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28 Cards in this Set

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Double-Blind Study

Neither the experimenter nor the patient knows who is getting the placebo or the real medication/treatment.

Nuremburg Code

A statement of the principles that should be followed in conducting medical research with human subjects.

Right to Die

The ultimate act of self-determination that allows a competent person the right to refuse treatments or procedures up to and including those that would prolong life or prevent death.

Right to Life

The most fundamental and basic right of all.


The deliberate overiding of a patients autonomy.


Implies that nurses take actions to benefit patients and to facilitate their well being.


Promote the greater good that is possible in situations.


Specific beliefs, behaviors, and ways of being based on personal judgments derived from one's ethics.


The study of ideal human behavior and ideal ways of being.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Federal legislation passed in 1996. Its main effect in EMS is in the limiting availability of patients and health care information and penalizing violations of patient privacy.

Public Health

Focused on examining the health needs of entire populations with the goal of preventing health problems.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Acquired immunodeficiency sydrome (AIDS) is caused by the HIV, which damages the cells in the bodys immune system so that the body is unable to fight infection or certain cancers.

Health Care Proxies

A type of advance directive executive by a competent adult that appoints another individual to make medical treatment decisions on his/her behalf in the event that a person making the appointment loses decision making capacity.

Implied Consent

Type of consent in which a patient who is unable to give consent is given treatment under the legal assumption that he/she would want treatment.

Ethical Questions for Adults about Genetic Screening.

- Do patients want to know?

- Should patients know, especially before reproducing?

- Should health care professionals inform patients of available tests?

- Should tests be available directly to consumers?

- Should the state mandate testing, and if so, for what specific reason/conditions?

AMA's Ethics Statement on Confidentiality

"Don't reveal the confidences entrusted (to you) unless you are required by law or unless it becomes necessary in order to protect the welfare of the individual or of the community."

What is the principle of non-maleficence?

Above all do no harm.

What is the principle of beneficence?

Help or do no harm.

Principle of Utility?

Actions should bring the greatest benefit with the least harm.

What principles are grouped into distributive justice?

1) Equality

2) Need

3) Contribution

4) Effort

What is the major difference between Kantism and Utilitarianism?

Kantism believes in never doing wrong, consequences are irrelevant.

Utilitarianism is all about the consequences.

What medication started the realization that females and males need different studies of medication, because their bodies process drugs differently?


How many phases are in a clinical trial?

There are 5 phases.

What is embryonic stem cell research?

Embryonic stem cells are deprived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro.

Vaccinating women with Gardasil before they're infected with HIV will eliminate up to what percent of cases of cervical cancer?


Pregnancy and Autonomy

The fetus has the status of a person and is no longer "part" of a woman's body--- it is separate and should be treating like a separate being.

A mother has the duty to protect the welfare of her unborn child.

Mark Sieger

& Confidentiality

It is impossible of perserving the confidentiality traditionally associated with the physician-patient relationship.

"Need to know basis."

Two Aspects of Medical Confidentiality

1) Confidentiality and third party interests.

2) Confidentiality and the patients interests.