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30 Cards in this Set

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Time of the embryonic period?
conception to end of 8th week
What develops during the embryonic period?
all major organ systems
What is the effect of drug use during the embryonic period?
missing kidneys
Time of the fetal period
from the 9th week until delivery
What develops during the fetal period?
increase in cell number and size, and organ systems structually remodel to "normal"
What is the effect of drug use during the fetal period?
may cause organs not to work as well as they should
How long does it take the zygote to reach the uterus?
3-4 days
By what day does a blastocyte form?
by day 6
How long after reaching the uterus does it take for the embryo to implant into the wall?
24-48 hours
Week 1 events (4)
-Fertililzation occurs
-zygote reaches uterus
-blastocyte forms
-embryo implantation
Week 2 events (4)
-implantation complete
-uteroplacental circulation begins
-embryo has 2 distinct layers
-amnion begins to develop
The endoderm forms what structures? ectoderm?
endoderm = internal
ectoderm = external
Week 3 events (4)
-mesoderm appears
-neural tube and blood vessels appear
-paired heart tubes begin to pump
-mother misses first menstrual period
Week 4 events (4)
-placenta forms
-arm and leg buds appear
-embryo folds into human-like shape
-neural folds fuse
Week 5 events (4)
-peripheral motor and sensory nerves begin to form
-primitive mouth develops
-digital rays on hands/feet
-lens placodes appear
Week 6 events
-primitive nose is obvious
-primary palate forms
Week 7 events
-embyronic liver takes over blood cell production
-baby has its own blood type
-mouth and tongue form
-external ear forms
-eyelids begin to form
Week 8 events
-ovaries and testes distinguishable
-axons and dendrites growth rates increases significantly
-legs, arms, fingers developed
-amniotic sac developed
-muscle contractions first appear
Week 10 events
-face is recognizably human
-nervous system becomes responsive
-heart is almost completely developed
-external genitalia are distinguishable
-twenty teeth start to form in gum line
Weeks 12-14 events
-lung development
-vocal cord development completes
-brain fully developed and child can feel pain in general sense
-mother may begin to feel movement
-eyelids are formed
Weeks 20-24 events
-considered lower limit of viability
-primitive alveoli have formed and surfactant production has begun (lungs could now be able to exchange gases)
-child can now hear and recognize mother's voice
-lanugo covers the child
Third trimester (Weeks 25-40) events
-1st form of learning occurs
-wt triples and length doubles
-body begins to store protein, fat, iron, and calcium
-child sleeps about 90% of day
-fetal movement increases in response to a sudden sound with a specific tone and decreases if the tone is repeated
What % of pregnancies end in a spontaneous abortion? What is mortaility most often due to?
30%; chromosomal abnormalities or major structural abnormalities
What type of abnormalities occur from teratogens during the embryonic period?
major morphological abnormalities (thalidomide and limb malformation)
What type of abnormalities occur from teratogens during the fetal period?
physiological defects and only minor morphological abnormalities
Teratogenic effects of alcohol
-intrauterine growth retardation
-mental retardation
-maxillary hypoplasia
-thin upper lip
-cardiac abnormalities
Teratogenic effects of coumarin derivatives
-nasal hypoplasia
-calcific stippling of the secondary epiphysis
-CNS abnormalities
Time period with highest risks associated with coumarin derivatives
from the 8th to 14th weeks post-conception
Teratogenic effects of ACE inhibitors
-hemorrhagic foci found in renal cortex and medulla causing oligohydramnios, anuresis, hypotension, and death
Are ACE inhibitors okay to use during the embryonic period?
yes, ill effects have not been seen during first trimester