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113 Cards in this Set

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Why is geography important to history?

Geography has added to our knowledge of human history

How do archaeologists find out about early peoples?

They do this by finding and analyzing the material remains of human cultures.

What is the job of a historian?

Historians study how people lived in the past.

List the characteristics of the Old Stone Age?

This is the earliest known period of human history and lasted from around 2 million B.C to about 10,000 B.C, which took us to the first stone tool makers.

What religious beliefs were probably held by Stone Age people?

Animism, which is which is the belief that spirits and forces reside animals, objects, or dreams.

What was the Neolithic revolution?

When nomadic bands learned farm and produce their own food, instead of always traveling to new places.

A new discovery about Stone Age life would most likely be made by what kind of scientist?

It would most likely be made by an archaeologist

How do historians help us learn about the past?

They do this by studying records they were able to find of past civilizations

What evidence suggests that early people believed in life after death?

The early people buried their dead with great care and provided the dead with tools and weapons for the after life.

What was a change that characterized the New Stone Age?

The rise of cities and farming in cultivated land

Where did the first cities emerge?

They emerged near the river valley.

How did ancient Egyptians view their pharaohs?

Egyptians viewed their pharaohs as gods.

The Pyramid Age is another name for the

old kingdom.

The need to keep records led to the development of what in Egypt?

Records led to the development of more complex writing hieroglyphicsRecords led to the development of more complex written language, and later on the Rosetta Stone.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a poem that tells of

a great flood that destroys the world and Samaritan hero.

Why was the Code of Hammurabi a major achievement?

A set of laws that went by the “eye for an eye, tooth for tooth” principle.

What geographic features had the greatest influence on ancient Egypt?

The Nile.

Most Egyptians were members of what group?

Most were nomadic farmers.

The movement of people across the Fertile Crescent resulted what?

Cultural diffusion the exchange of ideas

How did the Sumerians differ from the Egyptians in the way they viewed their rulers?

Egyptian rulers were seen as gods that could control most things, while Sumerian rulers were the gods chief servant.

Middle Eastern civilization was spread throughout the Mediterranean by what peoples?

The phoenicians

How could Hindus change caste?

They couldn’t If they do well in their current life and fulfill all of their duties then they will be reincarnated into a higher caste in their next life.

Which Chinese philosophy taught that government should pass strict laws and enforce them with harsh punishments?


Han rulers based their policies on the teachings of


The trade route that linked China with the west became known as the

the Silk Road.

Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in


In an Indian household, the head of the family was the

father or oldest male in the household.

Indian villages were ruled by a village

headsman or council

Confucius taught the Chinese people that their most important duty was

filial piety, or respect for parents.

Following the Persian Wars, Greece was dominated by


The Peloponnesian War resulted from conflict between

Athens and Sparta.

Alexander’s most lasting achievement was

the spread of Greek culture.

What geographic characteristics of Greece provided a link to the outside world?

The seas and its hundreds of bays, which provided safe harbors for ships.

A form of government controlled by a small, powerful elite from the business class is called a(n)


From childhood, Spartan boys were trained to be


Athens enjoyed a golden age under the leadership of


Conflict between Athens and Sparta resulted in the

Peloponnesian War.

According to Aristotle, the best government was

rule by a single strong and virtuous leader.

Describe the focus of the works of Greek artists and architects?

They wanted everything to look perfect so it would convey balance, order, and beauty.

Who established an empire that extended from Greece to Egypt and India?

Alexander the Great.

In Roman government, who represented the rights of plebeians?


Which of the following places did Constantine make the center of power for the Roman Empire?

He made Constantinople the new capital and because of this made the eastern portion of the empire became the center of power

How did the wealth acquired from winning an empire affect Rome?

Generals, officials, and traders became wealthier from loot, commerce, and taxes. A new wealthy class emerged and mansions were built. Latifundias ,large estates, were bought up. However, these latifundias caused more slaves to be captured and small farmers to not be able to produce food as cheaply and fall into debt. Greed and self interest increased as well. Widened gap between rich and poor. Inflation

The decline of the Roman republic followed a century of civil wars fought over what issue?

After Julius Caesar’s assassination, Octavian and mark Anthony joined forces but soon began to quarrel. Anthony’s ally was Queen Cleopatra but they were defeated by Octavian

Roman art and literature blended Roman civilization with that of

The Greek (Greece)

What was Rome’s attitude toward people of different religions in the empire?

Rome tolerated different religions as long as the citizens were loyal and honored Roman gods by acknowledging the divine spirit of the emperor.

Who tried to restore order to the Roman Empire?


What caused the fall of Rome?

-had too much land (lacking in communication) -split empires (conflict started to occur between the east and west) -outside invasions -government expenses / high taxations

Who conquered the former Roman province of Gaul?

The Franks

Under feudalism, lords granted land to vassals in exchange for what?

Loyalty and military service.

How did monks and nuns improve life during the middle ages?

They looked after the poor and sick,set up schools for children, gave food to travelers, and set up churches, etc.

New agricultural technologies in the middle ages led to what?

Increase in population (mo food)

what was the most important economic activity in a medieval town


Why was the Battle of Tours significant

The last Muslim conquest into Europe main religion could have been muslim instead of christianity

Charles stopped the Muslim invasion of Western Europe

Chivalry govern relations between what two groups

Noble men and women

Which group made up the largest part of the population in feudal society


How did the three field system contribute to the agricultural revolution that took place during the Middle Ages

More food and more people

Why was the Magna Carta so important

First time monarch power was limited

The Concordat of worms was about what issue


What was the chief goal of the Crusades

Free Holy Land and kick out Muslims

The Reconquista refers to what

Spanish conquistadors kicking out Muslims from Europe

What was the result of the plague in Europe

Economic disarray and downfall

The development of an early jury system took place during the reign of

Henry II

A major conflict between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Popes concerned what issue


A key feature of Gothic architecture is

the flying buttresses (stone supports that stood outside)

Describe the church during the late Middle Ages

Divided and weakend

Why is Joann of Arc remembered

Ralley France vs England

Which of the following rulers made a Hajj that resulted in trading and diplomatic ties between Mali and other Muslim states

Mansa Musa

Axum prospered partly because it was a port on what body of water

Red Sea

What group of people developed expert knowledge of the natural world by adapting to life in the Kalahari


What kinds of practices represent an adaption to the environment

Slash and burn agriculture

Describes a patrilineal culture

Inherit through father

Which of the leaders set up a Muslim dynasty in Songhai

Askia Muhammad

What Kingdom had a port on the Red Sea


What religious tradition did the axumites pass on to the Ethiopians


Monsoon winds aided trade between East Africa and what civilization


Khoisan people adapted to the Kalahari environment by what method

Hunting and gathering

The artists of the Renaissance focused on what realm

Humanistic concern

Why is Albrecht Durer often compared to Leonardo da Vinci

Wide-ranging interest

Why did Luther criticized the Roman Catholic Church

Corruption and indulgence selling

What was the result of the Catholic Reformation

Witch hunt

Copernicus proposed the theory


What contributed to the birth of the Renaissance in Italy

Wealthy merchant class

What happened because of the printing revolution in the 1500

Spread of ideas

Luther believe what

Salvation through faith alone

How did Henry VIII I react when the Pope refused to annul his marriage

Took over the church

Who stressed the use of experiments and observations in seeking knowledge

Roger Bacon

Why did the European rulers encouraged ocean exploration

Needed trade routes

The Khmer Empire was influenced by what culture


In the 1600 the Portuguese lost control of trade in the Indian Ocean to whom


The Ming and Qing dynasties followed what policies regarding foreign trade


How did Prince Henry change the course of Portugal history

His work led the age of exploration

What country controlled Vietnam


How was Korea similar to China


What was trade like in Japan under the Tokugawa shoguns


What was the Native American influence on European colonists


By the 1500 the most important element of African trade with European was what


Many of the new kingdoms that developed in West Africa in the early modern age was influenced by what


What resulted from encounters between the Spanish and Native Americans


The culture that developed in Brazil blended Native American and African influences with those of what culture


The Treaty of Paris of 1763 resulted in what

British control of North America

European traders sent Africans to the Americas to do what


Describe Europe's middle class during the 1500 and 1600

Better and comfortable

Who is the best known for his portraits of Spanish nobles during Spain's Golden Century

El Greco

By the Edict of Nantes in 1598 Henry the 4th of France granted religious toleration to what group


During the 1700 what counties battled for control of German states

Austria and Prussia

Peter the Great forced the Russians to accept social reforms that would make their culture more like that the whom

Western Europe

As a result of Peter the Great's war against Sweden, Russia gained what

Land along the Baltic Sea

What Authour mocked the tradition of Spain feudal past in his novel Don Quixote

Miguel Cervantes

In the late 1500 France was torn apart by religious wars between Catholic and whom


The Stuart King's claim to absolute power was challenged by whom


Why did Prussia battle Austria during the 1700

Control of Germanic state

Describe what happened to Poland in 1759 as a result of actions by Russia, Austria, and Prussia

Disappeared off the map (split)