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33 Cards in this Set

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What are diuretics first line therapy for?
Essential HTN

also use ACEi's / ARBs
What is first line therapy for cardiac management of diabetics?
ACEi's/ARBs --> prevent remodeling
diuretics (not first line as thought)
Hydralazine MOA?
vasodilates arteries > veins
smooth mm relaxation by increase cGMP

used for: severe HTN, 1st line for HTN in preg (w/methyldopa)
administer w/beta-blocker to prevent reflex tachycardia
Which Ca channel blockers act on smooth mm & which on heart?
vascular smooth mm: nifedipine > diltiazem > verapamil

heart: verapamil > diltiazem > nifedipine

Verapamil = Ventricle
How do you tx malignant HTN?
Nitroprusside - direct release of NO increases cGMP; can cause CN toxicity

Fenoldopam - dopamine D1 agonist; relaxes renal vascular mm

Diazoxide - opens K+ channels, hyperpolarize & relax smooth mm
Isosorbide Dinitrate

Other drug sharing MOA?
vasodilates by releasing NO in smooth mm
veins >> arteries in vasodilating, decrease preload

use for angina, pulmonary edema
What can you use to tx pulmonary edema?
isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin
Liken nifedipine & verapamil to other ant-anginal meds
Nifedipine is like Nitrates
verapamil is like beta-blockers
what lipid lower agent is contraindicated in hyperuricemia?
what lipid lower agent is contraindicated in hyperglycemia?
What drug best lowers LDL?
statins (HMG-CoA reductase)

What drug best raises HDL?

contraindicated in hyperglycemia & hyperuricemia
What drug best lowers TGs?
Fibrates (gemfibrozil, clofibrate, bezafibrate, fenofibrate)

upregulates LPL --> increased TG clearance
What is digoxin used for?
CHF (increase contractility)
A.fib (decrease AV node & SA node)

inhibits Na/K pump, binds at K spot (effects potentiated by hypokalemia)
What does digitoxin OD look like?
Cholinergic - nausea, vomiting, diarreha, blurry yellow vision
ECG - increased PR, decreased QT, T-wave inversion, hyperkalemia
What exacerbates digitoxin toxicity?
renal failure (excretion decreased)
quinidine (decreases digoxin clearance, displaces from tissue binding sites)
What is nesiritide?
recombinant BNP
increases cGMP --> vasodilation

use for acute decompensated heart failure
Antiarrhythmics - which class is which?!?
Now Beating Cardiac Killing
I - Na channel blocker
II - beta blockers
III - K channel blockers
IV - Ca channel blockers
what anti arrhythmic is contraindicated post MI?

why would you use it?
Class IC's
-flecainide, propafenone
-not good if pt has structural abnormalities

Used for:
-V-tachs that progress to VF
-intractable SVT
-last resort in tachyarrhythmias
Which phase of cardiac AP do class I antiarrhytmics work on?
Phase 0 - the myocyte depolarizes less steeply
Which class I antiarrhythmic prolongs ERP (phase 3)?

What does this put pt at risk for?
Class IA

increased QT --> torsades de pointes
Class IA --> ?
Class IB --> ?
Class IC --> ?
A - primary que defender
B - let me through (next)
C - finally, props (for waiting)

Class IA --> Quinidine, Procainamide, Disopyramide
Class IB --> Lidocaine, Mexiletine, Tocainide
Class IC --> Flecainide, propafenone
What antiarrhythmic is useful post MI?
Class IB (lidocaine, mexiletine, tocainide)

preferentially affect ischemic or depolarized purkinje & ventricular tissue;

also helpful in digitalis induced arrhythmias
What antiarrhytmic is useful for both atrial & ventricular arrhythmia?
Class IA

especially good for reentrant & ectopic SVT & VT
What works on phase 4 of the AV node?
Class II - beta blockers (propranolol, esmolol, metoprolol, atenolol, timolol)

decrease cAMP & Ca2+ current
increase PR interval
What works for slowing ventricular rate during a-fib & a-flutter?
Class II - beta blockers

also good for SVT & V-tach
Names of the class III antiarrhythmics?

What do you watch out for w/amiodarone use?
check PFTs, LFTs, TFTs

pulmonary fibrosis
What do you use when other antiarrhthmics fail?
Class III

increase AP duration
increase ERP
increase QT interval

Amiodarone has class I, II, III, and IV effects - alters lipid membrane
What antiarrhytmic is used for prevention of nodal arrhythmias (eg SVT)?
Class IV - Ca channel blockers

(remember, Verapmil for Ventricle; nifedipine works on smooth mm not so much on heart)
What effects do Class IV antiarrhythmics have physiologically?
Calcium channel blockers

decreased conduction velocity
increased ERP
increased PR
What is useful for torsades de pointes and digitoxin toxicity?
What is drug of choice for diagnosing / abolishing supraventricular tachycardia?

What is the MOA?

increases K efflux, hyperpolarizing & decreasing Ca current

Effects are blocked by theophylline