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60 Cards in this Set

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Explain how carnosine is synthesized within the body.

Beta-alanine + l-histidine + ATP > carnosine + AMP + diphosphate. Via carnosine synthase

What is a waxy maize starch and what effect does it have on blood glucose?

A very slow digesting starch (lots of amylose). Leads to lower glucose and insulin responses

Based on recent studies, which vitamin shows evidence of positively affecting muscle function?

Vitamin D

What is needed for gluconeogenesis in humans? Give examples of gluconeogenic precursors

Glycerol + amino acids(alanine and/or glutamine) + lactate/pyruvate. Pyruvate decarboxylase

What effect does long-term coffee consumption have on Type II Diabetes?

Lowers risk of type II diabetes

What effect does supplementing with WPI have on muscle damage?

Attenuates catabolism and promotes protein synthesis

When glycogen stores are depleted, what macronutrient becomes the predominant fuel source during distance running?

Fat, specifically blood TAG

How many extra kcals are required for accumulation of 1 kg of body fat?


What are the effects of pre-exercise dehydration on thermoregulation and exercise performance?

Dehydration > worse thermoregulation. Problems start as low as 1% of body weight, strength, endurance, fine motor skills, mental performance. Cramps and fatigue @ 4%, stroke and big problems at 6%

What are the effects of l-alanyl-l-glutamine supplementation on time-to-exhaustion and dehydration stress?

Increased time to exhaustion under mild dehydration stress

What effects can a low-carbohydrate diet have on prolonged physical activity?

Less glycogen > significant disadvantage for exercise lasting >90m

Approximately how many days of heat exposure does it take to fully acclimate to exercising in the heat?

10-14 days

What is HICA and what are the effects of its supplementation for a period of 4 weeks?

Led to small increase in muscle mass among actively training soccer players

What is a BOD POD?

Body composition device that measures the differences in pressure to calculate body density and thus bodyfat%

Compare fat and carbohydrate oxidation during exercise. Under what conditions does one fuel source predominate over the other?

More intensity, shorter duration > carbohydrate. Longer duration, lower intensity> fat. VLCKD can influence preferred substrate

What effect does betaine supplementation have on exercise performance

Improves power, force and ability to sustain both

Chronic heavy resistance training causes what adaptations in skeletal muscle?

Myofiber hypertrophy, increased cross sectional size, fiber types switch from IIx > IIa

Regular aerobic training causes what adaptations in skeletal muscle?

Increased mitochondrial and capillary density, more enzymes related to aerobic metabolism, minor hypertrophy

What has the greatest effect on the sedentary person’s daily energy expenditure? (i.e. TEF, RMR, or Activity)


What activities or sports use ATP-PCr energy system as the main energy system?

Strength and power sports, events lasting <10 seconds

What dose of creatine, after creating loading, will maintain elevated creatine levels for 28 days?


What role do vitamins play in metabolism?

Important cofactors, antioxidants and components of enzymes for all sort of metabolic reactions

Where does most of the energy for ATP phosphorylation come from?

Catabolism of glucose, glycogen and/or fatty acids > substrate

What does pre-exercise ingestion of glycerol do?

Increase hydration, prevent dehydration

What is the glucose-alanine cycle? What is the Cori cycle?

Glucose alanine cycle shuttles amino acids to liver for gluconeogenesis during prolonged exercise. AKG + ammonia > glutamate (via glutamate dehydrogenase). Glutamate + pyruvate > AKG + alanine. Alanine to liver > pyruvate + ammonia. Pyruvate > glucose via gluconeogenesis.Cori cycle AKA lactic acid cycle. Lactate > glucose in liver. Goes through blood to muscles where it goes from glucose > lactate

Why is fat considered to be the ideal cellular fuel?

9 calories per gram, light weight, infinite storage

What are essential amino acids? What are some conditionally essential amino acids?

Essential: leucine, isoleucine, valine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, methionine, lysine, threonineConditionally essential: Arginine, Cysteine, Glutamine, Glycine, Proline, Tyrosine

What is the process of glycogen synthesis called?


What is the main function of a carbohydrate?

Energy source for all tissues in the body, esp brain

Compare/contrast creatine monohydrate and creatine ethyl ester

Not as effective as creatine monohydrate

What is the primary fuel source for high-jump? 1500 meter run? Marathon?

High jump = ATP/PCr, 1500 meter run = glycogen/fat, marathon = fat, glycogen

Know the equivalent kcal values for 1g of carbohydrate, 1g lipid and 1 g protein.


What is beta-alanine and what does it do when ingested during intense training?

Beta isomer of alanine. Rate limiting precursor to carnitine. Effects are similar to creatine, prevents fatigue, increased power output

What are the effects of creatine supplementation?

Ergogenic aid, increases peak power, endurance within set, recovery between sets, recovery between

What is the SI unit for energy?


What is sweat and where does it come from?

Water plus minerals plus urea, comes from the apocrine sweat glands

Which activities or sports use aerobic energy system as the main energy system?

Events lasting longer than 90 seconds, endurance sports

What is protein and what is it used for in the body?

One of three macronutrients. Broken down into amino acids which are used to build all proteins and enzymes

What are skeletal muscle satellite cells? Their function(s)?

Aid in repair and clearing debris from broken muscle cells. Also form new myofibers and donate nuclei to existing myofibrils

Describe the effects of chronic aerobic exercise on resting and exercise HR, Q, and SV. What are its effects on cardiac muscle?

Resting HR down, exercise HR no change, Q = cardiac output = up, SV up, cardiac muscle grows esp. around left ventricle

Describe the difference between glycemic load and glycemic index.

Glycemic index = how fast food turns to glucose. Glycemic load = multiplies GI x content of carbohydrate in food to see how much glucose actually enters the blood

Which amino acid is considered to be the most naturally abundant in plasma and skeletal muscle?


What nutrients improve or support immune system function?

Glutamine, protein, vitamin C, zinc, echinacea

What is the thermic effect of fat? Protein? Carbohydrate?

Fat = 5-15%, carbohydrate = 5-15%, protein = 20-35%

What is the relationship of anabolic steroid use to plasma lipids? (see publication by Bhasin et al.)

increased artherogenic blood lipid profile

Know the differences between Type I and Type IIa, IIx muscle fibers.

Type 1= aerobic, Type IIa = fast twitch oxidative, Type IIx = fast twitch glycolytic

What is lactic acid and what effect does it have on energy metabolism and exercise performance?

Byproduct of glycolysis and glycogenolysis, anaerobic metabolism. H+ ions can limit performance. Blood is acidic

The process of splitting triglycerides is known as what?


What organ(s) is/are involved in nitrogen elimination?

Kidneys and liver

During which process do amino acids loose their amine or nitrogen group and where does it happen?

Deamination in the liver and kidneys (glutamine)

What are the metabolic pathways of glucose after absorption by the small intestine?

Bloodstream > cells via insulin

What are the functions of vitamins C, E and beta-carotene


What are the mechanism(s) for caffeine’s ergogenic effect during high intensity endurance exercise?

Increases B-endorphins and blocks adenosine receptors which themselves inhibit dopamine3-13mg/kg shown to improve fat oxidation, spare glycogen and reduce perceived effort

What acts as an antioxidant within the respiratory chain?


How does dietary fiber reduce the amount of food that may be absorbed?

Slows digestion and is itself indigestible

What are the effects of vegetarian-type diets? What nutrients are difficult to get in a vegetarian diet?

Effects depend on diet but usually weight loss and improved lipid profileDifficult to get: protein, iron, zinc, calcium, b12

What body systems are affected by supplementation with omega-3 rich fish oils?

All systems via inflammation, joints, muscles, nervous, cardiovascular

Which common food (hint: a drink) has been show to be an effective aid to post-exercise muscle recovery?


Know the differences between labeling such as “Nutrition facts” versus “Dietary facts” and other labels and what categories they pertain to.

Nutrition = food, dietary = supplements

List the trace minerals.

Zinc, iron, molybedium, selenium, iodine, manganese, copper, chromium