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32 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 objectives of first aid?

Prevent further injury, infection, loss of life


What are 4 methods of controlling bleeding?

1. Direct Pressure

2. Elevation

3.pressure points

4. Using tourniquet (as last resort)

Where are the 11 principal pressure points?

1.temple 2.jaw 3. Neck 4.collar bone 5.Inner upper arm 6.inner elbow 7.Wrist 8.upper thigh 9.groin 10.Knee 11. Ankle

22 total

What are the 3 classifications of burns and what are their symptoms?

First Degree: produces redness, warmth, and mild pain.

Second degree: red, blistered skin, severe pain.

Third degree: destroys tissue, severe pain may be absent due to nerve endings being destroyed.


What are the 2 types of fractures and what are their symptoms?

Closed/simple- break in bone without a break in the skin.

Open/ compound- has a break In the skin with possible bone protrusion.



What is electric shock and what are some related injuries?

When a person comes into contact with electricity.

Related injuries:

Ranges from little to no injury - to severe trauma associated with cardiac arrest.

Electricity. Heart

What are obstructed airways and what are the indications?

Obstruction of the upper airway.


Inability to talk, grasping/ pointing to throat, exaggerated breathing, and skin turning bluish.


What are the 2 types of heat related injuries?

Heat exhaustion

Heat stroke

Skin, pupils, body temp

What is heat exhaustion and what are the symptoms?

A disturbance of blood flow to the brain, heart, and lungs.


Skin- cool, moist, clammy

Pupils- dilated

Body temp- normal or high, sweating profusely

Skin, pupils, body

What is a heat stroke and what are the symptoms?

The breakdown of the sweat mechanism in the body. (Unable to sweat)


Skin- hot and/ or dry

Pupils- unevenly dilated

Body- unable to eliminate excessive body heat, weak rapid pulse


What are the 3 different types of cold weather injury?


Superficial frostbite

Deep frostbite

Body, pulse, arms, and legs

What is hypothermia and what are the symptoms?

General cooling of the body due to exposure to low or rapidly falling temperatures, moisture, snow, ice.


Body- pale&I unconscious (taken for dead) slow shallow breathing.

Pulse- faint or undetectable

Arms and legs may feel stiff

Upper layers

What is superficial frostbite?

When ice crystals form in upper layers of skin after exposure to 32 degrees or lower.


What is deep frostbite?

When ice crystals form in deeper tissues after exposed to 32 degrees or lower.


What is shock and what are 5 different kinds?

When the body suffers from insufficient blood flow throughout the body.


Septic, anaphylactic, cariogenic, hypovolemic, and neurogenic shock

Septic=bacteria, garbage

What is Septic Shock? What are some examples?

Results from bacteria multiplying in the blood and releasing toxins.


Pneumonia, ruptured appendix

What is Anaphylactic Shock? What are some examples?

An allergic reaction.


Allergies to bee stings, medicines, and food.

What is Cariogenic Shock? What is some Examples?

When the heart is damaged and can't supply sufficient blood to body.


Heart attack, stroke

Hypovolemic- blood loss

What is Hypovolemic Shock? What are some examples?

Severe blood/ fluid loss and makes the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body.


Gun shot

Loss of a lot of blood

Neuro- nerves

What is neurogenic Shock?

Injury to the spinal cord.

What does CPR stand for? And what is it?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

A combination of rescue breathing and chest compressions.

From abc to Cab

What are the steps for CPR and what was it before?

Old:A/B/C- airway. Breathing. Circulation

NOW: C/A/B- circulation. Airway. Breathing

What is the survival Chain?

A set of actions done after cardiac arrest.


What are the steps in the survival Chain?

1.Recognition/activation of CPR

2. Chest compressions

3. AED/ defibrillator

4. Rapid defibrillator

5. Effective advanced life support. (EMT, Ambulance)

6 integrated post-cardiac arrest care.

What does ORM stand for? Why is it used?

Operational risk management

A decision making process used to identify and manage hazards that endangers naval resources.

What is the ORM process?

1.Identify hazards 2.assess hazards 3. Make risk decisions 4.implement controls 5.supervise.


What is a class A mishap?

Property damage of $2,000,000 or more

Illness results in fatality or permanent total disability


What is a Class B mishap?

Property damage of 500,000 or more but less than $2,000,000 or an injury.

3 or more people are hospitalized.

What is a class C mishap?

Property damage of $50,000 or more but less than $500,000.

Non fatal injury causing 5 or more lost workdays.

Least bad

What is PPE and why is it used?

Personal protective equipment.

Used as last line of defense to protect person from equipment breakdown, failure and other hazards.

What are examples of PPE?

Cranial- hearing, eye, and impact protection.

Eye protection- impact resistant and chemical goggles.

Hearing protection- ear muffs

Impact protections- hard plastic shells with soft liners.

Gloves- leather gloves

Foot protection- steel toed

What are examples of PPE?

Cranial- hearing, eye, and impact protection.

Eye protection- impact resistant and chemical goggles.

Hearing protection- ear muffs

Impact protections- hard plastic shells with soft liners.

Gloves- leather gloves

Foot protection- steel toed