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116 Cards in this Set

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demand of an organism to adapt


stress that is harmful

health psychology

studies the relationship between psychological factor and the prevention and treatment of physical illness


microscopic organism that can cause disease


being torn in different direction by opposing motives


to blow out of proportion

type A behavior

competitive and hostility - sen of time and urgency

self-efficacy expectation

our belief that we can bring about desired changes through our own effort

psychological hardiness

cluster of traits that buffer stress

-commitment, control, and challenge

locus of control

place where an individual feels control (internally or externally)


people who attribute being able to get reinforcements comes from within themselves


people who believe they attain reinforcements from outside themselves

general adaptation syndrome (GAS)

hypothesized 3 stage response to stress

alarm reaction

1st stage of GAS - sympathetic activity triggered by stressor

fight-or-flight reaction

innate response to the perception of danger

resistance stage

2nd stage of GAS - prolonged sympathetic activity trying to restore lost energy and repair damage

exhaustion stage

3rd stage of GAS - weekend resistance and possible deterioration

immune system

system of the body that recognize and destroy foreign agents that enter the body


white blood cells


substance that stimulate the body to have an immune system response to it


substances formed by white blood cells to kill antigens


increase blood flow to injured area of the body


having to do with biological, psychological, and social factors

psychological disorders

patterns connected to emotional distress or significant impairment in functioning


perception confused with reality - in the absence of sensory stimulation

ideas of persecution

erroneous beliefs that one is being victimized

anxiety disorders

disorders characterized by excessive worrying, nervousness, and inability to relax

specific phobia

persistent fear of specific object or situation


fear of small places


fear of high places

social anxiety disorder

irrational fear of public scrutiny

panic disorder

recurrent experiences of attacks of extreme anxiety when there is no external stimulation

generalized anxiety disorder

feelings of dread and sympathetic arousal of at least 6months duration

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

recurrent anxiety provoking thoughts seem beyond control and the person has irresistible urges to engage in behaviors thought to reduce the anxiety

post traumatic stress disorder

extreme fear and avoidance after distressing event

acute stress disorder

feelings of helplessness caused by a traumatic event (same month as event, lasts 2d-4w)

dissociative identity disorder

person appears to have two or more identities that may appear at diff times

dissociative amnesia

disorder marked by loss of memory or self identity

depersonalization- derealization disorder

disorder where one feels detached from oneself so their surroundings aren't real

somatoform disorders

people complain of physical pain even though no physical abnomality can be found

illness anxiety disorder

somatoform disorder where one persistently believes that they are ill even though there are no medical findings

conversion disorder

anxiety or unconscious conflicts are converted into physical symptoms that end up helping the person cope with anxiety

la belle indiference

lack of concern for imagined medical problem

bipolar disorder

mood alternated between two extreme poles


elated, showing excessive excitement

rapid flight ideas

rapid speech and topic changes (manic behavior)

major depressive disorder

severe depressive order where person may show loss of appetite, psychomotor retardation,and impaired reality testing

psychomotor retardation

slowness in motor activty and thought

learned helplessness

possible explanation for some depressive behavior

- organisms in unpleasant situations learn to show inactivity when their behavior isn't being reinforced

attributional style

tendancy to attribute ones behavior to various factors


personality train with persistent anxiety

positive symptoms

symptoms of schizophrenia that indicate presence of inappropriate behavior

negative symptoms

symptoms of schizophrenia that reflect absence of appropriate behavior (ex. blank faces, motionless)


refusal to talk


false, persistent beliefs that are not backed by evidence


condition when senses, thoughts and movements are dulled


psychotic condition with striking motor impairment

waxy flexibility

feature of catatonic schizophrenia where people can be molded into postures that they stay in for some time

delusional disorder

psychotic disorder with persistent false beliefs

personality disorders

enduring patterns of being unable to adapt because stress to the individual or others

paranoid personality disorder

persistant suspiciousness

schizoid personality disorder

characterized by social withdrawal

schizotypal personality disorder

characterized by odd thoughts and behaviors but not bizarre psychotic behaviors

antisocial personality disorder

diagnostic given to a person who is in frequent conflict with society but they are undeterred by punishment and feel no guilt or anxiety

borderline personality disorder

instability with relationships, self image, and lack of impulse control

avoidant personality disorder

person is unwilling to enter a relationship without assurance that the will be accepter

-n afraid of rejection snd criticism

top 10 things to know about health psych

look in book at post it page

health vs wellbeing

health is more biological and wellbeing is more related to mental and emotional

culturally bound syndromes

look in book after post it


signs of the disorder


distinguishing and labeling a disorder


cause of the disorder


prediction of the disorders course

4 main criteria for disorders

atypical behavior

maladaptive behavior

violate cultural norms

personal distress

atypical behavior

behavior that occurs significantly above ro below the average frequency

maladaptive behavior

behavior harmful to the person or their society

violating cultural norms

if the behavior violates what the general culture deems as normal

personal distress

does the behavior cause significant emotional distress to the person


systematic interaction between therapist and client where psychological methods are used to influence clients thoughts, feelings, and behavior to help the client overcome a psychological disorder, adjust to problems in living, and develop as an individual


outmoted institution to take care of the mentally ill

psychodynamic therapy

type of psychotherapy thats based on Freud's thinking and assumes psychological problems reflect early childhood and inner conflicts


freuds methods of psychotherapy


the expression of repressed feelings

free association

uncensored uttering of thoughts that come to mind


tendency to block free expression of impulses


responding to one person in a similar way that you responded to another person in your childhood

wish fulfillment

in dreams, the acting out of impulses that are repressed when one is conscious

ego analyst

psychodynamically oriented therapist who focusses on the conscious coping behavior of the ego instead of the functioning of the id

humanistic therapy

form of psychotherapy that focusses on clients subjective conscious experience in the here and now

client-centered therapy

method of psychotherapy which emphasizes the creation of a warm, therapeutic atmosphere that frees clients to engage in self exploration and self expression

Gestalt therapy

psychotherapy that tries to integrate conflicting parts of personality by methods that help clients perceive their whole self

behavior therapy

systematic application of principles of learning to directly modify clients problem behaviors

systematic desensitization

reducing fears by making a hierarchy of fear-evoking images and associating it with deep muscle relaxation


behavior therapy technique when a client observes and imitates a person who approaches and copes with feared object or situation

aversive conditioning

behavior therapy technique where undesired responses are paired with offensive or pungent stimuli

token economy

controlled environment where people are reinforced for desired behaviors with tokens that can be exchanged for priveledges

successive approximations

in operant conditioning, series of behaviors that get closer to the target behavior

social skills training

method for helping people in their interpersonal relations that utilizes self monitoring, behavioral rehearsal, and feedback

biofeedback training

systematic feeding back to an organism about a bodily function so they can take control of it

cognitive therapy

therapy focused on how clients cognitions lead to distress and may be modified to relieve stress and promote adaptive behavior

rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)

therapy that encourages clients to challenge and correct irrational expectations and promote adaptive behavior

cognitive behavior therapy

approach that uses cognitive and behavioral techniques that've been validated by research

rebound anxiety

anxiety that can occur when one discontinues use of a tranquilizer


acting to relieve depression

selective-serotonin- reuptake inhibitors

antidepressant drugs that work by blocking repute of serotonin so the amount of serotonin to the brain is increased

electroconvulsive therapy

treatment of disorders by passing an electric current through the head that causes a convulsion


surgery that tries to promote psychological changes or relieve disordered behavior

prefrontal lobotomy

severing or destructing a section of the frontal lobe of the brain

DSM-V (5)

diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

lists all disorders and the criteria for them

perks and downsides of labeling

look in book

3 main treatments of psychodynamic therapy

free association

word association

dream analysis


look at 12/11 notes

systematic desensitization

client and therapist go through hierarchy of fear, using relaxation techniques from the least scary going to the most fear evoking

response prevention

used for odd or when a person has an urge to reduce anxiety

- tried to break up this cycle by getting the patient to participate in something healthy to reduce anxiety

- leads to longer term relief, fewer negative thoughts, fewer obsessive thoughts, and less tension and anxiety

aversion conditioning

pairing fear or negative stimulus with pleasant stimulus