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25 Cards in this Set

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The primary source of information on criminal victimization in the United States and attempts to measure the extent of crime by interviewing crime victims

National crime victimization survey

Crime reporting system in which each separate offense in crime is described including data describing the offenders, victims, and property

National incident based reporting system

Annual publication by the FBI that uses data from all participating law enforcement agencies in the United states to summarize the incidence and rate of reported crime

Uniform crime reports

The appearance In a person of physical features thought to be from earlier stages of human evolution


The use of body types and physical characteristics to classify human personalities


Criminological theories that rely I'm part on individuals demographics and geographic location to explain criminal behavior

Chicago school

The theory that the structural and cultural conditions of the neighborhood affect criminal behavior

Social disorganization theory

The theory that causes of crime can be connected to the pressure on culturally or materially disadvantages groups or individuals to achieve the goals held by society even if the means to those goals require the breaking of laws

Strain theory

An individual's mental calculation of the personal value of am activity by how much pleasure or pain it will incur

Hedonistic calculus

"Great charter" a guarantee of liberties signed by King john of England in 1215 that influenced many modern legal and constitutional principles

Magna carta

Laws that are based on customs and general principles and that may be used as precedent or for matters not addressed by stature

Common law

The first 10 amendments to the U.S constitution which guarantee fundamental rights and privileges to citizens

Bill of rights

Double Jeopardy

Prosecution in the same jurisdiction of a defendant for an offense of which the defendant has already been prosecuted and convicted or acquitted

A writ issued to bring a parry before the court

Habeas corpus

Stare decisis

The doctrine under which courts adhere to legal precedent

Law that tells us which behaviors have been defined as criminal offense

Substantive law

Law that specifies how the criminal justice system is allowed to deal with those who break the law

Procedural law

Area of the law that deals with civil acts that cause harm and injury including,libel,slander,assault, trespass, and negligence

Tort law

Gulity mind intent or knowledge to break the law

Mens rea

Mode of policing that emphasizes the maintenence of order and informal intervention on the part of the police officer rather than strict enforcement of the law

Watchmen style

Mode of policing that emphasizes enforcement of the letter of the law

Legalistic style

Area under the control of an individual during an arrest in an automobile

Grabbable area


The collecting by police officers of potential evidence in a criminal case

Terry vs ohio

Police have the right to search suspects to ensure their own safety in they think that the suspects are armed

Tennessee vs garner

Deadly force now may be used only If the suspects poses a threat to the lives of police officers or bystanders