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136 Cards in this Set

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Ureteral Bud

•Starts as outpouching of wolffians

•Kidneys migrate up from pelvis

Urogenital Sinus 6 Wks Mens

•Caudal end narrows/elongates

•Forms urethra/neck of bladder


•Forms the rest of the bladder

Ureteral Bud Grows & Branches

•Ureter, pelvis, calyces, tubules

•W/o bud, kidneys don't form


•10 mens wks, 3-5 bud branchings

•Seen 15 wks, 13 on TV

Normal Kidneys

•Hypoechoic cortex

•See sinus fat & pyramids develop

Kidney Development

•Pelvis may dilate, not > 6mm

•NL size in Trans: 1/3 of fetal abd

Amniotic Fluid Volume Controlled By

•Renal output in 2nd half of gestation

•Normal with at least 1 NL kidney


•CNS ABNL, poor swallowing

•Upper GI ABNL

Oligo in 2nd Tri

•Poor prognosis from pulmonary hypoplasia

Oligo Causes

•Demise, infection, UT anomalies, pre eclampsia, IUGR, PROM

AFV at 12 Wks

•60 ml, increaes 20-26 ml/wk

•16 wks: 50-100 ml/wk

AFV at 20 Wks

•500 ml

•Late 3rd tri: 450 ml/day

Before end of 2nd Tri

•AFV > fetus volume

At End of 2nd Tri

•AFV = Fetus volume

In 3rd Tri

•AFV < Fetus volume

Fetal Bladder

•Cystic structure in pelvis

•Fills/empties every 25 mins

3 Areas for UT Evaluation

•Amniotic fluid volume

•For UT anomalies

•Other anomalies

Syndromes Assoc With Urinary System

•Meckel's, VACTERL

Bilateral Renal Agenesis

•Absent ureteral bud, 1:4000

•Death from pulm hypoplasia

Signs of Agenesis

•Oligo, absent bladder

•Seeing bladder excludes agenesis

Bowel/Adrenals vs Kidneys

•Color helps ID renal arteries

•Look for hypoechoic pyramids

Unilateral Renal Agenesis

•1:1000, antenatal diagnosis hard

•Bowel/adrenal mistaken for kidney

•Bladder fills/empties

Urinary Tract Dilatation

•Can be NL physiologic

•4-5 mm 15-24 wks

•6-8 mm 24-30 wks

•8-10 mm >30 wks


•Seen antenatal, f/u 48 postpartum

•Can be reflux

Posterior Urethral Valves

•Most common urethral obstruction

•Flap of skin on post. urethra

Posterior Urethral Valves U/S

•Persistent dilated bladder

•Thick bladder wall, > 2mm

•Severe hydro, oligo

Oligo with Posterior Urethral Valves

•95% won't survive

UVJ Obstruction

•Duplicated collecting system

•UP obstructs, LP refluxes

•Ectopic ureterocele

UVJ Obstruction U/S

•Dilated pelvis, megaureter

•Normal AFV, unless bilateral UVJ

UPJ Obstruction

•Biggest cause of neonatal hydro

•Pelvis, infundibula, calyces dilated

UPJ Obstruction U/S

•Can appear as giant abd cyst

•Ureters not dilated

•Other kidney & bladder work

Unilateral UPJ Assoc With

•Contra multicystic dysplasia, renal agenesis or oligo, if severe

Obstructive Renal Dysplasia(Potter's IV)

•From UPJ, UVJ or bladder obs

Obstructed Renal Dysplasia U/S

•Obstructed pelvis

•Severely hyperechoic cortex

•Cortical cysts

MCDK(Potter's II)

•From atresia of upper uereter, pelvis, infundibulum


•NV pelvis, unilateral, macrocysts

•Contra renal anomalies, agenesis

Inherited Syndrome with MCDK

•Meckel Gruber, short rib polydactyly, Trisomy 13


•Rec or dom, both kidneys

•Low chance of survival if severe

Infantile PCKD(Potter's I)

•Autorecessive, non obstructive

•Oligo, hyperechoic, large kidneys

Adult PCKD(Potter's III)

•Bilateral large hyperechoic kidneys

•Cysts don't dominate kidneys

•Normal AFV, not seen antenatally

Prune Belly Syndrome

•Urethral obstruction

•Anterior abd wall distended


Prune Belly U/S

•Oligo, distended, thick bladder

•Hydroureter, bilat hydro

•Patent urachus, small thorax

Mesoblastic Nephroma

•Mostly solid mass in kidney

•May be cystic, assoc w/ poly

Hydrops Fetalis

•Excessive fluid in fetus

•Edema, ascites, effusions, poly

Fetal Ansarca

•Generalized edema

Immune Hydrops

•Maternal blood cells destroy others

•Fetal cells enter maternal system

Immune Response Setup

•During delivery(most common)

•Fetal-maternal hemorrhage

Subsequent Pregnancies

•MNL antibodies cross P-F barrier

•Antibodies attach to antigens

•Attack cells, fetal anemia results

Erythroblastosis Fetalis

•Immature RBCs produced

•Hepatomegaly, placental edema, pleural effusions

Hydrops Fetalis U/S

•Ascites, skin edema, PE

•Poly, placenta edema/enlargement

•Pericardial effusion

Immune Hydrops Prevention

•Rhogam, amniocentesis

Non-Immune Hydrops

•Not immunologic, other causes

•No lab tests, high mortality

•Non immune if absent antibodies

Non-Immune Hydrops U/S

•Same as immune

•Structural anomalies, most heart

•Can have oligo

Non-Immune Hydrops Structural Anomalies

•Congenital lymphangiectasia, arrhythmias, CCAM

Non-Immune Hydrops Causes

•TORCH, Parvovirus

Maternal Hypertensive Disease

•Chronic hypertension disease

•Pregnancy induced hypertension

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

•Appears late in preg, disappears postpartum

Pre Eclampsia

•Hypertension, proteinuria, edema

•During last 20 wks


•Convulsions, coma

PIH Onset Signs

•Sudden weight gain/high BP, edema, proteinuria

•Headaches, blurred vision, EG pain

PIH Fetus

•Decreased liver blood flow

•Low oxygen/nourishment

•Premature labor, abruptions

If Patient Becomes Eclamptic

•Deliver fetus ASAP


•IUGR, oligo

•Hetero placenta, early separation, decreased volume, increased vasc resistance

Diabetes Maternal Complications

•Hypoglycemia, poly, PIH, vasc disease, renal dysfunction

Diabetes Fetal Complications

•Defects, IUGR, SUA, macrosomia

Assoc With SUA

•Cardiac anomalies, pulmonary hypoplasia, polydactyly


•Uteroplacental vasc insufficiency


•Fetal hyperinsulinemia from maternal hyperglycemia

•>4000g, or above 90th percentile

Gestaional Diabetes

•Develops during pregnancy

•25 in 1000 pregnancies

Gestational Diabetes Risk Factors

•Previous stillbirth, F/Hx of diabetes

•Prior macrosomia or anomalies

IUGR Considered

•Small for gestational age

•<2500g(5lbs8ozs), or 10th percentile

IUGR Etiologies

•Maternal disease states

•Congenital anomalies/infection

•Primary placental pathology

Maternal Disease States

•Diabetes mellitus, chronic HTN, Rh disease, drugs, high altitude

Maternal Disease States Results

•Uteroplacental insufficiency

•Poor placental perfusion

•Oxygen/nutrition deprivation

Congenital Anomalies/Infection

•CHD, CNS anomalies, 21, 18, 13


Primary Placental Pathology

•Infarction, previa, abruption

•Leads to uteroplacental insufficiency

Symmetrical IUGR

•Proportionately small fetus

•All measurments below 10th %

•As early as 20 weeks MA

Symmetrical IUGR Causes

•Congenital anomalies, trisomies, intrauterine infection, FAS, maternal malnutrition

Asymmetrical IUGR

•Disproportion between head/body

•Body severely affected, liver 1st

•Brain sparing

Brain Sparing

•Head last affected to prevent brain damage

Asymmetrical IUGR MDS

•Chronic HTN/renal disease, severe diabetes, cardiovascular disease

Asymmetrical IUGR Placental Abruption

•Smoking, drugs, multiple pregnancies


•Compare interval growth

•HC/AC, FL/AC, FL/BPD, weight

•Doppler MCA, umbilical artery

Uterine Artery Doppler 1st Tri

•Persistent diastole with early notch

S/D Ratios

•10 wks: 3

•13 wks: 2.6

•26 wks: 2

Uterine Artery PI

•NL: <1.24

•Abnl: >1.67

•AMA: high risk SGA, preterm

IUGR Treatment

•Bed rest on left side, relieves IVC

•Anti-coagulants: heparin

IUGR Outcomes

•More often in males

•Speech defects, CNS abnormalities

Fetal Maladaption Syndrome

•Fetus unable to compensate

•Oligo, abnl fetal/umbilical Doppler

Perinatal IUGR

•Intrapartum fetal stress


•Hypothermia, encephalopathy

Childhood IUGR

•Hypertension, poor neural outcome

Adult IUGR

•Cardiovascular disease

•Hypertension, diabetes

Multiple Gestations Incidence

•1% of all births

•Highest in blacks, lowest in Asians

Multiple Gestations Increases With

•AMA, parity, heredity, fertility drugs

Multiple Gestations Maternal Risks

•PIH, preterm labor, edema, 3rd tri hemorrhage, varicosities

Multiple Gestations Fetal Risks

•Congenital anomalies 2× more

•IUGR, discordant growth, PROM

•Prematurity, RDS, cerebral hem

Discordant Growth

•Smaller, > risk of prenatal anoxia

•Normal growth till 31-32 wks

Discordant Growth U/S

•5mm or more diff in BPD

•20mm or more diff in AC

•Oligo, abnl umb artery Doppler

Dizygotic Twins

•Fraternal, non identical

•2 chorions/2 placentas

•2 amnions, thick membrane

Monozygotic Twins

•Identical, 1 zygote splits

•Single chorion, 1 or 2 sacs

•Riskier than dizygotic

Twin to Twin Transfusion(Mono Only)

•Arteriovenous shunt in placenta

•Arterial blood of 1 twin pumped into venous system of other

TTT Donor Twin

•Arterial shunted to recipient

•Becomes hypovolemic

•Stuck twin if severe

Hypovolemic Twin

•Growth retarded, poor renal perfusion, anuria, severe oligo

TTT Recipient Twin Hypervolemic

•Symmetrical size increase

•Poly, CHF, hydrops, demise

TTT U/S Criteria

•Same sex fetuses, single placenta

•Thin membrane, 20% weight diff

•Twin poly-oli sequence(stuck)

TTT Doppler

•Decreased diastolic flow

•>.4 S/D difference between twins

Quintero Staging System

•Determines TTT severity

•AFV, bladder size, Doppler, hydrops

Quintero Stage I

•Donor twin bladder visible

•Poly-oli sequence

Quintero Stage II

•Collapsed/NV donor bladder


Quintero Stage III

•CADS: Absent/reverse EDS in UA, reverse DV flow, UV pulsatile

Quintero Stage IV

•Fetal hydrops

Quintero Stage V

•Demise of one or both twins

Conjoined Twins

•Mono/mono gestations

•Division after 13th day

•Always same sex

Conjoined Twins U/S

•Lack of separating membrane

•Heads in same plane, poly

•>3 vessel cord

Parasitic Twin(Fetus in Fetu)

•2nd twin in sibling's abd

•Benign, distinguish from teratoma

Parasitic Twin Characteristics

•Benign, in upper abd

•May have radiographic evidence of vertebrae

Teratoma vs Parasitic Twin

•Teratoma in lower abd, ovaries or sacrococcygeal area

TRAP Syndrome

•Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion

•Results in acardiac twin, 1:3500

TRAP Develops

•Anastomoses between twins through placenta

•Large art-art and ven-ven shunt

Acardiac Twin

•Blood enters through fetal aorta

•Well developed lower body

•Poor development of head/upper

TRAP Donor

•20% become hydropic due to high output cardiac function

Genetic Defects in Mono Twins

•Nearly 100% with genetic defects

•1 normal, 1 Turner's most common

•Higher risk of dev abnormalities

Genetic Defects Dizy Twins

•Very low incidence since not genetically similar

Multi Gestation Polyhydramnios

•5-10% of all twins

•Chronic or acute

Chronic Polyhydramnios

•Develops over wks in 3rd tri

•Increased mortality rate(45%)

Acute Polyhydramnios

•Develops over days, in wks 20-26

•Mostly in dizygotic, 100% mortality

Selective Termination

•Improves best survival chance

•Only on confirmed dichorionic

Selective Termination Process

•Inject air into heart or UV

•Exsanguination by cardiac puncture

Selective Termination in Mono

•Can cause thromboplastic response from terminated into suriving

•Brain/multi organ damage or death

Signs of Fetal Demise

•Coarsing of outline, scalp edema, absent heart/somatic movement

•Robert's, Spaulding's, Trunk

Coarsing of Outline

•Edema, AF seeps into skin

Scalp Edema

•May occur with severe diabetes, Rh sensitivity, fetal anemia

Robert's Sign

•Gas in fetal vascular system

Spaulding's Sign

•Overlapping of fetal skull bones

•Unable to see falx

Trunk Changes

•Difficult to ID abd organs

•Compressed, coarse outline