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12 Cards in this Set

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Grangers were farmers who made the effort to organize politically and established the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry in 1867. The supporters of the grange controlled the legislature in the midwest and with the Granger Laws that were establish
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Alfred Thayer Mahan was an advocate for imperialism. He presented a theory in Sea Power Upon History about how countries with sea power were the great nations of history. With his presented theory, the United States set up a shipbuilding program that in 1
Yellow Press
Yellow press was the term used to express the type of reporting used by competitive printing companies like the Hearst and Pulitzer. The Yellow press was the blame for the public pressure to spawn and lead Americans to support the war even more. The yello
General Valeriano Weyler
Weyler was the Spanish commander where he put the thousands of Cubans into the hastily put together concentration camps and thousands died from disease and malnutrition. Killing thousands, and with the yellow press reporting more fully, the Americans are
Platt Amendment
The Amendment was established in response to the Cubans constitution in which they didnt draw any reference to the United States. The Amendment barred Cubans from making treaties with any other nations and permitted American Naval on their territory. The
Settlement House Movement
The movement was the training ground for many of the famous women of the 20th century. the movement brought up a new reform of professional social work, in which women played an important role in. The women helped and provided to the poor and needy. One o
The Jungle
A novel written by Upton Sinclair in 1906. The novel contained descriptions about the horrible conditions in the meatpacking industries. Which led Roosevelt to pass a Meat Inspection Act which helped lower diseases. Also it led Roosevelt to establish an 8
Robert LaFollette
LaFollete was a state level reformer of Wisconsin then he was elected governor in 1900. he helped turn his state reformers into something people know as a Laboratory of Progressivism. With the help of LaFollette, Wisconsin progressives were able to win th
Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
In 1873, temperance advocates formed the WCTU, which was led by Frances Willard after 1879. It was one of the largest single womens organization in American's history at the time. Then WCTU joined with the Anti Saloon League and began pressing for an abol
Triangle Shirtwaist Company
A company in New York's Washington Square caught fire in 1911 and left 146 dead. Many of them were locked inside the factory because of the locked emergency exits. The emergency are locked to prevent any unauthorized absences. which lead to the state comm
WEB DuBois
DuBois was a harvard graduate and was the most prominent advocate for race relations. DuBois and his supporters launched a Niagra Movement and formed the NAACP with the white progressives and the new organization led the drive for equal rights.
Roosevelt's Corollary
Roosevelt's Corollary was an idea that the united states had the right to oppose european intervention in the western hemisphere. But also to intervene itself it domestic affairs with neighboring countries if they cannot handle it by themselves. So roosev