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31 Cards in this Set

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Boosting audio on a mobile device can generate the same aesthetic energy as increasing sound in a movie theater.


True or False

Digitally squeezing a 16x9 image into the standard 4x3 aspect ratio results objects looking vertically stretched.


True or False

We cannot rearrange screen space to create a variety of horizontal landscapes and vertical formats


True or False

In a 4:3 aspect ratio, the difference between width and height does not unduly emphasize one dimension over another


True or False

Which of the following does Zettl not list as a factor for designing media for a mobile device?

B. long shots

A. dense audio track

B. long shots

C. brief running times

D. inductive sequencing

E. close-ups

The physical size of a picture cannot alter our perceptions and feelings about screen images.


True or False

According to Zettl, it is best to keep video designed specifically for mobile media to a maximum of one minute.


True or False

Windowboxing refers to:

E. Placing a smaller picture in the center of the actual display screen, with the leftover space surrounding it

A. Making a wide-screen presentation fit a 4x3 screen

B. Fitting a full sized 4x3 image in the middle of a 16x9 screen

C. Keeping the "visual fluff" in screen-center

D. Digitally stretching an image to fit an aspect ratio

E. Placing a smaller picture in the center of the actual display screen, with the leftover space surrounding it

HDTV can accommodate the movie aspect ratio better than traditional television.


True or False

Which of the following does Zettl not indetify as a result of creating a secondary frame within a primary frame?

E. It changes and expands the original aspect ration of the screen

A. You are able to show simultaneous yet spacially separated events

B. It creates separate space and discrete picture areas

C. You are able to relate various subjects or points of views in a single shot

D. It draws attention to a central message

E. It changes and expands the original aspect ratio of the screen

In the classical motion picture screen and the television screen, there is one unit in height for every _______ units in width.

B. 1.33

A. 2.44

B. 1.33

C. 1.85

D. 3.14

E. 3.42

F. 1.77

Which scenic element is not an example of organic masking?

A. pillarboxing

A. pillarboxing

B. furniture

C. people

D. trees

E. buildings

Fitting 16x9 movie images on the 4x3 television screen was a problem until HDTV.


True or False

Scale remains constant, regardless of whether you perceive it on a large movie screen or smartphone display.


True or False

If we are unfamiliar with an object, we tend to judge its size by how much screen area it takes up.


True or False

The best type of shot for a mobile media display is a ______

C. close-up

A. medium shot

B. long shot

C. close-up

D. two-shot

E. wide shot

It is easier to frame horizontal and vertical objects in a 4:3 aspect ratio than in a 16:9 ratio


True or False

According to Zettl, it is best to keep video designed specifically for mobile media to a maximum of three minutes.


True or False

Inductive and deductive approaches are the same when done in movies.


True or False

The technique for showing a full frame of a wide-screen image on a standard television by leaving black borders at the top and the bottom of the screen is called letterboxing.


True or False

Familiarity with an object on a screen plays no part in our interpretation of the object's size


True or False

Which of the following does Zetll not identify as a result of creating a secondary frame within a primary frame?

A. It changes and expands the original aspect ratio of the screen

A. It changes and expands the original aspect ration of the screen

B. You are able to relate various subjects or points of views in a single shot

C. You are able to show simultaneous yet spacially separated events

D. It creates separate space and discrete picture areas

E. It draws attention to a central message

The scene from D.W. Griffith's 1916 film "Intolerance" is an example of what technique?

D. pillarboxing

A. squeezing

B. stretching

C. windowboxing

D. pillarboxing

E. letterboxing

People look short and chubby in a 16x9 image that has been digitally squeezed to fit a 4x3 aspect ration


True or False

Fitting a full-sized 4x3 image in the middle of a 16x9 screen is called windowboxing


True or False

If we are unfamiliar with an object, we tend to judge its size by how much screen area it takes up.


True or False

Scale does not remain constant, regardless of whether you perceive it on a large movie screen or smartphone display


True or False

Which scenic element is not an example of organic masking?

D. pillarboxing

A. furniture

B. trees

C. buildings

D. pillarboxing

E. people

There is no aesthetic difference between showing a landscape dominated movie in a movie theater and on television


True or False

Some motion pictures do not seem to come across as well on a television screen. The reason:

B. aesthetic impact or power is often related to image size

A. TV images are "louder" than motion picture images

B. aesthetic impact or power is often related to image size

C. motion picture screes demand less aesthetic energy than TV images

D. relativism

E. we sit closer to TV screens than motion picture screens

Which scenes (shots) fare better on the large movie screen than on the small

B. landscape scenes


B. landscape scenes

C. highly intimate close-ups

D. over-the-shoulder shots

E. cross-shots