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37 Cards in this Set

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What is hematuria?
A.Significant Hematuria: >3-5 Red Blood Cells/HPF
What risk factors suggestive of significant causes of Hematuria
A.Tobacco abuse
B.Occupational exposures (leather dye, rubber, tire)
2.Aromatic amines
C.Gross Hematuria
D.Age over 40 years
E.Voiding symptoms suggestive of irritation
F.Urinary Tract Infection history
G.Analgesic overuse
H.Pelvic irradiation history
What is the most common cause of hematuria under the age of 40?
a.Genitourinary infection
What is the most common cause of hematuria over the age of 40?
2.Over age 40 yearsa.Urinary tract cancer (up to 10% of cases)
b.Prostatic Disease
What are causes of hematuria and pain?
2.Renal Vein Thrombosis
3.Renal Artery Occlusion
4.Renal Cancer
What is nephrolithiasis?
A.Stone formation is inhibited by Citrate
B.Women have much higher levels of citrate than men
C.Low citrate levels are related to most stone forms
What are causes of hematuria with dysuria?
1.Hemorrhagic cystitis (Urinary Tract Infection)
2.Prostatic infection
3.Bladder stones
What are causes of hematuria with a history of trauma?
1.Urethral disruption (seen in pubic Fracture)
2.Bladder injury (seen in Pelvic Fracture)
3.Renal Laceration or rupture
What are more benign causes of hematuria?
A.Bladder and Urethra Disease1.Inflammation of the Urethral trigone
2.Urethral polyp or Bladder neck polyp
4.Trabeculated Bladder

B.Kidney and ureter disease1.Pelvic Kidney
2.Renal cyst
3.Duplicate collecting system
4.Scarred Kidney
5.Calyceal diverticulum

C.Prostate Disease1.Prostatic stone

What are some systemic causes of hematuria?
A.Cardiovascular and hematologic causes

B.Rheumatologic Causes
1.Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

1.See Medication Causes of Hematuria
2.Interstitial Nephritis (Gold, Penicillamine, NSAIDs)
3.Warfarin (if associated with urologic anomaly)

1.Acute Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis
2.Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
What are some causes of hematuria?
A.See Adult Microscopic Hematuria Causes
B.See Medication Causes of Hematuria
C.Athletes with Running trauma (March Hematuria)1.Hematuria transiently related to activity
2.Recheck Urinalysis in 2 weeks
What is the protocol for hematuria?
A.Consider non-urinary source (e.g. vagina, rectum)
If you get a RBC > 3/hpf with bacteriuria and urine nitrate?
1.Treat as Urinary Tract Infection
2.Repeat Urinalysis in 6 weeks
a.No urine blood: Observe
b.Hematuria: Evaluate as isolated Hematuria below
What if you get a RBC > 3/hpf with renal disease signs?
1.Signs suggestive of renal etiology
a.Proteinuria (1+ or greater on dipstick)
b.Serum Creatinine elevated
c.Dysmorphic Red Blood Cells or Red cell casts
i.Suggests glomerular cause
ii.No dysmorphic cells suggests interstitial cause

2.Collect 24 hour urine for protein and Creatinine
3.Obtain nephrology consultation
What should you do if you have Hematuria and Urine RBC > 3/hpf alone (isolated Hematuria)
1.Suggests urologic cause (non-renal) a.Cancer in 20% of gross, <5% of occult bleeding
b.Isolated Hematuria may occur in 20% of renal causes

2.Helical CT Urograma.See diagnosis below

3.Obtain urine cytology (3 first morning voids)
4.Eliminate benign causes
b.Strenuous Exercise or sexual activity
c.Viral illness
e.Genitourinary infection

5.Consider risk factors above
6.Obtain Urology consultation and cystoscopy
7.If evaluation normal
a.Obtain clotting values and hematologic tests
b.Consider hematology consultation
c.If evaluation negative i.No further work-up needed
ii.Exceptions: Gross Hematuria, Symptoms
What should you do if you have persistent idiopathic microscopic hematuria?
1.Repeat Urinalysis every 6 months
2.Repeat urine cytology every 6 months
3.Repeat cystoscopy every year
What are signs of glomerular disease?
`1.Signs of glomerular diseasea.
Urine brown (Coca-Cola color)
b.Microscopyi.Red Blood Cell casts
ii.Dysmorphic Red Blood Cells
What are signs of extraglomerular disease?
clots of blood
What type of cancer and how would you evaluate for this if you see hematuria?
1.Obtain three serial first-morning specimens
2.Evaluate for transitional cell cancer
How should you test for suspected glomerulonephritis?
Collect 24 Hour Urine Protein and Creatinine Clearance
What is the 3 Glass Test urinalysis?
1.Glass 1: Initiation of urine streama.
Hematuria in Glass 1 only suggests Urethral source

2.Glass 2: Midstream urinea.
Hematuria in all glasses suggests Bladder or renal

3.Glass 3: Termination of urine streama.
Hematuria in Glass 3 only suggests Prostate source
A patient performs the 3 glass test and in the 3rd glass you find hematuria, what is the possible Dx?
prostate source
On a 3 glass hematuria test you find hematuria in all glasses, what is the possible Dx?
bladder or renal cause
On a 3 glass hematuria test you find hematuria only in glass I, what is the possible Dx?
urethral source
What is the preferred imaging study for hematuria?
helical CT urogram
What can an ultrasound tell you?
1.Defines anatomy
2.Signs of glomerular disease and renal cysts
3.CT Urogram is usually preferred over Ultrasound
Why would you perform a intravenous pyelogram?
Suspected Nephrolithiasis
Why would you perform cystoscopy?
1.Extraglomerular source of Hematuria
When would you perform an MRI with hematuria?
1.Indicated where CT Urogram is contraindicated (e.g. Pregnancy, Children)
2.Identifies urothelial cancer, Nephrolithiasis and renal tumors
What is microscopic hematuria?
more than 3 RBCs per HPF
If a person has flank pain radiating into the groin what is this?
kidney stone
What 2 diseases is fever associated with?
renal cell carcinoma
In 90% of patients with renal cell carcinoma what is sign present?
What chemotherapuetic agent particulary causes hematuria?
What 2 meds can have a side effect of red urine?
pyridium and rifampin
What 12 or so causes that can make a person's urine red?
11.Red diaper syndrome
12.Foods (Beets, Blackberries, Rhubarb)
A 43 yr old female presents with costovertebral angle tenderness what is the likely diagnosis?