin
parenteral nutrition
alcohol withdrawl
phosphate binding antacids
recovery from diabetic ketoacidiosis
respiratory alkalosis
hypophosphatemia - manifestations
muscle weakness
cns dysfunction,, confusion
renal tubular wasting of mg, ca ,hco3
cardia problems
hyperphosphatemia - causes
renal failure
chemotherapeutic agents
enemas containing phosphorus
excessive ingestion
large vit d intake
hyperphosphatemia - manifestations
muscle problems, tetany
deposition of calcium-phosphate precipitates skin,, soft tissue, corneas, viscer, blood vessels
hypomagnesemia - causes
chronic alcoholism
impaired gi absorption
prolonged malnutrition
large urine output
ng suction
poorly controlled DM
hypermagnesemia - causes
renal failure
excessive admin of mg for eclampsia
adrenal insufficiency
pH and hydrogen ion concentration
increase in H leads to acidity

decrease in H leads to alkalinity
buffer system
the fastest acting system and the primary regulator of acid-base balance
act chemically to change strong acids into weaker acids or to bid acids to neutralize their effect
respiratory system maintain's normal pH by
excreting CO2 and water
renal system maintains normal pH by
secretes small amounts of free hydrogen into renal tubule

combination of H with ammonia to form ammonium

excretion of weak acids
respiratory balances affect
carbonic acid concentrations
metablic imbalances affect
base bicarbonate
respiratory acidosis
CO2 retention from hypoventilation

compensatory response to HCO3 retention by kidney

plasma ph low
PaCO2 increases
HCO3 normal (uncompensated)
HCO3 increased (compensated)
urine ph low (uncompensated)
respiratory alkalosis
increased CO2 from hyperventilation
HCO3 excretion

plasma ph increases
PaCO2 decreases
HCO3 normal (uncompensated)
HCO3 decreased (compensated)
urine ph increases (compensated)
metabolic acidosis
CO2 excretion from lungs
fain of acid

plasma ph down
PaCO2 normal (uncompensated)
PaCO2 down (compensated)
HCO3 down
Urine ph down (compensated)
metabolic alkalosis
loss of acid
CO2 retention

plasma ph up
PaCO2 normal (uncompensated)
PaCO2 up (compensated)
HCO3 up
Urine pH up (compensated)
hypotonic solution
provides more water than electrolytes, diluting the ECF

0.45% saline

provides free water with NaCl
for hypotonic fluid losses
provides no calories
used as maintenance solution
isotonic solution
expands only the ECF
no net loss or gain

0.9% saline
5% in 0.225% dextrose in saline
lactated ringers
5% dextose in water
hypertonic solution
initially raises the osmolality of ECF and expands it

10% dextrose in water
3% saline
5% in 0.45% dextrose in saline
5% in 0.9% dextrose in saline