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55 Cards in this Set

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Cardiovascular system

Composed of the heart, and network of arteries, veins, and capillaries that transport blood throughout the body

Cardiovascular system 5 functions

1. Delivers oxygen to tissues

2. Aerates blood returning to lungs

3. Transports heat, which is a byproduct of cellular metabolism

4. Delivers nutrients to tissues

5. Transports hormones, the body's chemical messengers

Right pump

Pulmonary circulation-receives deoxygenated blood and sends it to the lung for oxygenation

Left pump

Systemic circulation - receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it through the aorta for distribution throughout the body

What separates the two sides of the heart


2 atrioventricular valves

Triscupid (left)

Biscupid (right)

2 semilunar valves

Pulmonary semilunar valves (right)

Aortic semilunar valves (left)

Heart pumping

Arterial contraction opens the AV valves allowing blood to flow into ventricles. Arterials relax and fill back up. Simultaneously the ventricles forcefully eject blood through semilunar valves and throughout the body or lungs


It's the high pressure valve that sends oxygen rich blood to the tissues of the body. No gas exchange occurs between arterial blood and surrounding tissues.

Blood highway system

Arteries --> arterioles --> metarterioles --> capillaries


Network of microscopic blood vessels that are so thin only allowing room for blood vessels to squeeze through single file.


Low pressure system. Deoxygenated blood leaves the tissues, enter the capillaries, and merge into the veins. Large veins empty into inferior and superior vena cava

Venous Return

Refers to blood flow back to the right atrium

Capillary-->venules-->large veins

Low venous pressure is a result of the limited blood flow from the capillaries to the veins

Venous pooling

Pooling of blood in lower extremities, happens when there is a sudden change in body positioning, BP drops quickly, increases HR, increases constriction of vessels

Blood pressure

Pressure that blood exerts against arterial walls, relates to cardiac output and total peripheral resistance.

BP=cardiac output x total peripheral resistance


Highest pressure generated by ventricular contraction


Lowest point of arterial pressure

Normal BP





130-139/80-89 is stage 1

Anything 140+ is stage 2

Hypertensive crisis is over 180/ over 120

BP during rhythmic exercise

Increases systolic pressure in the first few minutes and then levels off. Diastolic pressure remains fairly constant

BP during resistance exercise

Can increase BP dramatically

BP during upper body exercise

Can increase BP more dramatically than lower body exercise.

Coronary circulation

Provides heart with oxygen and nutrients

Coronary arteries

Emerge from root of the aorta and supply the heart with oxygenated blood

Cardiac veins

Run parallel to coronary arteries and drain deoxygenated blood into the right atria

Hearts blood supply.

Left main coronary artery supplies to left atria and ventricle. Right main coronary artery supplies to right atria and ventricle.

Deoxygenated blood leaves tissues of the left ventricle through the coronary sinus. It leaves from the right ventricle through anterior cardiac veins which empty into the right atrium.

Sinoatrial node

Specialized cells that spontaneously depolarizes and polarizes the heart. In right atrial wall. Natural pacemaker

Atrioventricular node

Delays electrical impulse by .10 seconds to provide enough time for the atria to contract. Located at bottom of right atria

A - V bundle

Rapidly spreads signal to the right and left bundle branches which transmits the impulse to the apex of the heart

Purkinje fibers

Speeds the impulse rapidly through the ventricles. It signals the ventricles to contract


P wave: depolarization of atrium

P-Q: time the signal took to reach AV node

QRS: Depolorization of ventricles and repolarization of atrium

S-T: ventricular contraction

T: Ventricular repolarization

Nervous system organization

CNS: brain and spinal cord

PNS: somatic and autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic)

Sympathetic influence

Fight or flight. SA node is stimulated and norepinephrine is released.

Parasympathetic influence

Relax and digest.

Acetylcholine is released which decreases heart rate.

Cortical influence

Central command. Receives afferent messages from body, has greatest control over heart rate.


Sensory receptors that responds to mechanical pressure


Detect certain chemical stimuli in environment


Sense the blood pressure and relay the information to the brain


Heart rate irregularities.

Both atrias and ventricles can have regions prematurely contract


Extra heart beats

Blood flow regulation

Rate of blood flow = pressure ÷ resistance

Resistance is determined by thickness of Blood, length of blood vessels, and greatest effect is radius of blood vessels

Poiseuilles Law

Blood vessel radius is most important influence on blood flow.

If vessel radius is reduced/increased by half, blood flow is reduced/increased 16x

Poiseuilles Law

Blood vessel radius is most important influence on blood flow.

If vessel radius is reduced/increased by half, blood flow is reduced/increased 16x

Cardiac output

Quantity of blood ejected from heart each minute.

resting cardiac output

Is same for trained and untrained. Trained has higher SV and lower HR

Stroke volume

1. Preload, volume of blood in ventricles at end of diastole

2. Afterload, resistance heart works against

3. Strength of contraction

Frank Starlings law of the heart

Increase in SV are attributed to increased venous return and stretching of myocardial fibers

Enhanced diastolic filling

Increased venous return stretches the ventricles during diastole and increases pressure in ventricles

Greater systolic emptying

The optimally positioned contractile elements of the ventricles allow for more force contractions and emptying


The resistance that the ventricles have to overcome.

Cardiovascular drift

Occurs when there is an increase in HR and decrease in SV during prolonged aerobic exercise

Heart rate at submaximal exercise

It peaks fast and levels off with increase in intensity. Levels off, but takes longer each time

Resting O2 and cardiac output

5 l per min of blood and 200 ml of O2 per liter of blood

Arteriovenous oxygen

Difference in oxygen amounts of arterial and venous blood. As exercise intensity increases the amount of O2 that escapes from blood also increases