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123 Cards in this Set

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Components of BPP (BioPhysical Profile); Mnemonic; and scoring results
Test the Baby, MAN!

✶ Tone (fetal)
✶ Breathing (fetal)
✶ Movements (fetal)
✶ Amniotic fluid volume/index (5-25 normal)
✶ Nonstress test

Each gets a score of 2 (normal) or (absent or abnormal)
✧ 8-10: Reassuring
✧ 6: Equivocal
✧ 0-4: Very worrisome for fetal asphyxia
1st step in diagnosis of Hyperemesis Gravidum:
RULE OUT MOLAR PREGNANCY with β-hCG & ultrasound
4 major components to mgmt of Gestational Diabetes
1- ADA diet
2- insulin if needed
3-US for fetal growth
4- NST beginning at 30-32 weeks if requires insulin or an oral hypoglycemic
Classic triad of ECTOPIC PREGNANCY and its Mnemonic
"The classic triad of ectopic pregnancy PAVEs the way for diagnosis."

Pain (abdominal)
Vaginal bleeding
Ectopic pregnancy
Clinical diagnosis of Endometritis (3)
1) Fever > 38 (> 100.3 F)

2) Uterine tenderness

3) Malodorous lochia
The 7 W'S OF Postpartum Fever (10 days postdelvery)
1) WOMB (Endomyometritis)

2) WIND (Pnemonia, Atelectasis)

3) WATER (Urinary tract infection)

4) WALKING (DVT, pulm embolism)

5) WOUND (Incision, Episiotomy)

6) WEANING (Breast engorgement, abcess, mastitis)

7) WONDER DRUGS (Drug fever)
Name 3 conditions in which breastfeeding is contraindicated
▸ HIV infection

▸ Active Hepatitis

▸ Certain medications (Bromocriptine, Cyclophosphamide, Cyclosporine, Doxorubicin, Ergotamine, Lithium, Methotrexate, Estrogen-containing oral contraceptives (OCPs).
⨁ Chandelier sign
When you touch the cervix, there is so much pain that the patient jumps to the chandelier.
Likely Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Acute causes of Pelvic Pain: (mnemonic)


Ruptured ovarian cyst

Ovarian torsion/abcess

Pelvic Inflammatory disease

Ectopic pregnancy
If a uterine mass continues to grow after menopause:
Suspect malignancy.
Any palpable ovarian or adnexal mass in a premenarchal or postmenopausal patient is suggestive of:
An ovarian neoplasm
Causes of Urinary Incontinence w/o specific urogenital pathology (Mnemonic)

Delirium/confusional state


Atophic vaginitis/urethritis


Psych causes (depression)

Excessive urinary output (hyperglycemia, hypercalcemia, CHF)

Restricted mobility

Stool impaction
DDX for a breast mass (5)
❍ Fibrocystic disease
❍ Fibroadenoma
❍ Mastitis/abcess
❍ Fat necrosis
❍ Breast cancer
__________ and _________ are common causes of bloody nipple discharge.
Intraductal papilloma and Mammary duct ectasia
1st step in workup of a suspicious mass. ➤.in a postmenopausal woman or woman > 30?
➤ in a woman < 30
➤Ultrasound (for women <30)
Naegele's rule
EDD = LMP + 7 days - 3 months
Hegar's sign
= softening of the cervix

(Nonpregnant cervix feels like cartilage of nose. Pregnant cervix feels like the lips of the mouth)
Chadwick's sign
= bluish discoloration of the vaginal & cervical mucosa due to vascular congestion in pregnancy
What does Quickening mean?
First fetal movements felt by mother
Plasma β-hCG levels should double every 2 days prior to what gestational age?
Prior to 10 weeks
If fetal heart tones aren't heard by ____ weeks, a US should be done to document a viable pregnancy.
by 10 weeks
Up to _____ weeks, the ___________ is predictive of best. age by +/- 4 days
up to 12 weeks, Crown-Rump length
When is β-hCG detectable in maternal serum?
After implantation has taken place (~8-10 days after conception)
If mom has β-thalassemia trait/disease or Sickle cell trait/disease, what's your next step in management?
Test the after to determine the risk of inheritance for the fetus.
Normal acid-base status in pregnancy:
Compensated Respiratory Alkalosis

(more CO2 blown off, pH 7.45)
Thyroid hormone levels in pregnancy and why the change?
◇ ⬆ total T4 & T3
◇ Normal Free T4
◇ Normal TSH

Elevated total because there's increased Thyroid-Binding Globulin (TBG)
Definition of Reactive NST
2 or more accelerations within 20 minutes = fetal well-being

(2 accelerations where it goes 15 beats above the baseline for 15 seconds.....within a 20-minute time period)
Components of modified BioPhysical Profile (mBPP)?
Nonstress test(NST)
AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index)
Most common cause of Oligohydramnios:
Rupture of Membranes

note: assoc'd w/ IUGR 60% of the time
Fetal Tachycardia and Fetal Bradycardia
<110 and >160 for 10 minutes or more
First-Trimester Screen (FTS)
⦿ What is it & when performed?
⦿ What are the results if Downs syndrome
⦿ b/w 11-13 weeks

⦿ Down syndrome:
⬆ Nuchal translucency,
⬆ β-hCG
High MSAFP is seen with:
◇ Underestimation of gestational age
◇ Neural Tube defects
◇ Abdominal wall defects (Gastroschisis, Omphalocele)
◇ Multiple gestations
◇ Placental abnormalities (eg abruption)
◇ Fetal death
How do you monitor IUGR?
Serial ultrasounds
3 P's that affect the duration of Active phase of Labor:
POWER: strength & freq. of CTX

PASSENGER: size of baby

PELVIS: size & shape of mom's pelvis
Abnormal Labor table
Indication Nullipara Multipara
Prolonged latent phase >20 h >14 h
Average second stage 50 min 20 min
Prolonged second stage without (with) epidural >2 h (>3 h) >1 h (>2 h)
Protracted dilation < 1.2 cm/h < 1.5 cm/h
Protracted descent < 1 cm/h < 2 cm/h
Arrest of dilation* >2 h >2 h
Arrest of descent* >2 h >1 h
Prolonged third stage >30 min >30 min
*Adequate contractions >200 Montevideo units [MVU] per 10 minutes for 2 hours. (Please refer to the Pathophysiology for information regarding adequate contractions.)
What can cause a false positive nitrazine test? (3)
Vaginal infection with Trich
Which fontanelle is smaller?
Posterior fontanelle (smaller triangle shape)
vs ant fontanelle is larger and diamond shape
Most common cause for postpartum hemorrhage:
Uterine atony

Treat with uterotonic agents (piton, methergine, hem abate, misoprostal)
Causes of PosTparTum Hemorrhage & Mnemonic
THE 4 T's

TISSUE: Retained placental tissue

TRAUMA: Instrumentation,lacerations, episiotomy

TONE: Uterine atony

THROMBIN: Coag defects, DIC
DefineArrest of Labor
Lack of cervical change in active first stage for >2 hour with >200 Montevideo units of uterine activity

(Montevideo units are calculated by subtracting the baseline uterine pressure from the peak contraction pressure for each contraction in a 10-minute window and by adding the pressures generated by each contraction. Or easier way is to take the avg peak pressure minus the baseline resting tone and multiply that value times the number of contractions in 10 minutes)
Management of worrisome decal's: and Mnemonic
"STOP when you see decelerations"

Sterile vaginal exam
Turn the pt to her left side
Pitocin off
Most common indication for C-section:
Dystocia (difficult labor--characterized by abnormally slow or no progress of labor)
The most common reason for C-section:
Previous C-section
Most common cause of persistent pyelonephritis (in pregnancy) despite adequate therapy:
Nephrolithiasis (Kidney stones)
Most common indications for surgery in pregnancy: (3)
Adnexal masses
In pregnant patients with SLE, presence of anti-Ro (SS-A) and anti-La (SS-B) are associated with:
Congenital Heart Block
Shoulder Dystocia management (& Mnemonic)

call for Help
Legs up (McRobert’s position)
Pressure suprapubically
Enter vagina for shoulder rotation (Woods corkscrew)
Reach for posterior arm
Rupture clavicle or pubic symphysis
Return head into vaginafor C-section (Zananelli).
Standard dose of RhoGAM is 300 µg, which is sufficient for:
30 mL of whole fetal blood (15 mL of D-positive fetal RBCs)
Fetal Hydrops = collection of fluid in 2 or more body cavities: (name the 4)
◆ Scalp edema
◆ Pleural effusion
◆ Pericardial effusion
◆ Ascites
Contraindications to Tocolysis (& Mnemonic)

▷ Bleeding (severe--from any cause)
▷ Abruption
▷ Death-fetal death/life-incompatible anomaly
▷ Chorioamnionitis
▷ Hypertension (severe PIH)
▷ Unstable maternal hemodynamics
2 most common causes of 3rd-trimester bleeding:
Placenta Previa (usu painless)
& Placental Abruption (painful)
US reveals that baby is lying transversely. What are you suspicious of?
Placenta Previa
Biggest risk for uterine rupture:
A Prior C-section
Causes of postpartum hemorrhage: (& Mnemonic)

❖ Coagulation defect
❖ Atony
❖ Rupture of uterus
❖ Placenta retained
❖ Implantation site bleeding...?
❖ Trauma to GU tract
What are the types of Placental Attachment disorders (& Mnemonic)
Accreta = Attaches
(plac. villi attach directly to myometrium instead of decidua

Increta = Invades
(plac. villi invade the myometrium)

Percreta = Penetrates
(plac. villi penetrate thru the myometrium, and may even
invade the bladder!)
Most common cause of perinatal infection:
Name 3 infections associated with preterm delivery:
Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomonas, & Gonorrhea
DDX for size/date discrepancy in pregnancy: (8)
❂ Twins
❂ Uncertain LMP
❂ Molar pregnancy
❂ Fetal macrosomia
❂ Maternal obesity
❂ Adnexal mass
❂ Distended bladder
❂ Hydramnios
Top 5 etiologies of spontaneous abortion
1. Chromosomal abnormalities
2. Unknown
3. Infection
4. Anatomic defects
5. Endocrine factors
DDX for 1st trimester bleeding (4)
1. Spontaneous abortion
2. Ectopic pregnancy
3. Molar pregnancy
4. Vaginal/cervical lesions/lacerations
DDX for 3rd trimester bleeding (4)
Placental Abruption
Placenta Previa
Uterine Rupture
Rupture of Vasa Previa
Medical methods of abortion are best used within the 1st ___ days
up to 49 days (i.e. 1st 7 weeks)
Most common site of ectopic pregnancy:
Ampulla of fallopian tube
Biggest risk factor for ectopic pregnancy:
Prior ectopic pregnancy
Which method of contraception may be less effective in obese females? More effective in obese?
Less effective: Implant (Nexplanon) and Transdermal patch (>200 lbs)

More effective: Nuvaring and DepoProvera
4 mechanisms of Combined OCPs
1-prevent ovulation
2-alterine uterine and fallop tube mobility
3-thicken cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration
4-cause endometrial atrophy
Definition of Oligomenorrhea
Absence of menses for more than 35 days up to 6 months
Definition of Secondary Amenorrhea
6 months of amenorrhea after a history of normal menses
Definition of Primary Amenorrhea
Primary amenorrhea definition: age 14 without secondary sex characteristics, age 16 with secondary sex characteristics
3 findings in Premature Ovarian Failure
✾ Age <40
✾ Amenorrhea
✾ ⬆ FSH
A baby with ambiguous genitalia is born to a mother who complains of increased facial hair growth over the last few months. Suspect:
Luteoma of pregnancy
How much blood loss is necessary to define monrrhagia?
> 80 mL
Most common cause for hospital admission for menorrhagia in adolescents:
von Willebrand disease
Vaginal bleeding + foul-smelling discharge in a postmenopausal woman =
Cervical cancer
➜ DDX for thickened endometrial stripe (endometrial lining seen on US) in a postmenopausal woman

➜ What thickness should the stripe be to prompt an evaluation?
◇ Endometrial cancer
◇ Endometrial hyperplasia
◇ Leiomyoma
◇ Polyp
Endometrial stripe > ______ in a patient with postmenopausal bleeding should prompt an evaluation.
> 4-5 mm
Name for pain associated with ovulation (in the middle of the cycle).
DDX for Chronic Pelvic Pain (& Mnemonic)
"LEAPING pain"

✴ Leiomyoma
✴ Endometriosis & Endometritis
✴ Adhesions & Adenomyosis
✴ Pelvic Inflammatory disorder
✴ Infections other than PID
✴ Neoplasia
✴ Gastrointestinal
DDX for Acute Pelvic Pain (& Mnemonic)

❄ Appendicitis/Abcess/Abortion
❄ Ruptured ovarian cyst
❄ Ovarian torsion
❄ PID (tubo-ovarian abcess)
❄ Ectopic pregnancy
A female with new-onset pelvic pain and a negative pregnancy test has an echogenic adnexal mass on ultrasound. What is the diagnosis?
A ruptured corpus luteum cyst
A 37 y.o. has hemptysis during their menstrual period. Suspect:
Endometriosis of the lung or nasopharynx
Long-term complications of Endometriosis
• Adhesions (prolonged bleeding causes scarring)
• Adhesions then cause:
⁍ Infertility
⁍ Small bowel obstruction
⁍ Pelvic pain
⁍ Difficult surgeries
Classic findings of enDometriosis
3 D's

Classic findings on physical exam of pt with Endometriosis
Nodularities on the uterosacral ligament and a fixed retroverted uterus
"Enlarged, globular, boggy uterus"
Bilateral ___________ are usually seen in molar pregnancies, due to elevated β-hCG levels.
Bilateral theca lutein cysts
Leiomyomas are most commonly which type:
Submucosal and intramural leiomyomas usually present as ________________, whilecan present with ________________.
Submucosal and intramural leiomyomas--> menorrhagia

Subserosal leimyomas-->become pedunculated and may present with acute pain & torsion
What risks are increased in a pregnancy with fibroids (5)
✻ Abruption
✻ 1st trimester bleeding
✻ Dysfunctional labor
✻ Breech
✻ C-section
Risk factors for Cervical dysplasia (& Mnemonic)
OSHA Ends Dirt, Garbage, & Chemicals

❃ OCP's
❃ Sex
❃ Alcohol
❃ Education/poverty
❃ DES (Diethylstilbestrol)
❃ Genetics
❃ Cigarettes
Regarding cervical dysplasia, both _______ and ________ are needed for a histologic/pathologic diagnosis.
Colposcopy and Biopsy (confirmatory tests)

(Pap smear and results only gives you cytology--a screen)
What must be visualized for adequate colposcopic evaluation?
1- TZ (Transition zone)
2- Extent of lesion in its entirety
Radical hysterectomy requires removal of:
3-Upper Vagina
4-Parametrial tissue
Basic treatment for Invasive Cervical cancer:
➜ If confined to cervix: Radical hysterectomy, and Pelvic and Para-aortic Lymphadenectomy

➜ If beyond cervix: Chemo & Radiation
Side effects of progestins (5)
◆ Weight gain
◆ Edema
◆ Throbophlebitis
◆ Headache
◆ Hypertension
______ is the most prognostic indicator of Endometrial cancer
What type of ovarian cancer accounts for 85% of all ovarian cancers?

And what subtype of this type is the most common type of ovarian cancer?
Epithelial cell ovarian cancer

➤ Serous type of epithelial ovarian cancer...and it's bilateral 65% of the time
_______________ is a fixed pelvic and upper abdominal mass when associated with ascites, and is pathognomic for ovarian cancer.
Omental caking
How does ovarian cancer usually spread:
By exfoliation of cancerous cells into the peritoneal fluid/ thru the peritoneal fluid, which carries cancer cells to other abdominal structures
Palpable nodule on the umbilicus of a patient with known ovarian cancer:
Sister Mary Josephs nodule = ovarian cancer metastasis to umbilicus
➤ Malignant conditions that cause ⬆ CA-125: (5) ➤ Benign conditions that cause ⬆ CA-125: (6)
➤ Ovarian cancer
➤ Endometrial cancer
➤ Breast cancer
➤ Lung cancer
➤ Pancreatic cancer

➤ Endometriosis
➤ Leiomyomas
➤ Pregnancy
➤ Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
➤ Liver disease
Name for a tumor that has metastasized from another primary cancer to the ovaries
Krukenberg tumor (usu from the GI tract)
Most common complaint in vulvar cancer:
Itching & burning of the vulva

So always biopsy itchy, white lesions on exam!!!
3 possible precursors to Vulvar cancer
• a lump or wart-like lesion
• Lichen sclerosus
• Lichen planus
If an itch-scratch-itch cycle is mentioned, think:
LSC (lichen simplex chronicus)
Preeclampsia prior to 20 weeks gestational age:
Suspicious for Molar pregnancy
What substances are secreted by Gestational Trophoblastic disease?
• β-hCG
• Lactogen
• Thyrotropin
3 things required for a clinical diagnosis of PID
1) Abdominal tenderness
2) Adnexal tenderness
3) Cervical motion tenderness
5 Criteria for hospitalization for PID (& Mnemonic)

• G.I. symtoms
• Uncertain diagnosis
• Peritonitis
• Abcess
• Pregnancy
Screening tests for Syphilis:

Confirmatory tests for Syphilis:
Screening: RPR & VDRL

Confirmatory: FTA-ABS & MHA-TP
Most common infection with an IUD
Suspicious findings for breast cancer on a breast exam:
➜ Hard, fixed, irregular mass
➜ > 2 cm
Suspicious findings for breast cancer on a mammogram
➜ Cluster of calcifications
➜ ⬆ breast density
➜ Irregular margins of mass (speculations)
Risk factors for breast cancer (7)
✶ Personal hx of breast cancer
✶ Early menarche
✶ Nulliparity
✶ Alcohol intake
✶ Obesity
✶ Decreased physical activity
✶ Use of prolonged HRT (> 5 years) during menopausal years
In which obstetrical conditions should pregnant patients avoid sex?
❂ Placenta previa
❂ Placental abruption
❂ Preterm labor
❂ Premature rupture of membranes
3 factors that can decrease the age of menopause (menopause at a younger age)
1) Smoking (age down by 3 years!)
2) Chemo
3) Genetics
Menopause is considered "late" if it occurs after age:
after age 55
Estrogen creates a hypercoaguale state due to:
⬆ production of hepatic coagulation factors
What muscles make up the pelvic diaphragm
Levator ani and Coccygeal muscles
Risk factors for developing Prolapse (9)
❍ Advancing age
❍ Chronic obstruction
❍ Constipation
❍ Genetic predisposition
❍ Menopause
❍ Parity
❍ Prior surgery
❍ Pulmonary disease
❍ Tumor/mass
Name 5 complications of Pelvic organ prolapse
⦿ Urinary retention
⦿ Constipation
⦿ UTI's
⦿ Ulcerations
⦿ Vaginal bleeding
Name the 5 types of urinary incontinence (& MNEMONIC)
"This Urine Flow is So Outrageous"


What is Total Incontinence--> continuous urinary and/or fecal leakage due to a fistula. This occurs as a result of either prior pelvic surgery, obstetric trauma, or radiation.
What is the Q-tip test?