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53 Cards in this Set

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Born in Virgina in 1743-1826?
Thomas Jefferson
What Phil. college education came from "William and Mary"?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was the Ambassador to France in French Revolution?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was influenced by John Locke? A British Phil.
Thomas Jefferson
Who was the third president of the United States?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was the founder and the Archite of University of Virgina?
Thomas Jefferson
Author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was known at The Sage of Monticello?
Thomas Jefferson
Who had slave mistress and one was named (Sally Hemings)?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was a strong supporter of individual liberty?
Thomas Jefferson
Who said One's liberty is limited only by the libery of others?
Thomas Jefferson
Rejected aristocratic systems? Ex British system?
Thomas Jefferson
Who did not accept the banking system? (loans, debt, depression)
Thomas Jefferson
Did not believe the Nation should involve itself in foreign wars.
Thomas Jefferson
Who prefered a Nation of Farmers?
Thomas Jefferson
Preferred productive labor instead of financial speculation?
Thomas Jefferson
Who opposed women involvement in politics? Said they were becoming more like men. (Forceful)
Thomas Jefferson
Who supported slavery?
Thomas Jefferson
Did not think highly of Native Americans?
Thomas Jefferson
Who Believed in Separation of Church and State?
Thomas Jefferson
Who said "Rebellion is good thing. It's a way of checking bad government?"
Thomas Jefferson
Who said "If necessary, take up arms to abolish government?"
Thomas Jefferson
Who was a deist and not a Christian?
"God created world, but he was not involved after creation."
Thomas Jefferson
Did Believed in the moral teachings of Christ but not in the Masiah(Jesus)?
Thomas Jefferson
Who did not believe that God interfered with the world?
Thomas Jefferson
Who rejected miracles and angels?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was interested in Theology and Morality? Non-existant of moral Teachings of Jesus?
Thomas Jefferson
He was a supporter of Secular (science and arts) learning as opposed to a spiritual curriculum?
Thomas Jefferfson
Who was Love of Literature and new a number of language's?
Thomas Jefferson
A British phil. who was borin in 1632 and died in 1704?
John Locke
Who wrote, among other works, "Two Treatises of Government"? He outlines the aims and purposes of government.
John Locke
His phil. affected democratic theory?
John Locke
He was known to American political leaders during the time of the American Revolution?
John Locke
Who's thought had an impact on the U.S. Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence?
John Locke
Who believed in Natural Moral Law (Within ourselves)?
John Lock
Who believed we are all made by God and we are His property?
John Locke
We are obliged to preserve ourselves and the rest of the human race?
John Locke
We are connected property of God?
John Locke
Except for the sake of punishment, no person may take away or Impair another's Life, Liberty, Health, or Property?
John Locke
Who said the everyone has certain Inalienable natural rights and duties?
John Locke
Who calls for a social contract among people in order to establish a political state tht will govern them and though its laws provide protection of proverty, and ensure the peace, safety, and public good of the people?
John Locke
The political state gains Legitimacy (legal) only in so far as people desire it?
John Locke
The people give up their rights in exchange for peace and security?
Thomas Hobbes
People have right to property, hence, a right to their body and Mind? Who is challenging who?
John Locke is challenging Thamas Hobbes
"Though all people equally have a right to property, they do do not all have a right to equal property, because how much property a person has is dependent on Ingenuity, and Hard Work?"
John Locke
According to who, this justifies the unequal distribution of wealth?
John Locke
Who proposes the separtion of powers for government?
John Locke
What are the three separation of powers in government?
Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Federative Branch (Now Judical Branch)
Who said not to give power to just One Party?
John Locke
The Judicial branch was later proposed by who?
French Phil. Montesquiew
Who points out that the government ought to be a servant of the people, since power has been entrusted to it by the people?
John Locke
Who said that the people may dismiss the servant whenever the servant acts Contrarty to that trust? Rebellion is Justified
John Locke
If they can control your body they can control your Mind?
John Locke