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95 Cards in this Set

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Streptococcal Sore Throat, causes
bacterial infection in the pharynx
Streptococcal Sore Throat, symptoms
sore throat, fever, pus from tonsils, enlarged lymph nodes, rash, palatal petechiae (small hemorrhages on the palate)
Streptococcal Sore Throat, diagnosis
rapid strep test, ASO blood test, plane of sensitivity
Streptococcal Sore Throat, treatment
antibiotics- amoxicillin, penicillin
Streptococcal Sore Throat, complications
Glomerulonephritis (renal disease, inflammation of blood vessels in kidneys), rheumatic fever, PANDAS
Glomerulonephritis, causes
complication of strep throat, inflammation of the blood vessels (glomeruli) in the kidney
Glomerulonephritis, symptoms
hematuria (blood in urine), proteinuria (protein in urine/ foamy urine), hypertension, edema, fatigue, less frequent urination
Glomerulonephritis, diagnosis
urinalysis (red blood cells in urine= damage to glomeruli, white blood cells= infection or inflammation, protein= nephron damage), imaging test to view possible kidney damage, kidney biopsy (sure diagnosis)
Glomerulonephritis, treatment
antibiotics for strep, temporary dialysis (removes excess fluid from kidney and controls blood pressure), kidney dialysis, kidney transplant
Rheumatic fever, causes
complication of strep, acute inflammation of heart and joints
Rheumatic fever, symptoms
Major Criteria: carditis (inflammation of the heart), chorea (jerky uncontrolled movements), polyarthritis, erythema marginatum (flat painless rashes), subcutaneous nodules
Minor Criteria: fever, arthralgia (joint pain), previous rheumatic fever
Rheumatic fever, diagnosis
two major criteria or one major criteria and two minor criteria must be present, also must have had a recent case of strep... physical examination, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram
Rheumatic fever, treatment
antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication, anti-convulsive treatment, long term care for possible heart damage
Rheumatic fever, complications
rheumatic heart disease, weakened heart, narrowed or leak in mitral valve
pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcus, kids that have OCD or tics can sometimes have worsened symptoms after contracting streptococcus
Bubonic Plague, causes
Yersinia Pestis> bites by rodents fleas, exposure to humans with pneumonic plague, handling infected animal carcasses, scratches or bites from infected domestic cats, exposure to aerosals
Bubonic Plague, symptoms
buboes, fever, headache, weakness, intense pain, headache, malaise, swollen lymph nodes, pus exuding from lymph nodes, bleeding of the lymph nodes, nausea, vomiting, joint pains and aches
Bubonic Plague, treatment
antibiotics (streptomycin), vaccination, isolation, prevention
Bubonic Plague, complications
pneumonia, meningitis
Hantavirus, types
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome- acute respiratory disease caused by hantavirus
Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome- group of similar illnesses caused by hantavirus
Hantavirus, causes
urine, feces, or saliva from infected rodents, inhalation of viral aerosals produced by infected rat excretion
Hantavirus, symptoms
Early: flu-like symptoms, fever, chills, muscles aches, headaches, nausea,vomiting, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, gastrointestinal problems
Later: hypotension, hypoxia (lack of oxygen), cyanosis of skin, fluid in lungs, respiratory failure
Hantavirus, treatment
no cure or treatment for actual disease, ribavirin helps treat HFRS (shortens illness and reduces the risk of death, stops viral replication), oxygen therapy helps treat hypoxia, breathing tube and ventilator
Hantavirus, prevention
avoid exposure, make campsite in area without rodents, clear rodent nest of home
Rabies, causes
direct contact with infected host through a bite or other wound
Rabies, progresson
primary replication in muscles and connective tissue show no symptoms at first, virus infects peripheral nerves and travels along neurons to the CNS, then causes deterioration of the brain which triggers the symptoms
Rabies, symptoms
Early: malaise, hyperesthesia (an abnormally acute sense of pain, heat, cold)
Later: cerebral excitement, rage, muscle spasms, hydrophobia, convulsions, anxiety, hallucinations, paranoia, frothing at the mouth, confusion, death within 2-10 days of symptoms
Rabies, treatment
Pancreatic Cancer, causes
chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), family history, smoking, obesity
Pancreatic Cancer, symptoms
weight loss, lack of insulin production/ pancreatic juices, jaundice, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, weakness
Pancreatic Cancer, Diagnosis
angiogram (x-ray of blood vessels by injecting iodine), CT scan, transabdominal ultrasound, ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)
Pancreatic Cancer, treatment
curable in early stages, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation
Melanoma, types
superficial spreading (flat and irregular in shape and color),
Nodular (raised and blackish blue or blueish red in color),
Lentigo Maligna (elderly people due to sun damage),
Acral lentiginous (palms and soles and under the fingers nails, typically in african americans
Melanoma, causes/risk factors
living in a sunny climate or high altitude, long term exposure to sun, blistering sunburn during childhood, tanning devices, family history, abnormal moles or birthmarks, freckling, red/blonde hair, fair skin, blue/green eyes, weak immune system
Melanoma, symptoms
mole or growth on skin, change in skin pigment, abnormally shaped moles, lesions with irregular edges, color change in a mole, mole larger than 6 mm
Melanoma, diagnosis
skin examination, biopsy of lesion
Melanoma, treatment
surgical removal of lesion, lymph node removal (if spread there), interferon treatments, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation, clinical trials
Coarctation of the Aorta, causes
arrowing of the aorta, lack of blood flow, high blood pressure
Coarctation of the Aorta, symptoms
pale skin, irritability, heavy sweating, difficulty breathing,
Coarctation of the Aorta, diagnosis
chest x-ray, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, MRI, cardiac catheterization
Coarctation of the Aorta, treatment
patch aortoplasty, end-to-end anastomsis, left subclavian angioplasty, bypass graft repair
Coarctation of the Aorta, complications
inadequate blood flow, high blood pressure, stroke, rupture of aorta, coronary artery disease, weak or bulging artery in the brain
Rheumatic Endocarditis, causes
endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart and its valves) caused by rheumatic fever
Rheumatic Endocarditis, symptoms
inflammatory lesions in connective tissue (heart, joints, blood vessels), sweating, chills, fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, joint pain, swelling of legs, feet, and abdomen, weakness, weight loss
Rheumatic Endocarditis, diagnosis
blood culture, blood count, chest x-ray, echocardiogram, Jones Criteria from American Heart Association

Major Criteria: arthritis of multiple joints, carditis, nodules under skin, chorea, skin rash
Minor Criteria: fever, joint pain, EKG changes, high ESR
Rheumatic Endocarditis, treatment
corticosteroids, aspirin, immunoglobulin, salicylates
Asthma, causes
allergies, smoke, environmental factors, swelling and narrowing of airways, obesity, genes, stress, extra mucus
Asthma, symptoms
wheezing, chest tightness, breathing problems, coughing, lack of air flow, inflammation
Asthma, diagnosis
examine medical history, physical exam, breathing test> spirometry (measures the amount of air that is inhaled and exhaled and also the speed of breathing) and challenge tests (deliberately triggering symptoms)
Asthma, treatment
peak flow meter (monitors asthma by measuring how air moves out of lungs, decline in peak flow may mean an upcoming asthma attack), preventive checkups (doctors visit every 2-6 weeks until asthma is under control), medication through inhaler
Peptic Ulcer, types
stomach- gastric ulcer, duodenum- duodenal ulcer, esophagus- esophageal ulcer
Peptic Ulcer, causes
regular use of pain killers, smoking, excessive drinking, stress, GI tract exposed to stomach excretions, acid-resistant bacteria
Peptic Ulcer, symptoms
abdominal pain, bloating, fullness, waterbrash, nausea, burping, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, hematemesis, melena
Peptic Ulcer, diagnosis
blood test. urea breath test, upper GI tract x-ray,endoscopy, biopsy
Peptic Ulcer, treatment
antibiotics, acid blockers, antacid drugs, proton pump inhibitor, cytoprotective agents, avoid destructive behavior
Parkinson's Disease, causes
Parkinson's Disease, symptoms
resting tremors, aching muscles, slow or limited movement (Bradykinesia), facial and throat weakness, difficulty walking, lack of balance and coordination, cramps, oily skin, constipation, incontinence, insomnia, dementia
Parkinson's Disease, diagnosis
no test for Parkinson’s, test for similar diseases, PET scan to test for low levels of dopamine
Parkinson's Disease, treatment
no cure, dopamine agonists can lessen symptoms for a while
Down's Syndrome, causes
abnormalities in chromosome number from nondisjunction, autosome 21 has 47 chromosomes instead of 46 (trisomy 21), older women have a higher risk
Down's Syndrome, symptoms
slanted eyes, hyper extensibility of joints, short stature, mental retardation, abnormalities in cardiovascular system, intestines, and kidneys, small mouth with protruding tongue, decreased muscle tone, small or abnormally shaped head, cognitive impairment
Down's Syndrome, diagnosis
chromosome analysis test before birth> amniocentesis (needle into abdominal wall), Chorionic Villus Sampling (sample taken from placenta), Percutaneous Umbilical Cord Sampling
Down's Syndrome, treatment
no cure, regular checkups for associated symptoms, special education, physical and occupational therapy
Down's Syndrome, complications
decreased life span, weakened immune system, acute leukemia, brain lesion similar to those of Alzheimer’s
Pulmonary Fibrosis, causes
toxins, radiation, infections, age, occupation, smoking, family history
Pulmonary Fibrosis, progression
scarring of lung tissue, repeated injury to alveoli, stiffening of lungs
Pulmonary Fibrosis, symptoms
shortness of breath (dysnea), difficulty breathing, dry cough, fatigue, weight loss, constant muscle ache
Pulmonary Fibrosis, diagnosis
chest x-ray, CT scan, pulmonary function test, oximetry, exercise stress test, biopsy
Pulmonary Fibrosis, treatment
corticosteriod, immunosuppressant, lung transplant, oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation
Pulmonary Fibrosis, complications
hypoxemia, high blood pressure, right side heart failure, respiratory failure
Pulmonary Fibrosis, treatment
corticosteriod, immunosuppressant, lung transplant, oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation
Pulmonary Fibrosis, complications
hypoxemia, high blood pressure, right side heart failure, respiratory failure
Diabetes, types
Type 1- insulin dependent, not enough insulin produced
Type 2- non insulin dependent, enough insulin but cells do not function properly causing a buildup of glucose
Diabetes, causes
obesity, family, history, ethnicity, age
Diabetes, symptoms
excessive thirst and appetite, increased urination, unusual weight loss or weight gain, fatigue, blurred vision, dry mouth, slow healing of cuts or sores, tingling in hands or feet
Diabetes, diagnosis
fasting plasma glucose test, casual plasma glucose test, oral glucose tolerance test, hemoglobin A1c test... all testing to see if the glucose level is above 126 mg/dL
Diabetes, treatment
insulin amount depending on lifestyle, number of injections willing to give daily, frequency patient can check blood sugar level, age. weight loss, exercise and healthy diet, medication (Precose), stop smoking
Diabetes, complications
elevated or abnormally low blood sugar levels, blindness, myocardial infarction, kidney problems, loss of sensation, gangrene
Pyelonephristis, causes
gram negative bacteria (e. coli, kelbsiella, enterobacter
Pyelonphristis, progression
infection ascends from bladder of through the blood stream, inflammation of the kidneys and renal pelvis (sparing the glomeruli, patchy distribution, no affecting both kidneys equally), progresses quickly to the chronic stage, formation of numerous small abscesses, renal failure, then finally either abscesses continue to form until kidneys become large bags of pus or violent inflammatory reaction in which healing occurs and scar tissue forms causing the kidneys to shrink and create a granular surface
Pyelonephristis, symptoms
pyuria (pus in the urine), morphonuclear leukocytes, flank pain, low grade fever
Pyelonephristis, diagnosis
examination of the contaminated urine (colony count greater than 100,000 bacteria per mL)
Pyelonephristis, treatment
antibiotics, possible removal of kidney
Biliary Dyskinesia, define
gallbladder disease that occurs without gallstones (acalculous gallbladder disease)
Biliary Dyskinesia, causes
major surgery, serious injury, major burns, body wide infections, intravenous feeding, prolonged fasting, immune system deficiency
Biliary Dyskinesia, progression
attacks of acute cholecystitis (sudden nausea or pain, no infection), long lasting inflammation, thickening of the gallbladder walls, gallbladder shrinks and eventual loss of function
Biliary Dyskinesia, symptoms
gallbladder attack, pain in breathing, pain in lower part of the right shoulder blade or back, nausea, vomiting, lose of appetite
Biliary Dyskinesia, diagnosis
ultrasound, HIDA scan
Biliary Dyskinesia, treatment
cholecystectomy (surgical removal of the gallbladder)
Biliary Dyskinesia, complications
jaundice, pancreatitis, cancer in the gallbladder, gangrene
Brain tumors, types
Grade I- surgically removable and long term survival,
Grade II- may or may not reoccur in other parts as a Grade III or spread to other tissues,
Grade III- malignant and usually reoccur as Grade IV,
Grade IV- highly malignant, spread to surrounding tissues, grow very rapidly
Brain tumors, causes
abnormalities in the...... glial cells, cells from spinal cord, substance that cover and protects nerves, meninges, base of pituitary gland, germ cells, pineal gland
Brain tumors, symptoms
headaches, nausea, vomiting, changes in speech, vision, and hearing, balance and walking problems, change in mood or personality, memory problems, muscle jerks, muscle twitches, numbness or tingling
Brain tumors, diagnosis
physical exam, neurological exam, MRI, CT scan, angiogram, skull x-ray, spinal tap, biopsy
Brain tumors, treatment
surgery (craniotomy), radiation therapy, chemotherapy