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61 Cards in this Set

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1. What vitamin helps protect epithelial cells.

Vitamin A helps produce and maintain epithelial cells

2. Know which are the fat soluble vitamins, and which are the water soluble.

Fat Soluble Vitamins: A,D,E, and K; Water Soluble Vitamins: B and C

3. Know food sources of vitamin B-12.

Animal Products such as milk and other milk products

4. What is required in the diet in order to better absorb the fat soluble vitamins.

Dietary Fat

5. Know examples of fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.

Fat: A,D, E and K; Water: B and C

6. Which vitamin is required by pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects.


7. Which nutrient is likely deficient in someone with these symptoms: bruises easily, sores that don’t heal, bleeding gums.

Vitamin C

8. Know good food sources of vitamin D, A, and C.

Vitamin A: sweet potatoes,carrots, dark leafy veggies, dried apricots, cantaloupes, bell pepper, fish liver and tropical fruits; Vitamin D: cod, liver oil, canned tuna in water, sardines in oil, fortified milk and milk products, liver, egg yolks, cheese. Vitamin C: citrus fruits, fruits, and berries

9. What are the general functions of the B vitamins.

they act as co-enzymes( they help enzymes do their job)

10. Know the functions of vitamin D, E.

Vitamin D: acts as a hormone, for the body to use calcium and phosphorus; Vitamin E: protects red blood cells, and helps prevent destruction of vitamin A, and C, protects cell membranes from damage

11. What are good food sources of vitamin D; vitamin E.

Vitamin D:cod liver oil, canned pink salmon,fortified milk; Vitamin E: monounsaturated oils, seeds, nuts

Several points: vitamins are organic/inorganic; generally speaking, how does the body handle excess of water-solublevitamins; compared to proteins/carbs/fats-how does the amount of vitamins needed by the body differ; are most vitamins essentialor non-essential.

Vitamins are organic compounds; The kidneys process the excess amount of water soluble vitamins, then excretes it through urine; vitamins are needed in very small amounts compared to proteins/carbs/fats; most vitamins are essential.

13. Know good food sources of beta-carotene.

deep orange or dark green fruits and veggies

14. Know good food sources of vitamin C.

fruits, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, kiwi fruits, mango, papaya, pineapple, berries, watermelon.

15. What is a precursor in regards to vitamins; know which precursors turn into which vitamins.

Beta-carotene, a precursor to Vitamin A, gets converted to the active form of vitamin A.

16. Which vitamin is produced by intestinal bacteria.

Vitamin K

17. What factor(s) are needed to absorb vitamin B-12.

HCL and pepsin are required to release B12 from proteins, and must bind to intrinsic factor in order for absorption.

18. Several points: chemically, are vitamins the same as minerals; comparatively speaking, are vitamins needed in large quantities; what is done with excesses of vitamins; are vitamins difficult to get, considering the type of foods Americans eat.

Vitamins are more complex chemically than minerals; the body only needs the required amounts(small); the excess vitamins are urinated out of the body; it is difficult to get vitamins because there are various ways to eat and various amounts to take in

19. Why is taking excess amounts of fat soluble vitamins more likely to cause toxicity than taking excesses of water soluble vits.

It takes the body more longer to get rid of the fat soluble vitamins, therefore they can accumulate over time easily

20. What vitamins are deep yellow, dark green and orange fruits and vegetables a rich source of.


21. Know food sources of vitamin B-12, vitamin D, and folate.

Folate: leafy green veggies, liver, legumes, asparagus, broccoli, oranges; Vitamin D: lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts.

22. What is an early symptom of vitamin A deficiency.

night blindness(inability to see in dim light)

23. What is the term for substances which protect vulnerable molecules from free radicals.


24. What is the best way to cook vegetables to preserve vitamins.


25. Know examples of foods high/low in sodium and high/low in potassium.

High in Sodium: canned meat, bacon, sausage, caviar, anchovies, canned entrees, salted nuts, canned beans; Low in Sodium: veggies, fruits, unsalted meats; Foods High in Potassium: apricots, avocados, bananas, acorn squash, artichokes, bamboo shoots, bran/bran products,chocolate, granola. Foods Low in Potassium: apples/ apple juice, blueberries, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn.

26. How does weight bearing exercise affect the bones.

Helps bone health and elasticity

27. Know risk factors for developing osteoporosis.

being female, getting older, being white/asian, smoking, drinking alcohol/soda, being physically inactive

28. Understand the term “bioavailability” and know good sources of foods with high bioavailability of calcium.

how well the body uses nutrients; fortified dairy products or spinach

29. Which mineral is found inside (intracellular) of the cells and helps to control fluid volume there.


30. What is the term/name for the diet program which helps people lower blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease

Heart-Healthy Diet

31. What are the risk factors for developing hypertension (high blood pressure.)

being overweight, obese,little or no exercise,too much salt in diet,drinking too much alcohol, stress, ethnic background, family history

32. What foods are a good source of iron to help improve iron-deficiency anemia.

While iron is better absorbed from heme (meat) sources, non-heme (plant) iron is better regulated causing less damage to the body. High iron foods include clams, liver, sunflower seeds, nuts, beef, lamb, beans, whole grains, dark leafy greens (spinach), dark chocolate, and tofu.

33. Which organs control excretion of excess water from the body.

the kidneys

34. What general categories of foods are high in sodium.

some meats and the other category( sugary, oily foods)

35. What is considered a normal/good blood pressure reading.


36. In the United States, which mineral is often added to public water supplies to reduce the prevalence of dental decay


37. How is calcium absorption affected in a pregnant woman.

pregnancy( absorption of calcium) increases

38. Which mineral(s) helps with proper muscle contraction.


39. What is the primary source of sodium in the typical American’s diet.

bread and bread rolls, deli meats, pizza and soups, cheese, canned pasta, salty snacks

40. What type of deficiency (hint-mineral) is the most common nutritional deficiency.


41. What is the function of aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone.

to participate in water conservation; aldosterone: reduces the amount of sodium in urine;antidiuretic: stimulates kidneys to store water

42. What foods are excellent sources of heme iron.

beef or chicken liver; clams, mollusks, mussels, oysters

43. What mineral is likely to be high in the diet of someone who eats mainly fast foods, canned soups, processed meats and cheeses.

calcium, and maybe iron

44. In general, what foods are good sources of potassium. (hint - 2 food groups of the food guide pyramid)

fruits and veggies

45. Several points: __________ is the primary regulator of fluid intake; can weight loss be a sign of dehydration; are elderly people more likely to become dehydrated than younger people.

potassium; yes; yes

46. How can you lose weight in terms of a safe calorie decrease per day. (hint- a number)

cut 500 calories

47. How many calories does it take to make a pound of body fat.

~3500 calories

48. Which conditions will increase a person’s metabolic rate?

body size, weight gain, body composition, gender, age, hereditary traits, hormones, psychological state, temperature

49. You are at risk for developing which disease as your BMI approaches or exceeds the obese range.

type 2 diabetes

50. People suffering from anorexia have a high risk of dying from what causes (hint-there are several).

heart failure, malnutrition, organ failure, or suicide

51. What are some situations which place someone at risk for eating disorders.

being female, age, family history, dieting, stress, mental health disorders, sports/work/ artistic activities

52. Where is visceral fat located.

abdominal cavity

53. What does the “set point theory” say about a person’s body fat level.

that the body has a preset amount of body fat that is regulated by hormones secreted throughout the body from the signals of the hypothalamus.

54. Which gland produces a hormone that controls the metabolic rate.


55. Several points: generally speaking, who has a higher metabolic rate, men or women; as we grow older, does metabolic rate speed up or slow down; as we age, do muscle cells turn into fat cells.

men; slow down; muscle cells cannot turn into fat

56. Know the various types of treatment for eating disorders.

in/out of hospital treatment for eating disorders, family therapy, medical nutrition therapy, exposure and response therapy, art therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy

57. What are some physical symptoms of a person who does self-induced vomiting to avoid gaining weight after an eating binge.

calluses or scars on knuckles or hands; puffy “chipmunk” cheeks; not underweight; frequent fluctuations in weight

58. How is the metabolic rate affected in these situations: periods of growth; using stimulant drugs, such as caffeine; eating very few calories each day.

slows(periods of growth); increases(stimulant drugs); slows( not eating enough calories)

59. People with bulimia nervosa typically avoid gaining weight after binging on food by doing what behaviors.

by vomiting, laxatives, over exercising

60. Women who are obese during pregnancy have a higher risk of developing _____________________ during pregnancy,than normal weight women.


61. Do people with anorexia nervosa usually recognize/understand that they are too thin.
