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334 Cards in this Set

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What is in phylum Echinodermata?

Sea star, sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers

What does Echinoderm mean?

Spiny skin

What other animals are Echinodermatas most closely related to?


What type of symmetry do Echinodermatas have?



What type of body structure do Echinodermatas have?

Calcareous endoskeleton.

Calcium carbonate plates called ossicles.

Plates derived from mesoderm, held in place by connective tissue, and covered by an epidermal layer. Frequently modified into fixed or articulated spines

Echinodermatas: development, body cavities, and tissue organization?

Deuterostome, coelomate, and triploblastic

What type of nervous system do Echinodermatas have?

Nerve net, nerve ring, and radial nerves

Where is the oral and aboral structures on Echinodermatas?


Aboral- on top

What are the steps for the water vascular system in Echinodermatas?


Stone canal

Ring canal

Radial canal

Lateral canal


Tube foot

What is in class asteroidea?

Sea stars

What type of symmetry does class asteroidea have?

Pentiradial. The arms fuse together before reaching the center.

What class has dermal branchia and what is it used for?

Class asteroidea. Thin fold of the body wall that extend between ossicles and function in gas exchange

Skin gills

What class has pedicellariae and what is it?

Class asteroidea. Pincherlike surface that cleans the body surface of debris.

On the aboral surface

What class has the ambulacral groove and what is it?

Class asteroidea. Runs the length of the oral surface of each arm. Houses radial canal. Tube feet come off of it.

What does class asteroidea eat?

Snails, bivalves, crustaceans, polychaeta, corals, etc

What are the two stomach regions of the class asteroidea?

Cardiac - receives food

Pyloric- gives rise to the ducts that connect to secretory and absorptive structures called Pyloric cecae

What do asteroidea's use the Pyloric cecae for?

Absorb nutrients for the body

Why is having a branched or folded digestive system beneficial?

Increases surface area for nutrient absorption

What type of reproduction does class asteroidea have?

Mostly dioecious

What is in class ophiuroidea?

Basket stars and brittle stars

Which class of Echinodermatas is the most diverse?

Class ophiuroidea

How can you tell class asteroidea from class ophiuroidea?

Asteroidea's arms fuse together before the center. Ophiuroidea are sharply set off from the center

What is bursae and which class uses it?

Membranous sacs that diffuse ammonia. Class ophiuroidea

What is autotomy and which class uses it?

When an organism can contract muscles that will sever a limb if it is grabbed. Brittle stars in class ophiuroidea

What is in class Exhinoidea?

Sea urchins, sand dollars, and heart urchins

What does class Echinoidea eat?

Algae, coral polyps, and dead animal remains

What is Aristotle's lantern and which class uses it?

A chewing apparatus that can be projected from the mouth. Class Echinoidea

What is in class holothuroidea?

Sea cucumbers

What is respiratory trees and which class uses them?

Used for gas exchange and removal of nitrogenous waste in class holothuroidea

What is in class crinoidea?

Sea lilies and feather stars

Which class of Echinodermatas is the most primitive?

Class crinoidea

What are the four unique characteristics of phylum chordata?

1)dorsal hollow nerve tube


3)pharayngeal slits or pouches

4)postanal tail

What was phylum chordata named after?

The presence of a notochord

What are pharyngeal slits?

Series of openings in the pharyngeal region between digestive tract and outside of body. Some use for feeding while others use for gills

What is the dorsal nerve cord?

Central nervous system that is associated with the development of complex systems for sensory perception, integration, and motor responses

What is the postanal tail?

Supported by notochord or vertebral column

What is in subphylum urochordata?

Tunicates (sea squirts)

What is the lifestyle of sea squirts?

Sessile as adults. Larvae are free swimming.

Can be solitary or colonial

What is the body wall for subphylum urochordata and what is it like?

Called the tunic. Appears gel like but is often tough. Translucent

What does the body of subphylum urochordata possess?

Two siphons for filter feeding

What is in subphylum cephalochordata? Why are they so special?

Lancelets. They possess all five characteristics of chordates

What do lancelets look like?

Elongate, latterly flattened and nearly transparent

What is the lifestyle of lancelets?

Poor swimmers that spend most of their time in a filter feeding position

What is the atrium?

Surrounds the pharayngeal region of the body of lancelets in subphylum cephalochordata

What does subphylum cephalochordata have that aids in filter feeding?

Food exits through the atriopore. Cirri initially sorts food particles

Sexual functions of subphylum cephalochordata?

Dioecious. External fertilization. (Gonads bulge into the atrium. Gametes are shed into atrium and leave through the atriopore)

What does all of subphylum craniata have in common?

All possess a skull that surrounds the brain, olfactory organs, eyes, and an inner ear

What are the two subclasses in subphylum craniata and what are the distinctions?

Superclass agnatha-jawless fish

Superclass gnathostomata- jawed mouth

What are the two classes under superclass agnatha?

Class myxini (hagfishes)

Class petromyzontida (lampreys)

Characteristics of hagfish?

Head supported by cartilaginous bars. Lack vertebrae and retain the notochord (flexible). Four pairs of sensory tentacles surrounding their mouths and ventrolateral slime glands (on side towards belly). Found in cold-water marine habitats

Where do hagfish live and what do they eat?

Live buried in sand and mud. Feed on soft body invertebrates and scavenge dead and dying fish. (Will enter the fish through the mouth and eat the contents of the body, leaving only a sack of skin and bones)

What mechanism do hagfish use for feeding and self protection?


What do lampreys eat and where do they live?

Adults prey on larger fish; larvae are filter feeders.

Live in marine and freshwater environments in temperate regions.

How do the lampreys eat?

They use their sucker like lips to attach and then uses tongue to remove the scales. Teeth are present in the mouth. Have salivary glands with anticoagulant

What animal was preying on this fish?


What are the three extant classes in superclass gnathostomata?

Chondrichthyes-cartilaginous sarcopterygii-lobe finned actinopterygii-ray finned

What are the cartilaginous fish that are in class Chondrichthyes?

Sharks, skates, rays, and ratfishes

Which class is subclass elasmobranchii?


What is in subclass elasmobranchii?

Sharks, skates, and rays

What type of skin and teeth do sharks have?

Tough skin with dermal placoid scales. Teeth are modified placoid scales.

How do the largest live sharks eat?

They are filter feeders and use pharyngeal - arch modifications to strain plankton

Which sharks are the fiercest and most feared?

Great white and mako

Which shark is the largest and how does it feed?

Whale shark and it filter feeds

What is in subclass holocephali?


Description of a rat fish?

Large head with small mouth surrounded by large lips. Has modified teeth that look like large plates for crushing the shells of mollusks. Has operculum which is a gill cover

What is in class sarcopterygii?

Lobe finned fish that have muscular lobes associated with their fins and usually use lungs in gas exchange

What class does the lung fish belong to?

Class sarcopterygii

What is aestivation and which animal uses it?

A low energy state used by lung fish to survive a drought

What class does coelacanths belong to?


What are coelacanths called?

Living fossils

What is in class actinopterygii?

Ray finned fish that lack muscular lobes.

What do ray finned fish posses that other fish don't?

Swim bladders

What is a swim bladder?

Gas filled sacs along the dorsal wall of the body cavity that regulates buoyancy

What class do sturgeons belong to?

Class actinopterygii

Which fish do caviar come from?


Which class do paddlefish is belong to?

Class Actinopterygii

What is teleosts?

Modern bony fish

What is special about teleosts?

They under went adaptive radiation and now have over 24,000 species

What are gill rakers?

Found in Herring, paddlefish, and white sharks. Used to filter feed

What is a lateral line system?

Consist of sensory pits in the epidermis of the skin that connect two canals that run just below the epidermis. It can detect water currents common movement of predators / prey, and low frequency sounds.

What is electroreception?

Detection of electrical Fields the fish or other organisms generate. This is highly developed and rays and sharks.

True or false: most fishes are oviparous.


What does oviparous mean?

Lay eggs outside of the body. Eggs develop outside of the body.

What are the two important series of evolutionary events during the evolution of bony fishes?

Evolutionary explosion about a hundred and fifty million years ago that resulted in the vast majority of modernity teleosts. Evolution of terrestrialism.

What does the evolution of terrestrialism mean?

Presidents of functional lungs in Lung fishes has led to the suggestion that lung fish lineages may have been ancestral to Modern terrestrial vertebrates

What is tiktaalik and why is it important?

A fossil that possessed many tetrapod characteristics. First sarcoptergyian fossil to show evidence of a pectoral girdle and a freely movable neck

What does class amphibia mean?

Having a double life. This implies that amphibians either move back and forth between water and land or live on stage in their lives in water and another on land

What is included in class amphibia?

Frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians

What is ichthyostega and why is it important?

A fossil that has been influential in formulating ideas regarding the ancestral animals of stegocephalians looked like. Loss of cranial bones and appearance of a mobile neck. Loss of opercular bones. Reduction of the notochord and replaced with a more rigid vertebral column. Four muscular limbs with discrete digits. Presence of sacral vertebra that fused the vertebral column and the pelvis

Which important fossil is this?


Which important fossil is this?


Zoologists agree that the extant amphibians are closely related to whom?

Amniotes (reptiles, birds, and mammals)

What is in order gymnophiona under class amphibia?

Caecilians that are worm-like burrowers that feed on worms and other invertebrates

Why can't caecilians dry out?

Because the majority of their respiration occurs Across the Skin So the skin must remain moist

Why can't caecilians dry out?

Because the majority of their respiration occurs Across the Skin So the skin must remain moist

What is in order caudata of class amphibia?


Posses a tail throughout life and both pairs of legs (when present) that are relatively unspecialized

What does caudata mean?

"Tail & to bear"

What is in order anura of class amphibia?

Frogs and toads

What does anura mean?

"Without a tail"

What is a urostyle and which animals posses it?

Frogs and toads have them. Adults lack tails and caudal vertebrae that fuse into a rodlike structure

What are the larval stages called for frogs and toads?

Tadpoles that have well developed tails

What type of skin do toads have?

Bumpy dry skin

What family do toads belong to?


What type of skin do frogs have?

Smooth and moist skin

What family do frogs belong to?

Family ranidae

Which animals have granular glands and what are they used for?

Frogs and toads. Grandular secretions aid in protection by keeping skin moist. Helps male cling to females during mating. Produce toxic chemicals to discourage predators

What are chromatophores?

Specialized pigment cells that are responsible for skin color and color changes

What type of respirations do amphibians use?

Cutaneous, which is used more often than not. Buccopharyngeal accounts for 1-7% of total gas exchange

What is the disadvantage of the respirations used by amphibians?

Contributions to total gas exchange is relatively constant. Meaning they cannot maintain a high level of activity for a long time. They cannot increase their respirations

How do amphibians maintain body temp?

They are ectothermic, meaning they depend on external heat sources to maintain body temperature

Salamanders rely on what for courtship and mating?

Olfactory and visual cues

Anurans rely on what for courtship and mating?

Male vocalizations and tactile cues

When anurans find a suitable mate what do they do?

Go into amplexus which is where the male stays attached to a females back

What is an advertisement call used by anurans?

Used the attract females to breeding area and announce to other males that a given territory is occupied

What is a release call used by anurans?

Used to inform a partner that a frog is incapable of reproducing

What is a defense call used for by anurans?

Used by both sexes in response to pain or being seized by a predator

What is the deadly fungus responsible for disappearing numbers of amphibians?

Chytridomycosis. Affects the skin by causing roughing and ulceration

Which classes are included in the monophyletic lineage amniota?

Reptilia, aves, and mammalia

What is the monophyletic lineage amniota characterized by?

The presence of an amniotic egg

Which monophyletic lineage broke ties with water?


The amniotic eggs of reptiles and birds have....

Leathery or hard shells to protect embryo. Albumen to cushion and provide moisture and nutrients to the embryo. And a yolk to supply food to the embryo

What is synapomorphy?

A shared derived characteristic

What is the major synapomorphy that distinguishes reptiles, birds, and mammals from other vertebrates?

The amniotic egg

Which class does snyapsida lead to?


Which class does diapsida lead to?


Which characteristics unite birds with reptiles?

A single occipital condyle. Single ear ossicle. Lower jaw structure.

What is The Reptilian ear bone?


What are the three ear bones of mammals?

Stapes, incus, and malleus

What is in class reptilia order testudines?


What is a carapace?

The dorsal portion that forms from a fusion of vertebrae, expanded ribs, and bones in the dermis of the skin of a turtle. The shell.

What is a plastron?

The ventral portion that forms from bones of the pectoral girdle and dermal bone of the turtle

What kind of mouth do turtles have?

Keratinized beak rather than teeth

How many cervical vertebrae do turtles have?


Do turtles care for their young?

No they lay large hatches of eggs and then leave

What is in class reptilia order crocodilia?

Alligators, crocodiles, gharials, and caimans

What type of selection do crocodilians have?

Stabilizing because they haven't changed much over their 170 million year existence

What is a secondary palate and who has it?

The secondary palate separates the nasal and mouth passageways in crocodilians

What kind of reproduction and parental care do crocodiles have?

Oviparous and display parental care of hatchlings that parallels that of birds

How can you tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?

Alligator jaw- U

Crocodile jaw- V

What is in class reptilia order sphenodontida?

Tuataras. Live in new zealand. Two rows of teeth on upper jaw and single row on lower jaw to produce a shearing bite that can decapitate a small bird

What is in class reptilia order squamata? And what are the two suborders?

Suborder sauria-lizards

Suborder serpentes-snakes

What type of reproduction do most lizards


Characteristics of a gecko? Which sub order is it included in?

Nocturnal. Makes clicking vocalizations. Eyes with pupils adapted for night vision. Adhesive discs on their digits that Aid in clinging to trees and walls. Suborder Sauria.

Characteristics of iguanas? Which suborder is it included in?

Robust bodies with short necks and distinct heads. Includes the marine iguanas of the Galapagos Islands and the flying dragons of Southeast Asia. Suborder Sauria

Characteristics of chameleons? And which sub order are they included in?

Live mainly in Africa and India. Adapted to arboreal Lifestyles and use long sticky tongue to capture insects. Use chromatophores to change color in response to illumination temperature or behavioral state. Suborder Sauria

What are the only two venomous lizards?

Gila monsters and Mexican bearded lizards

How does the Gila monster in Mexican bearded lizard use their venom?

Venom is released into grooves on the surface of teeth and introduced to the prey as the lizard chews

Which snakes give birth to live young?

New World vipers, boas, and cobras

All Reptiles periodically shed the outer, epidermal layer of skin in a process called?


The tongues of which two animals in class reptilia are non protrusible?

Turtles and crocodilians

Which snakes possess hollow fangs?


How does a neurotoxin work and give an example of snakes that use it.

Nero toxins attach to nerve centers and cause respiratory paralysis. Coral snakes, cobras, and sea snakes.

How does a hemotoxin work and give an example of a snake that has it.

Hemotoxins break up blood cells and attack blood vessel Linings. Vipers

Where does gas exchange occur for snakes?

Across internal lungs

What type of temperature regulation do snakes have?


True or false: temperature determines sex for snake eggs.


What are the adaptations for flight in class aves?

Appendages modified his wings. Feathers. Endothermy. High metabolism. Bones are lightened by numerous air pockets

Which lineage did birds descend from?

Ancient archosaurs

Birds are most closely related to whom?

Therapods from the saurischian lineage

True or false: feathers predate flight.


What did early feathers provide?

Insulation in thermoregulation. Water repellency. Courtship devices. Camouflage. Balance while running.

What is archaeopteryx and why it is important?

A pigeon sized fossil that had characteristics of both dinosaurs and birds. Shows the main line between reptiles and birds

How many orders of birds are there?

31 orders

What is in class aves order ciconiiformes?

Herons, egrets, shorts, and wood ibises

What is in class aves order anseriformes?

Ducks, geese, and swans

What is in class aves order falconiformes?

Vultures, Hawks, Eagles, Osprey, and Falcons

What is in class aves order galliformes?

Grouse, Quail, pheasants, and turkeys

What is in class aves order cuculiformes?

Roadrunners and cuckoos

What is in class aves order columbiformes ?

Pigeons, doves, and sand grouse

What is in class aves order strigiformes?


What is in class aves order passeriformes?

Songbirds. Pretty birds. Swallows, larks, crows, titmice, nuthatches, and many more

What is plumage?

The covering of feathers on a bird.

What are the two primary functions essential for flight from feathers?

Form the flight surface that provides lift an 8N steering. Prevent excessive heat loss

What all are feathers used for?

Flight, roles in courtship, incubation, and Waterproofing.

What are the two types of feathers?

Pennaceous and plumulaceous

What are pennaceous feathers?

Flattened, tightly closed for those that create aerodynamic surfaces. This includes the flight and contour feathers

Where are flight feathers?

Line the tip and trailing edge of the wing and are asymmetrical

Where are contour feathers?

Line the body and cover the base of the flight feathers; provide waterproofing, insulation, and streamlining. Are usually symmetrical.

What are plumulaceous feathers?

Feathers that have a rudimentary shaft to which a wispy tuft of barbs and barbules is attached. Includes insulating down feathers. These feathers are periodically molted.

What are bird bills and tongues modified for?

A variety of feeding habits and food sources

What are bird bills used for?

Feeding, preening, nest building, courtship displays, and defense

Which organ in the bird allows for quick ingestion of large quantities of food?


What are the two regions of the bird's stomach and what do they do?

Proventriculus-secretes gastric juices that initiate digestion

Ventriculus (gizzard)-has muscular walls to crush hard materials

What gives an owl the element of surprise?

Their flight feathers have fluted tips

What are auriculars and which animal has them?

The owl has loose feathers that cover the external ear openings

Which important fossil is this?


True or false: vision is important for most birds and olfaction is a minor role.


What are the mating behaviors of birds?

Establishing territories, find inmates, constructing Nest, incubating eggs, and feeding young. All are oviparous

How does a male woodpecker attract a female?

He drums on trees

How does a male ruffed grouse attract a female?

He fans his wings on logs and creates a sound that can be heard for miles

How does a crane attract a female?

A courtship dance that includes stepping,bowing, stretching, and jumping displays

Are most birds monogamous or polygamous?


What birds pair for life?

Swan and penguin

What does polyandrous mean?

It's rare. When a female bird mated with multiple males in one breeding season

What is a group of eggs laid and chicks by a female bird called?


What is an altricial offspring?

Birds that are entirely dependent on their parents upon hatching and are often naked.

What are precocial young?

Birds that are alert and Lively at hatching. Covered with down and can walk, swim, and feed themselves

What is migration?

Periodic round trips between breeding and non breeding areas.

Why is migration beneficial?

It allows Birds to avoid climatic extremes and to secure adequate food, shelter, and space throughout the year. Most are annual with nesting areas in the northern regions and wintering grounds in the south

What influences migration?

Resource utilization

What are some examples of annual migrant Birds?

Fly catchers, thrushes and hummingbirds

What is a resident bird?

A bird that does not migrate

When did the age of mammals begin?

Approximately 70 million years ago at the beginning of the tertiary period. Which conceited with the extinction of many reptilian lineages

What are the characteristics of pre-mammalian synapsids?

lack hair, oviparous, Long Gate, ectothermic.

What are therapsids?

Synapsids that were successful in the middle of the Permian period. Tooth morphology similar to Modern mammals. Hind limbs directly beneath the body. Changes in size and shape of ribs suggesting the separation of the trunk and to thoracic and abdominal regions. Breathing mechanism similar to Modern mammals.

What is this?

A cyodent therapsid

When were most of the successful therapsids wiped out?

During a major extinction at the Permian - triassic boundary. Only a few cyodent therapsids survived along with the archosaurs (dinosaurs, crocodiles, and eventually birds)

Towards the end of the Jurassic period cyodonts became increasingly what?

Smaller, probably nocturnal, and more mammal-like. began developing hair and endothermy.

Which mammalian characteristics evolved during the Jurassic period.

Teeth specialized to facilitate rapid food processing. Middle ear structure and changes in regions of the brain devoted to hearing and olfaction. First "true mammals" were present- had hair

What is the chicxulub crater?

Where a mass extinction occurred about 65 million years ago. Asteroid impact in Central America. Which began the age of mammals

Characteristics of mammals?

Hair, mammary glands, diaphragm, three middle ear ossicles, heterodont dentition, sweat glands, sebaceous and scent glands, four-chambered heart, and large cerebral cortex

What is heterodont dentition?

Different types of teeth

What is homodont dentition?

Same teeth

What are the two living lineages of mammals?

Subclass prototheria

Subclass theria

What is included in subclass prototheria?

Montremes which are oviparous mammals

What is included in subclass theria?

Infraclass metatheria which is marsupial mammals.

Infraclass eutheria which is placental mammals

What is a marsupium?

A pouch used by marsupials in infraclass metatheria in subclass theria in class mammalia

What does subclass prototheria have that other mammals dont?

They are oviparous and have a cloaca

What is in infraclass metatheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Kangaroo, koala, etc. Viviparious, primitive placenta, and young are born early and then carried in a marsupial pouch

What does Viviparious mean?

Give birth to live young

What is in order proboscidea of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia?

Elephants. Born at Advanced stage of development. Long muscular trunk. Second in size or modified into tusks. Has placenta.

What is in order xenarthra of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Anteaters and sloths. Incisors and canines absent. Hind foot has four toes. Fore foot has two or three toes period limbs specialized for climbing or digging.

What is in order eulipotyphla of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Hedgehogs and mice. Small mammals with long, narrow mobile snouts. feed on insects and earthworms.

What is in order chiroptera of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Bats. Found everywhere but especially abundant in the tropics. Bones of the arm and hand are a long and slender. Most are insectivores; some are fruit eaters, Fish Eaters, and blood feeders. Second largest mammalian order

What is a bat with a long tongue eat?


What does a bat with large ears eat?

Insects and uses echolocation

What do bats with folds on the face eat?

Fruit. The folds direct the juice of the fruit to the mouth

What is order carnivora of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Bears, seals, wolves, dogs, cats, leopards, raccoon's, etcetera. Predatory mammals. Highly developed sense of smell and large Brain case. Canines well-developed develop.

What is in order perissodactyla of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Odd toed ungulates. Hoofed; axis of support through the third digit. Large molars and premolars. Primarily grazers

What is in order artiodactyla of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Pronghorn, giraffe, hippo, dear, camel. Hoofed; axis of support between 3rd and 4th digits. Digits 1, 2, and 5 reduced or lost. Primarily grazing animals (pigs are the exception)

What is in order cetacea of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Whales and dolphins. Streamlined and nearly hairless. Insulated by blubber. External naris on top of skull.

Examples of toothed whales:

Beaked whales, narwhals, sperm whales, Dolphins, porpoises and killer whales

Examples of toothless whales:

Right whales, gray whales, blue whales and humpback whales

What is baleen?

Used to filter feed by toothless whales

What is in order lagomorpha of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Includes rabbits. Incisors our ever-growing and slowly worn down by feeding on vegetation. Possess a diastema. Fenestrated skull. Corophagy

What does Fenestrated mean?

Lattice like organization of bone and skull. makes the skull lighter

What does diastema mean?

Gap between incisors and molars

What does Corophagy mean?

Consumes their own feces to ensure they extract all nutrients

What is in order rodentia of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Beavers and chipmunks. Largest mammalian order. have ever growing incisors

What is in order primates of infraclass eutheria of subclass theria of class mammalia? Characteristics?

Monkeys, baboons Kama chimpanzees, humans, etc. Adaptations for increased agility and arboreal habitats. Omnivores. Unspecialized teeth. Grasping digits with nails

What is pelage, what does it include?

A coat of hair that includes guard hairs and under hairs

What is the purpose of guard hairs?

Long and protect the skin

What are under hairs?

Dense insulating hairs. Which are modified into vibrissae

What is vibrissae?


What are true horns?

They consist of a covering of keratin and other proteins surrounding a core of live bone. Continue to gray throughout organism's lifetime (except pronghorn)

What is ossicones?

Bony projections that are covered with furred skin. Are not shed. Example: giraffe

What are antlers?

When fully developed they are dead bone without a horn or skin covering. They shed and regrow every year. Example: moose

What is a rhinoceros horn?

Composed of keratin and grow continuously. No bony core

What are scent or musk glands and where are they located?

They secrete pheromones that are involved in defense, species and sex recognition, and territorial Behavior. Found around the face, feet, or anus of many mammals.

What are mammary glands?

Are functional in female mammals and are present, but non-functional in males. Probably derived from apocrine glands and usually contains substantial fatty deposit. Monotremes have mammary glands that lack nipples

Describe an incisor:

chisel like amd used for gnawing or nipping

Describe a canine tooth:

Long, stout, and conical; used for catching, killing, and tearing prey

Describe a premolar tooth:

Positioned next to canines; used for chewing

Describe a molar tooth:

Broad chewing surfaces

Phylum & class?

Phylum Echinodermata

Class asteroidea

Identify. Phylum? Class?

Brittle star

Phylum Echinodermata

Class ophiuroidea

Identify. Phylum? Class?

Basket star

Phylum Echinodermata

Class ophiuroidea

Identify. Phylum? Class?

Sea dollar. Sand biscuit. Sea urchin

Phylum Echinodermata

Class Echinoidea

Identify. Phylum? Class?

Sea urchin

Phylum Echinodermata

Class Echinoidea

Identify. Phylum? Class?

Sea cucumber

Phylum Echinodermata

Class holothuroidea

Identify. Phylum? Class?

Sea cucumber

Phylum Echinodermata

Class holothuroidea

Identify. Phylum? Class?

Feather star

Phylum Echinodermata

Class crinoidea

Identify. Phylum? subphylum?

Tunicate (sea squirt)

Phylum chordata

Subphylum urochordata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum cephalochordata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum cephalochordata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Subclass agnatha

Class myxini

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Subclass agnatha

Class petromyzontida

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?

Dog fish shark

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class Chondrichthyes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?

Bonnet head shark

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class Chondrichthyes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class Chondrichthyes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class Chondrichthyes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?

African lung fish

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class sarcopterygii

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class actinopterygii

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class actinopterygii

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class actinopterygii

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order crocodilia

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order serpentes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order serpentes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Bull snake

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order serpentes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Great plains skink

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order squamata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Collard lizard

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order squamata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Spiny crevice lizard

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order squamata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Horned lizard

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order squamata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Alligator skull

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order crocodilia

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Red eared slider

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order testudines

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Snapping turtle

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order testudines

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Ornate box turtle

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class reptilia

Order testudines

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class amphibia

Order gymnophiona

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order? Family?

Leopard frog

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class amphibia

Order anura

Family ranidae

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order? Family?

Bull frog

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class amphibia

Order anura

Family ranidae

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order? Family?

Great plains toad

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class amphibia

Order anura

Family bufonidae

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class?

Woodland salamander

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class amphibia

Order caudata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Tiger salamander

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class amphibia

Order caudata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Scaled quail

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order galliformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Lesser Prarie chicken

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order galliformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Greater road runner

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order cuculiformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

American coot

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order gruiformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Rock dove (pigeon)

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order columbiformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Mourning dove

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order columbiformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Barn owl

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order strigiformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Burrowing owl

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order strigiformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Short eared owl

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order strigiformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Blue Jay

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order passeriformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Red winged black bird

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order passeriformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Bullocks oriole

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order passeriformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Lark sparrow

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order passeriformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Scissor tailed fly catcher

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class aves

Order passeriformes

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Duck bill platypus

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order monotremata

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Virginia opposum

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order didelphimorphoa

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Star nosed mole

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order eulipotyphla

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order eulipotyphla

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order eulipotyphla

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Pallid bat

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order chiroptera

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Red bat

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order chiroptera

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Cotton tail rabbit

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order lagomorpha

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Cotton rat

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order rodentia

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Kangaroo rat

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order rodentia

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Thirteen lined ground squirrel

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order rodentia

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Wood rat

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order rodentia

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Fox squirrel

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order rodentia

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Pocket gopher

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order rodentia

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Grizzly bear skull

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order carnivora

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Weasel with summer coat

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order carnivora

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Kit fox

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order carnivora

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Mountain lion skull

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order carnivora

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Striped skunk

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order carnivora

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?


Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order xenarthra

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

White tail deer skull

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order artiodactyla

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Goat skull

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order artiodactyla

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Baleen from a whale

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order cetacea

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Porpoise skull

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order cetacea

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order? which is male and which is female?

Gorilla skull

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order primates

Left-female. Right-male

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Chimpanzee skull

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order primates

Identify. Phylum? subphylum? superclass? Class? Order?

Baboon skull

Phylum chordata

Subphylum craniata

Superclass gnathostomata

Class mammalia

Order primates