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90 Cards in this Set

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The Skeletal System includes:

Ch. 6

Bones, cartilages, ligaments, and connective tissue

Five Primary Functions of the Skeletal System

Ch. 6

1. Support2. Storage of Minerals (calcium) and Lipids (yellow marrow) [yellow marrow has the fat which gives it a yellow color]3. Blood Cell Production (red marrow)4. Protection5. Leverage (force of motion)

Bones are classified by:

Ch. 6

Shape Internal tissue organization (compact or spongy) Bone markings (surface features, marks) (like condyles, protrusions etc)

Six Bones Shapes

Ch. 6

1. Sutural 2. Irregular3. Short4. Flat5. Long 6. Sesamoid

Sutural Bones

Ch. 6

Small, irregular bones (size can be from grain of rice to a quarter) Found between the flat bones of the skull

Irregular Bones

Ch. 6

Complex shapes

Examples: spinal vertebrae, pelvic bones

Short Bones

Ch. 6

Small and thick

Examples: Ankle and wrist bones (carpals and tarsals, almost cube)

Flat Bones

Ch. 6

Thin with parallel surfaces

Found in the skull, sternum, ribs, and scapulae

Long Bones

Ch. 6

Long and thin

Found in arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, and toes

Sesamoid Bones

Ch. 6

Small and Flat

Develop inside tendons near joints of knees, hands, and feet

Bone Markings

Ch. 6

Depressions or grooves - Along bone surface

Elevations or Projections - Where tendons and ligaments attach At articulations with other bones

Tunnels (AKA Foramen) - Where blood and nerves enter bone

Three parts for the Structure of a Long Bone

Ch. 6





Ch. 6

- The shaft

- A heavy wall of compact bone, or dense bone

- A central space called medullary (marrow) cavity (where you find the red or yellow marrow)


Ch. 6

- Wide part at each end

- Articulation with other bones

- Mostly spongy (cancellous) bone

- Covered with compact bone (cortical bone)


Ch. 6

Where diaphysis and epiphysis meet

Structure of a Flat Bone

Ch. 6

- Resembles a sandwich of spongy bone between two layers of compact bone

- Within the cranium, the layer of spongy bone between the compact bone is called the diploë

Cortex-diploë-Cortex is the same as Compact-spongy-Compact

Bone (Osseous) Tissue

Ch. 6

- Dense, supportive connective tissue

- Contains specialized cells

- Produces solid matrix of calcium salt deposits around collagen fibers

Characteristics of Bone Tissue (3 different parts)

Ch. 6

- Dense Matrix: Deposits of calcium salts, Osteocytes (bone cells) within lacunae organized around blood vessels

- Canaliculi: Extend between lacunae and nearby blood vessels, Exchange nutrients and wastes

- Periosteum: Covers outer surfaces of bones expect at joints, Consists of outer fibrous and inner cellular layers

Bone Cells

Ch. 6

Make up only 2% of bone mass

Bone contains four types of cells

1. Osteocytes (other three, maintaining, repairing and bone)

2 .Osteoblasts

3 .Osteoprogenitor cells (like bone stem cells)

4. Osteoclasts


Ch. 6

-Mature bone cells that maintain the bone matrix

- Live in lacunae Are between layers (lamellae) of matrix

- Connect by cytoplasmic extensions through the lamellae

- Do not divide

Two Major Functions of Osteocytes

Ch. 6

1. To maintain protein and mineral content of matrix

2. To help repair damaged bone


Ch. 6

-Immature bone cells that secrete matrix compounds (osteogenesis)

-Osteoid - matrix produced by osteoblasts, but not yet calcified to form bone (osteoid —> calcified then becomes matrix)

- Osteoblasts surrounded by bone become osteocytes

Osteoprogenitor Cells

Ch. 6

-Mesenchymal stem cells that divide to produce osteoblasts

- Located in endosteum, the inner cellular layer of periosteum

-Assist in fracture repair


Ch. 6

- Secrete acids and protein-digesting enzymes

- Giant, multinucleate cells

- Dissolve bone matrix and release stored minerals (osteolysis - bone breaking)

- Derived from stem cells that produce macrophages


Ch. 6

(Structure of Compact Bone)

-Osteocytes are arranged in concentric lamellae

-Around a central canal containing blood vessels -Perforating canals (the nerves that are going across the bone and through the periosteum)

-Perpendicular to the central canal

-Carry blood vessels into bone and marrow

Circumferential Lamellae

Ch. 6

- Lamellae wrapped around the long bone

- Binds osteons together

Structure of a Spongy Bone

Ch. 6

- Does not have osteons

- The matrix forms an open network of trabeculae

- Trabeculae have no blood vessels

- The space between trabeculae is filled with: -red bone marrow, which has blood vessels, -forms red blood cells and - supplies nutrients to osteocytes

Functions of Periosteum

Ch. 6

1. Isolates bone from surrounding tissue (helps to reduce friction)

2. Provides a route for circulatory and nervous supply

3. Participates in bone growth and repair

Endosteum Membrane


-Lines the medullary (marrow) cavity

- Covers trabeculae of spongy bone

- Lines central canals

- Contains osteo -blasts, -progenitor cells , & -clasts

- Is active in bone growth and repair.

Bone Development

Ch. 6

1) Osteogenesis: (happens in embryo and after bone) Bone formation

2) Ossification (After Osteogenesis): The process of replacing other tissues with bone

3) Calcification: The process of depositing calcium salts. Occurs during bone ossification and in the other tissues

Two Kinds of Ossification

Ch. 6

1 - Endochondral ossification (“inside cartilage”) 2 - Intramembranous ossification (“Inside membranes”)

Endochondral Ossification

Ch. 6

Ossifies bones that originate as hyaline cartilage

Appositional Growth

-Compact bone thickens and strengths long bone with layers of circumferential lamellae (growing in length and width)

-Increases diameter of bone

Epiphyseal Lines (AKA growth plate)

Ch. 6

When long bone stops growing, after puberty. Epiphyseal cartilage disappears Is visible on x-rays as an epiphyseal line

Mature Bones

Ch. 6

(long bones)

-Osteoclasts enlarge medullary (marrow) cavity

-Osteons form around blood vessels in compact bones

Intramembranous Ossification

Ch. 6

AKA dermal ossification

Occurs in the dermis

Produces dermal bones such as mandible (lower jaw) and clavicle (collarbone)

Bone Remodeling

Ch. 6

Maintains itself

Replaces mineral reserves

Recycles and renews bone matrix

Involves osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts

Turnover Rate of Bone Remodeling

Ch. 6

If deposition is greater than removal, bone get stronger

If removal is faster than replacement, bones get weaker


Ch. 6

-Made in the kidneys

-Helps absorb calcium and phosphorus from digestive tract

-Synthesis requires vitamin D3

Homeostasis is Maintained By:

Ch. 6

Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone (PTH):

which control storage, absorption and excretion of calcium

Calcitonin and Parathyroid Hormone Control Affect

Ch. 6

1. Bones (where calcium is stored)

2. Digestive Tract (where calcium is absorbed)

3. Kidneys (where calcium is excreted)

Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) increases calcium ion levels by:

Ch. 6

1. Stimulating osteoclasts

2. Increasing intestinal absorption of calcium

3. Decreasing calcium excretion at kidneys

Where are Parathyroid Hormones produced?

Ch. 6

Glands in the neck.

Calcitonin decreases calcium ion levels by:

Ch. 6

1. Inhibiting osteoclast activity

2. Increasing calcium excretion at kidneys

3. Decreases rate of absorption through the intestines

Where is calcitonin secreted?

Ch. 6

C cells (parafollicular cells) in thyroid


Ch. 6

Severe bone loss

Affects normal function

Percent Muscle Tissue is of the Human Body Weight

Ch. 10


Types of Muscle Tissue Types

Ch. 10




Six Functions of Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Ch. 10

1. Produce skeletal movement

2. Maintain posture and body position

3. Support soft tissue

4. Guard entrances and exits

5. Maintain body temperature

6. Store nutrient reserves

Epimysium (Layer of Connective Tissue)

Ch. 10

-Exterior collagen layer

-Connected to deep fascia

-Separates muscle from surrounding tissues

Perimysium (Layer of Connective Tissues)

Ch. 10

-Surrounds muscle fiber bundles (fascicles)

-Contains blood vessel and nerve supply to fascicles

Endomysium (Layer of Connective Tissue)

Ch. 10

-Surrounds individual muscle cells (muscle fibers)

-Contains capillaries and nerve fibers contacting muscle cells

-Contains myosatellite cells (stem cells) that repair damage

Muscles Vascular Systems:

Ch. 10

-Supply large amounts of oxygen

-Supply nutrients

-Carry away wastes

Skeletal Muscle Cells

Ch. 10

-Are very long

-Develop through fusion of mesodermal cells (myoblasts)

-Become very long

-Contain hundreds of nuclei


Ch. 10

-The cell membrane of a muscle fiber (cell)

-Surrounds the sarcoplasm (cytoplasm of muscle fiber)

-A change in transmembrane potential begins contractions

Transverse Tubules (T Tubules)

Ch. 10

-Transmit action potential through cell

-Allow entire muscle fiber to contract simultaneously

-Have same properties as sarcolemma


Ch. 10

-Lengthwise subdivisions within muscle fiber

-Made up of bundles of protein filaments (myofilaments)

-Myofilaments are responsible for muscle contraction

Types of Myofilaments

Ch. 10

Thin filaments (made of the protein actin)

Thick filaments (made of protein myosin)

The Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

Ch. 10

-A membranous structure surrounding each myofibril

-Helps transmit action potential to myofibril

-Similar in structure to smooth endoplasmic reticulum

-Forms chambers (terminal cisternae) attache to T tubules


Ch. 10

one T Tubule and two terminal cisternae


Ch. 10

The contractile units of a muscle

The A Band

Ch. 10

-M Line

-H Band

-Zone of overlap

M Line

Ch. 10

-The center of the A Band

-At midline of sarcomere

H Band

Ch. 10

-The area around the M line

-Has thick filaments but no thin filaments

Zone of Overlap

Ch. 10

-The densest, darkest area on a light micrograph -Where thick and thin filaments overlap

The I Band

Ch. 10

-Z Line


Z Lines

Ch. 10

-The centers of the I bands

-At two ends of sarcomere


Ch. 10

-Are strands of protein

-Reach from tips of thick filament to the Z line

-Stabilize the filaments

F-Actin of the Thin Filament

Ch. 10


-Is two twisted rows of globular G-Action

-The active sites on G-actin strands bind to myosin

Nebulin of Thin Filament

Ch. 10


-Holds F-actin strands together

Tropomyosin of Thin Filament

Ch. 10


-Is a double stranded protein

-Prevents actin-myosin interaction


Ch. 10


-A globular protein

-Bind tropomyosin to G-Action

-Controlled by Ca(2+)

The Myosin Molecule

Ch. 10

Tail - Binds to other myosin molecules

Head - Made of two globular protein subunits, reaches the nearest thin filament

During Contraction, myosin heads:

Ch. 10

Interact with actin filaments, forming cross-bridges and pivot, producing motion

The Process of Contraction


-Neural stimulation of sarcolemma causes excitation-contraction coupling.

-Muscle fiber contraction causes interaction of thick and thin filaments

-Tension production is built.

The Neuromuscular Junction

Ch. 10

Controls calcium ion release into the sarcoplasm

Excitation-Contraction Coupling

Ch. 10

-Action potential reaches a triad (triggering a contraction)

-Requires myosin heads to be in "cocked" position which is loaded by ATP energy

The Contraction Cycle

Ch. 10

1. Contraction Cycle Begins

2. Active-Site Exposure

3. Cross-Bridge Formation

4. Myosin Head Pivoting

5. Cross-Bridge Detachment

6. Myosin Reactivation

Motor Units in a Skeletal Muscles

Ch. 10

Contain hundreds of muscle fibers that contract at the same time and are all controlled by a single motor neuron.

Latent Period of Twitches

Ch. 10

-The action potential moves through sarcolemma

-Causing Ca2+ release

Contraction Phase of Twitches

Ch. 10

-Calcium ions bind

-Tension builds to peak

Relaxation Phase of Twitches

Ch. 10

-Ca2+ levels fall

-Active sites are covered and tension falls to resting levels

How does a muscle increase tension?

Ch. 10

By slowing increasing the size or number of motor units stimulated

Maximum Tension

Ch. 10

-Achieved when all motor units reach tetanus

-Can only be sustained only a very short time

Sustained Tension

Ch. 10

-Less than maximum tension

-Allows motor units to rest in rotation

Muscle Tone

Ch. 10

-The normal tension and firmness of a muscle at rest

-Muscle units actively maintain body position, without motion

-Increasing muscle tone increases metabolic energy used, even at rest.

Two Kinds of Tension Production

Ch. 10

Isotonic & Isometric

Isotonic Contraction

Ch. 10

-Skeletal muscle changes length (resulting in motion)

-If muscle tension > load = muscle shortens (concentric contraction)

-If muscle tension < load = muscle lengthens (eccentric contraction)

Isometric Contraction

Ch. 10

Skeletal muscle develops tension, but is prevented from changing length.

Inversely Related of the Load and Speed of Contraction

Ch. 10

The heavier the load on a muscle the longer it takes for shortening to begin and the less the muscle will shorten