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53 Cards in this Set

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Describe the phylum Sarcodina's mobility
Amoeboid movement
Describe the phylum Sarcodina's structure
-99% has no particular shape
Describe Amoeba proteus
P: Sarcodina
-Free living, saprophyte
Describe Radiolaria and Foraminifera
P: Sarcodina
-Free living saprophyte
Exoskeleton: Silicon dioxide (rad) and Calcium carbonate (fora)
Describe Entamoeba gingivalis
P: Sarcodina
-Commensal (in mouth)
Describe Entamoeba coli
P: Sarcodina
-Mutualist (in colon of human)
Describe Entamoeba histolytica (include disease, transmission, and treatment)
-P: Sarcodina
-Disease: Amoebic dysentery (Amoebiasis)
-Trans: Oral-fecal (ingestion of cysts)
-Treat: Flagyl
Describe the symptoms of Amoebic dysentery
Bloody diarrhea: Trophozoite erodes intestinal lining
How does Amoebic dysentery cause death?
-Peritonitis (secondary bacteria from colon feces into abdominal cavity

Trophozoite > Bloodstream > Vital organs = large abscesses
Describe Iodamoba butschlii (include disease, transmission)
P: Sarcodina
-Disease: Gastroenteritis (Dysentery)
-Trans: Oral-fecal (ingestion of cysts)
Describe Endolimax nana (include disease, transmission)
P: Sarcodina
-Disease: Gastroenteritis (Dysentery)
-Trans: Oral-fecal (ingestion of cysts)
Describe Naegleria fowleri (include disease, transmission)
P: Sarcodina
-Disease: Meningoencephalitis
-Trans: Swimming (nasal mucosa to meninges & brain)
-Dimorphic: 25C (amoeba), 37C (flagellate)
How are protozoans classified?
Classified by type of motility
Describe the phylum Ciliophora's mobility
Describe the phylum Ciliophora's structure
-Oval or pear-shaped
-Most structurally advanced, extremely complex cells
Describe the phylum Ciliophora's Asexual reproduction
-Macronucleus (mitosis) + daily activities
Describe the phylum Ciliophora's sexual reproduction
-Micronucleus (mitosis & meiosis)
Describe the conjugation process during sexual reproduction
-Conjugation tube
-Exchange of micronucleus
-Parent cell separates
-Fusion of new micronucleus and old macronucleus (meiosis & mitosis)
-Result: mixing of genes
Describe Paramecium caudatum
P: Ciliophora
-"Slipper-like'' outline
Describe Balantidium coli (phylum, habitat, minor details)
P: Ciliophora
-Only ciliate that is pathogenic to humans
-Largest that's a pathogen
-Habitat: Colon of humans & swine
Describe Balantidium coli (include disease, transmission, diagnosis, treatment)
P: Ciliophora
-Disease: Gastroenteritis (Dysentery) (may invade other tissues & enter CSF)
-Trans: Oral-fecal (Ingestion of cysts)
-Diag: I.D. cysts in feces
-Treat: Flagyl
Describe the phylum Mastigophora's mobility; what other name does this phylum go by?
Describe the phylum Mastigophora's structure
Pear-shaped or spindle shaped
Describe the phylum Mastigophora's reproduction
Asexual: Fission
Sexual: Gametes
Describe Euglena species (include nutrition, eye spot, and classification)
P: Mastigophora
-Nutrition: Chemoorganotroph (cytosome) & photolithotroph (chloroplast)
-Eye spot: organelle that senses light
-Classified as protozoan and algae
What are the animal and plant like characteristics of the Euglena species
Animal: Flagella, cytosome, pellicle
Plant: Chloroplast
Describe Giardia lamblia (exclude disease related)
P: Mastigophora
-''Old man in the stool''
Describe the disease, symptoms, and pathology of Giardia lamblia
-Disease: Giardiasis
-Self limiting disease (last 2+ weeks)
-Symptoms: Massive diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, intestinal gas, weakness
-Pathology: Erosion of small intestine epithelium, may invade bile duct
Describe the transmission, animal reservoirs, diagnosis, and treatment for Giardiasis
-Trans: Oral-fecal
-Ani. Res.: Wild mammals (ie. beavers), domestic horses & mules
-Diag: I.D. cysts in feces
-Treat: Flagyl
Describe Trichomonas vaginalis
P: Mastigophora
-Undulating membrane & flagella
-Pathogen/STD (most common)
-No cyst form (only trophozoite form)
Describe the disease, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for the STD caused by Trichomonas vaginalis
-Disease: Trichomoniasis (STD)
-Trans: Sexual contact (must transfer quickly before drying out)
-Symp: Female (vaginitis: ylw/grn discharge); Male (Asymptomatic: in prostate gland)
-Diag: Microsopic examination of trophozoites from discharge
-Treat: Flagyl
Describe Trypanosoma gambiense and Trypanosoma rhodesiense
P: Mastigophora
-Undulating membrane & flagella
-Genus causes the most serious flagellate disease
Describe the complex life cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense and Trypanosoma rhodesiense
2 hosts
-Sexual phase: Definitive host (vertebrates); animal reservoirs (other mammals)
-Asexual phase: Intermediate host: Tsetse fly
Describe the disease, transmission, symptoms, and treatment of Tryp. gambiense and Tryp. rhodesiense
-Disease: African sleeping sickness
-Trans: Bite of tsetse fly
-Symp: Tremors, nausea, delusions, lethargy, coma, death
-Treat: Eflornithine
Describe the pathology of Tryp. gambiense and Tryp. rhodesiense
Trypanosomes > blood, lymphatic system > multiply > invade liver, spleen, and later CNS (CSF)
Describe Trypanosoma cruzi (include location, animal reservoirs)
P: Mastigophora
-Undulating membrane & flagella
-Loc: S. America, Central America, Mexico, and Texas
-Ani. Res.: Rodents, opossums, and armadillos
Describe the disease, transmission, symptoms, and treatment of Tryp. cruzi
-Disease: Chaga's disease
-Trans: Bite of reduviid bug (kissing/bed bug) > releases Tryp. cruzi in feces which enters bite wound > bloodstream > liver, spleen, heart muscles & CNS
-Symp: High fever, fatal myocarditis, and encephalitis
-Treat: none (intracellular repdocution of parasite is difficult to treat)
Describe the phylum Sporozoa (include mobility, type of life cycle)
-All species = pathogen
-Obligate intracellular parasites (req. host cell to reproduce inside of)
-Complex life cycle
What are the 4 Plasmodium species? Describe the disease and vector (include phylum)
P: Sporozoa
-Plasmodium vivax, malariae, ovale, flaciparum
-Disease: Malaria
-Vector: Anopheles mosquito (female)
Describe the complex life cycle of the Plasmodium species
2 Hosts
-Asex. phase (schizogony): Intermediate host - occurs in humans
-Sex. phase (sporogony): Definitive host - occurs in Anopheles mosquito
Describe the schizogony life cycle of the Plasmodium species in humans
-Same for each species at 24hr intervals
-Release of merozoites from RBC
-Release of toxic waste product into bloodstream
-Causes chills & fevers (104F-105F)
-Recurrent fever, chills, sweating (different time intervals for different Plasmodium species)
What are the complications of malaria
-Hemolytic anemia (lysed RBCs)
-Enlarged organs (spleen, liver, and kidney) from excess cellular debris
-Pulmonary failure
What other complications could Plasmodium falciparum also cause?
Renal failure and encephalitis (highly resistant)
Describe how Malaria is diagnosed (what are the 4 things to look for)
-Peripheral blood smear
-Ring trophozoites, schizont, segmenter stage, and micro-/macro- gametocytes
Describe the treatment and control of malaria
-Treat: Quinacrine, chloroaquine, primaquine, **Mefloquine**, and **Pyrimethamine and Sulfadoxine**
-Control: Drain standing water, insecticides, prophylactic drugs
Describe the hosts of Toxoplasma gondii (include phylum)
P: Sporozoa
-Asex. phase: Intermediate host - humans
-Sex. phase: Definitive host - domestic cats
Describe the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii
Oocysts in cat feces (ingested) > sporozoites > develops into either:
-Tachyzoites (trophozoites) > invades and reproduces inside host tissue cells
-Bradyzoites: contained in tissue cysts
Describe the disease, transmission, and diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii
-Disease: Toxoplasmosis
-Trans: Oral-fecal (ingestion of ooxysts in cat feces) & eating uncooked meat (tachyzoites in tissue or bradyzoites in tissue cysts)
-Diag: Fluorescent-antibody technique, Hemagglutination test
Describe the healthy adult vs. an immunosuppressed host infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii
Healthy adult: mild disease, mild symptoms

Immuno: very serious; invasion of CNS, death
Describe the Congenital infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii
Mother to fetus (very serious)
-Tachyzoites (trophozoites) cross placenta = cause severe brain damage, blindness, and death
-Avoid cleaning liter box if pregnant
Describe the disease, symptoms, and treatment of Crytosporidium parvum
P: Sporozoa
-Disease: Crytoporidiosis
-Symp: Gastroenteritis - diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting "24-hr flu" (AIDS patient: severe symptoms & death)
-Treat: Poor, lack of effective drugs
Describe the transmission of Cryptosporidiosis (include genus and specie)
Cryptosporidium parvum
-Water contaiminated with cysts (oocysts) from animal livestock wastes (ie. cattle)
-Chlorination is not entirely successful, req. filtration of water
Describe the Diagnosis for Cryptosporidiosis (include genus and specie)
Crpytosporidium parvum
-Microscopic ID: Cyst in feces
-Fluorescent Antibody Test: Detect oocysts in water source