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231 Cards in this Set

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The "receiving end" of a neuron is called


Which cell produces CSF (cerobrospinal fluid)

ependymal cell

Which cell phagocytizes debris and foreign matter?


What cell in the PNS serves the same function as an oligodendrocyte in the CNS?

Schwann cell

An action potential begins with

Flow of Na into the cell

Myelinated fibers produce action potentials only at their

Nodes of Ranvier

A synaptic vesicle is a storage site for


The appearance of "jumping from node to node" is called

saltatory conduction

Sensory neurons carry signals to the spinal cord. They are also called

Afferent fibers

The spinal cord is divided into all of the following regions with the exception of


The spinal cord ends at what level?


The cord tapers to what is called the

medullary cone

Each spinal nerve divides into an anterior and a posterior rood. Which is considered motor?

Anterior root

In cross section, the spinal cord has white and gray matter. What makes up the "tracts" that sends information up/down the cord?

White matter

CSF flows under what meningeal layer?


Nerve cells of the CNS undergo mitosis.


The synaptic knob is located on the


What supporting nerve cell helps to create the blood brain barrier?


What makes nerve conduction so fast?


The myelin sheathe of the brain and the spinal cord is produced by schwann cells.


A neuron can have many dendrites but never more than one axon.


Integrative centers for a mono-synaptic reflex arc are located in the

gray matter

In a flexor withdrawal reflex, afferent signals enter the cord where?

Posterior horn

Contralateral efferent fibers are utilized in which reflex arc?

Reciprocal inhibition reflex

Why can a nerve signal only run in one direction?

refractory period

How many pairs of spinal nerves are there in the human body?


The 2 hemispheres of the cerebellum are separated by the longitudinal fissure.


The right and left cerebral hemispheres are connected to each other by a thick C-shaped tract of fibers called the.

longitudinal fissure

What structure of the brainstem is caudal to the pons?

medulla oblongata

Directly under what meningeal layer does the CSF flow?

archnoid mater

The choroid plexus produces some of the CSF. What other structure contributes to its production?

ependymal cells

In the flow of CSF, CSF bathes the brain by exiting through apertures located where?

4th ventricle

There is only one area in the blood brain barrier that is directly open to monitor the blood, HIV can enter here.

circumventricular organs (CVO)

The left cerebral cortex controls motor function on the right side of the body because motor fibers decussate where?

Pyramids of the medulla

Of the 3 sets of cerebellar peduncles in the pons, which are outgoing efferent fibers?


If you were to turn your head in response to a sound, what colliculi are responsible?


Nearly all sensory signals pass through the "gateway to the cerebral cortex". the gateway is located where?


In the forebrain, there is a major center for the endocrine system. this is called the.


What portion of the brain is considered the "athletes portion" of the brain?


On a sagittal plane, the cerebellar white matter exhibits a branching pattern called

arbor vitae

Which lobe of the cerebrum is responsible for social judgement and aggression?


The limbic system surrounds the corpus callosum and what additional structure?


What lobe of the cerebrum is responsible for hearing?


The limbic system contains a center that is mainly aversion dominant, called the.


Of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, 2 are pure sensory. Cranial nerve 1, Olfactory and


In the parasympathetic nervous system, the preganglionic fibers are long and the postganglionic fibers are short


In the sympathetic nervous system, splanchnic nerves are considered preganglionic


90% of parasympathetic fibers run on which cranial nerve?


Which division of the ANS is generally excitatory in nature?


Adrenergic receptors are stimulated by what neurotransmitter?

epinephrine & norepinephrine

All pre-ganglionic fibers of the ANS are cholinergic


What was the name of the poor man who had a spike driven into his frontal lobe, causing a complete change in his personality?

Phineas Gage

A nonciceptor is a nerve ending responsible for the sense of


the occipital love is concerned mainly with the sense of


Which of the following is not one of the primary taste sensations detected by the taste buds?


The maleus, incus and stapes are components of the

middle ear

The right occipital lobe receives visual input from both the right and the left eyes.


A person will have color blindness if he/she has a defective gene for one of three types of what cell?


All of the following are classified as special senses except


Sensory neurons detect stimuli within a certain area called its

receptive field

There is a convergence of neural pathways in the CNS and the brain cannot distinguish from which source the signals are actually coming from. This phenomenon is called

referred pain

There are 4 rows of hair cells. Which hair cells supply 90% of the sensory fibers for the cochlear nerve?

Inner hair cells

The optic disc contains no receptor cells thus producing a blind spot. The brain uses surrounding images to fill in this spot. This is called

visual filling

The longer sensory stimulus is prolonged, our awareness of this stimulus decreases. This is called

sensory adaption

Converting one form of energy into another is called? Ex: Sound waves into electrical impulses.


Once the cortex becomes aware of a pain signal, it can send analgesic fibers down to halt the pain signal both pre-synaptically or post-synaptically


The most potent pain stimulus known to man, released by injured tissue called


Taste cells, which lie inside the taste bud are called

gustatory cells

What cell type has axons which combine to form cranial nerve 1?


The Eustacian tube

Equalizes pressure in the middle ear, opens into the pharynx and is a route for viral invasion

Which structure is considered the "organ of hearing"?


What structure is responsible for detecting rotational movements in the ear?

Semi-circular ducts

The inner ear hair cells have pressure gates on their tips for what ion?


What structure in the eye has an adjustable diaphragm for light admission?


The vitreous body is responsible for keeping the retina pressed up against the choroid of the eye.


Finely detailed images are produced in the eye at what point?

Fovea centralis

Cones function best only in dim light


Which lobe of the cerebrum is concerned with receiving and interpreting visual input?


All hormones are composed of either cholesterol or amino acids


What type of hormone works by passing into the nucleus of the cell?


Estrogen enters the cell to begin the production of receptor cells for what hormone


What type of hormone works via a secondary messenger system?


What organ is the major control center for the endocrine system?


The endocrine system requires ducts to transport hormones


The posterior pituitary produces 2 hormones, oxytocin and ADH


What portion of the pituitary gland is actually derived from neural tissue?

Posterior pituitary

Once LH stimulates the follicle to release an egg, it becomes the corpus luteum which secretes what hormone?


The anterior pituitary produces over 100x more of this hormone than any other?

growth hormone

The thymus and the pineal gland both shrink as we age. This process is called


What is the largest endocrine gland in adults?


The human thyroid gland secretes 2 types of thyroid hormone. Which form is utilized by the tissues?


What gland produces a hormone that is considered to be the primary calcium regulating hormone in the body? Without this hormone we would die.


What gland is extremely important in assisting the body's immune system?


What gland is considered to be both an exocrine and an endocrine gland?


What hormone is considered to be the hormone of "nutrient abundance"?


The adrenals produce over 25 different hormones known as corticosteroids. What zone is responsible for secreting mineralcorticoids?


The adrenal medulla has a dual nature, acting as both a modified ganglion and as an exocrine gland. These cells are called

Neuro-endocrine cells & chromafin cellls

Following menopause, which endocrine gland becomes the primary source of estrogen for the female?


Inhibin is a hormone secreted by both the ovaries and the testes. What hormone is it acting upon?


"GAS". The stage of resistance is dominated by what hormone?


In the alarm reaction, what hormone dominates?


The hypophyseal portal system is a means for the brain to communicate with the pituitary gland


Which hormone would be released if a person was dehydrated?


What gland secretes melatonin?


Oxytocin and ADH are secreted through a duct leading to the posterior pituitary.


The structures responsible for warming and humidifying air as it travels through the nasal cavity are


The eustacian tube from the middle ear opens into the


What portion of the pharynx serves as a passageway for both food and air?


The main function of the larynx is to prevent food and drink from entering the trachea.


The largest cartilage of the larynx is


The vocal cords and the opening between them is called the


In speech, crude sounds are converted to recognizable words primarily by

lips & tongue

The tracheal cartilage is C-shaped why?

Allows for esophagus expansion

The mechanism that moves debris-laden mucous up the bronchi to the pharynx is called the

mucociliary escalator

Each lung receives a main bronchus, blood vessels and nerves through a slit called the

hilum & respiratory aperture

Which lung has 3 lobes?


What is considered the end of the conducting division?

Terminal bronchiole

The superior opening of the larynx is guarded by a tissue flap called the


Pulmonary surfactant is secreted by

great alveolar cells

The last line of defense against inhaled particles is phagocytic cells called

alveolar macrophages

The respiratory pacemaker is located in the

medulla oblongata

During inspiration, most of the airflow results from the contraction of the


A restrictive lung disorder is most likely a result of

buildup of scar tissue

The air that we breathe consists mainly of


Which of the following are fewest in number but largest in diameter?


The transfer of gases, alveolar gas exchange, is facilitated by


One hemoglobin molecule can carry a maximum of how many O2 molecules?


Carbon monoxide can cause suffocation why?

Competes for O2 binding sites

Carbon dioxide binds to the globin portion of the hemoglobin


Black lung is what type of disorder?


Forced exhalation requires the use of the rectus abdominus muscle.


The gastrointestinal tract includes all of the following except.


The tongue assists in the prevention of food traveling down the trachea


What part of the tooth cannot repair itself but must be artificially repaired?


Which salivary glands, when infected cause "the mumps"?


The esophagus meets the stomach at the

cardiac orfice

Heartburn is caused by a regurgitation of the stomach contents through the

lower esophageal sphincter

Swallowing involves over 22 muscles and is coordinated by the swallowing center located in the

medulla oblongata

Which of the following is the voluntary phase of swallowing?


During what phase of deglutittion is breathing automatically suspended for a moment?


Peristaltic waves of the esophagus during what phase of deglutition?


When standing, gravity works faster than peristaltic waves.


What structure controls the passage of chime into the small intestine?

pyloric sphincter

What is the only indispensable function of the stomach?

production of intrinsic factor

HCL is produced by what cell type?


What converts pepsinogen to pepsin?


Vomiting is controlled by the emetic center located in the

medulla oblongata

Why doesn't the stomach digest itself?

Thick mucosa, Tight epithelial junctions, and rapid cell replacement

the gallbladder

stores and concentrates bile

Billirubin is derived from the breakdown of


What gland produces the digestive juices responsible for most digestion in the small intestine?


The pylori region is part of what structure?


Most digestion and nutrient absorption occurs in the


The ileocecal valve regulates the passage of chime between the stomach and the duodenum


The kneading and churning of intestinal contents is called


Most of the water in the digestive tract is reabsorbed in the large intestine


The appendix is highly populated with what cell type?


Micturation occurs when the __________ contracts.


The compact ball of capillaries in a nephron is called.

the glomerulus

Which of these is the most abundant nitrogenous waste in the blood?


Which of these is not a part of the nephron?

a. proximal convoluted tubule

b. collecting duct

c.distal convoluted tubule

d. nephron loop

e. glomerulus

b. collecting duct

What percentage of glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted tubule?


A glomerulus and glomerular capsule make up one

renal corpuscle

Each nephron receives its blood supply directly from

an afferent arteriole

Determine the correct order of flow through the renal tubule, if we let

I=collecting duct

II=distal convoluted tubule

III=glomerular capsule

IV=proximal convoluted tubule

V=nephron loop

III=glomerular capsule

IV=proximal convoluted tubule

V=nephron loop

II=distal convoluted tubule

I=collecting duct

Which of the following is/are secreted into the renal tubule?

a. urea

b. glucose

c. bicarbonate ions

d. sodium chloride

e. albumin

c. bicarbonate ions

Increased ADH secretion should change the urine in what way?

reduced volume

The________ reflex is an autonomic reflex activated by pressure in the urinary bladder.


_________is the amount of filtration formed per minute by the two kidneys combined.

glomerular filtration rate (gfr)

The two_________carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.


The_________is a group of epithelial cells of the nephron loop that monitors the flow or composition of the tubular fluid.

mecula densa

To enter the capsular space, filtrate must pass between foot processes of the____________, cells that form part of the filtration membrane in the glomerular capsule.


The___________is the functional unit of the kidney where urine is produced.


__________hormone regulates the amount of water reabsorbed by the collecting duct.


The________sphincter is under involuntary control and relaxes during the micturation reflex.

internal urethral

Aldosterone stimulates the ascending limb of the nephron loop, the DCT, and the collecting duct to reabsorb more_____________and secrete more_______.

sodium, potassium

The__________tightly wraps the kidney and protects it from trauma and infection.

fibrous capsule

Aldosterone has no effect on the proximal convoluted tubule.


Sodium is the most abundant solute in the urine


The kidney has more distal convoluted tubules than collecting ducts.


Sodium is reabsorbed only in the proximal convoluted tubule.


Natriuretic peptides increase blood volume by promoting sodium reabsorption in the kidney.


If all other conditions remain the same, constriction of the afferent arteriole reduces the glomerular filtration rate.


Angiotensin II raises blood pressure


The minimum osmolarity of urine is 300 mOsm/L, equal to the osmolarity of the blood


The parasympathetic nervous system sends signals that relax the detrusor and stimulate constriction of the internal urethral sphincter.


Micturation depends on contraction of the detrusor.


Liver converts ammonia to urea (less toxic) and this is carried in blood plasma to the ________where it is filtered & excreted.


Concave side of kidney faces inward and an opening called the_________where renal blood vessels, nerves & lymphatics enter the kidney.


The glandular, urine-forming tissue of the kidney is called the


Outer portion of the kidney


Inner portion of the kidney


Medulla is divided into 6-10 cone shapes called

renal pyramids

The pyramids are separated by extensors of the cortex called


The pyramids tip is called

renal papilla

The renal papilla is nestled in a collecting cup called a

minor calyx

2-3 minor calyxes combine to form a

major calyx

2-3 major calyxes combine to form the

renal pelvis

Runs in a column

Inter lobar

makes an "arch" between cortex & medulla at top of pyramid

Arcuate Artery

"radiates" up into the cortex at a right angle.

Cortical Radiate Artery

Runs into the nephron "glomerulus"

Afferent arteriole

Bundle of capillaries

nephron=one functional unit of a kidney

filtration begins here.


Filtration of blood

Renal corpuscle

Converts filtrate to urine

Renal Tubule

The Renal corpuscle consists of an afferent arteriole, a glomerulus or bundle of capillaries, and efferent arteriole and a capsule which encases the glomerulus called

bowmans capsule

The _______________________is much larger then the efferent, thus creating high blood pressure in the glomerulus which is crucial to effective filtration.

Afferent arteriole

Blood is filtered at the___________filtrate then enters bowmans capsule and travels to the renal tubular system.


The renal tubule ends at the tip of the renal pyramid at the papilla and empties into the

minor calyx

"Loop of Henle"

separated into a descending limb and

ascending limb

Found mostly in the medulla

Nephron loop

End of the nephron

DCT-The Distal Convoluted Tubule

Most coiled tubule

PCT-Proximal Convoluted Tubule

Receives fluid from multiple DCTs of several nephrons.

Collecting Duct


RBC cannot get through

Endothelium of capillary

Glycoprotein mesh

basement membrane

podocytes of bowmans capsule

filtration slits

The amount of filtrate formed per minute by both kidneys combined

Glomerular filtration rate

The average adult reabsorbs_________of the filtrate.


Potent vasoconstrictor

constricts efferent arteriole

Angiotensin II

Promotes Na retention and water

stimulates post pituitary to release

oxytocin and ADH stored here


promotes water retention


Because of this, urine output increases very little even under circumstances that substantially raise blood pressure


Smooth muscle has a tendency to contract when stretched

works on afferent arteriole.

The myogencic mechanism

Involves communication between the glomerulus and the tubule system

Tubuloglomerular feedback

The reclaiming of water via peritubular capillaries.

The removal & addition of chemicals.

both occur simultaneously

Tubular Re-absorption & Secretion

Reabsorbs 65% of the fluid


not as convoluted


Salt retaining hormone


secreted by heart in response to high blood pressure

natruiratic peptides

controls how hypotonic or hypertonic the urine becomes-how much sodium is in your system.

secreted dependant upon the bodys hydration


The urinary bladder consists of 3 layers of smooth muscle called

detrusor muscle